Martial Tomb

Chapter 834

Martial Tomb Chapter 834


This stone hammer is engraved with one after another mysterious stone pattern, each with a profound Dao Rhyme, as if between Heaven and Earth Naturally generated texture, each one gives people a feeling like a mountain, as if it is an undulating mountain range, boundless and boundless, giving people an endless pressure, heavy as a mountain, holding a stone hammer, even if it is With Wu Mu's powerful fleshy body.

I can feel my entire arm sinking slightly.

The weight of its weight, even if it is held in the hand, is tens of thousands of pounds, even hundreds of thousands of pounds. For an ordinary person or even a general martial cultivator, once it is in the hand, it will be tens of thousands of pounds. It is possible to directly crush his arm, or even crush himself to death on the spot.

It is conceivable that it is so heavy that it falls to the ground, and even a strong man cannot pick it up.

"Five Mountains Primordial Hammer, didn't expect to come across a Chaos Strange Treasure here. The Chaos Strange Treasure contained in it also has no less than 3rd-layer gods. It is enough to match any Emperor Artifact Comparable."

Wu Mu held the stone hammer, a message naturally entered his mind from the stone hammer, and instantly let himself understand the origin and name of the stone hammer, basic information, all reverberates in the mind.

This stone hammer was bred from a stubborn stone in the chaos. It obtained the Great Dao Law that flashed in the chaos by itself, absorbed the Law Power, and continuously nurtured it, resulting in a chaotic divine forbidden—— Wuyue True Form Hunyuan Ban! ! Contains powerful destructive power, itself, is Earth Attribute, it seems to be five mountains, in fact, five mountains do not refer to five mountains.

It is five kinds of mountains, which contain five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and soil. They are collectively referred to as the Five Elements. They are the mountains of Five Elements. , the number is extremely large, immeasurable. Play it to the extreme and hit it with a hammer. It is enough to erupt the terrifying power of thousands of mountains and endless mountains. destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, but in a flash.

Even Chaos will be all split up and in pieces by a hammer. It split on the spot, even showing a horrific scene of splitting heaven and earth apart.

This is an extremely powerful offensive Chaos Strange Treasure. If this is the Great Desolate World, Chaos Strange Treasure is also called Innate Spirit Treasure, Innate Supreme Treasure. Called differently. Actually there is no difference.

"Master, do you want to integrate it into the sky boat and become an eternal unit?"

Lingling asked.


Wu Mu decisively refused: "Eternal units on the Tianzhou have their own characteristics and uses. The attack unit has a large Five Elements Heaven disk. The mirror of time, the magic lamp of nine births and nine annihilations, and the drum of the general breaking the formation, these are enough for now, and adding another five-sacred Hunyuan hammer will not be able to subvert the battle strength of Tianzhou. Attack In terms of variety, it is not as good as the Big Five Elements Heaven platter. There is overlap with the Big Five Elements Heaven platter. It is completely unnecessary. Within Five Elements, the Big Five Elements Heaven platter is already the Chaos Strange Treasure of the cream of the crop.”

Wu Mu has no plans to integrate the Five Mountains Primordial Hammer.

It is not that any Chaos Strange Treasure needs to be integrated, but to make certain choices and start from various aspects. Create a truly comprehensive and full-scale sky boat without any obvious weak spot. If you change it to a defensive Chaos Strange Treasure, you don't have to think about it at all, it will directly integrate into the sky boat and enhance the defensive ability of the sky boat. This is a major flaw of Tianzhou today.

There are only three new units, and in any case, they must be carefully selected.

Be careful, be careful, be careful.

"Well, there is this Five Mountains Primordial Hammer. If we go to other markets in the future, maybe we can meet those in need and exchange for the Chaos Strange Treasure we need, the eternal unit. Only Only equivalent things can be exchanged for equivalent treasures."

Linglong also said in agreement.

Wu Tomb is an all-around heavenly boat, and in any case, there can be no signs of shortage in any aspect. This is crucial anyway. Three units are indeed a bit small, and you have to be careful. Fill up all the missing parts of Tianzhou.

"Also, the body of the muddy ancient beast is a treasure. Whether it's refining magic weapons, refining into a pill, or using it for other purposes, it's an extremely precious treasure, chaotic ancient beast. But it is quite scarce."

Little Fatty tsk tsk said in amazement, for fear of Wu Mu being wasted, he reminded directly.

"Well, I'll let the two elders of Baiyun and Black Earth see if they can refinish it into a pill and make some rare treasures." Wu Mu understood, this chaotic ancient beast was full of treasure. Naturally find a way to use it.

Moreover, during this time, the Heroic Spirit Altar is constantly summing up all kinds of Heroic Spirit talents. Pill Refinement Master, Casting Item Master, there are many alchemists and Casting Item Masters who can refine immortal cultivator magic weapons, and can refine various immortal cultivator medicine pills, as well as various pharmacists. At this moment, they are all gathered in Azure Lotus In the market, it is integrated into various building units.

Now, the people in the Azure Lotus market have been greatly enriched.

Today, productivity in the Azure Lotus marketplace is many times greater than it used to be.

"Lord, you have something to call us."

At this moment, in the core space, two figures appeared directly in front of Wu Mu and the others. The two couples, looking at their expressions, clearly lived a very comfortable and happy life in the Azure Lotus Market in the sky boat. He also sincerely recognized the existence of the Azure Lotus market, and did not have any resistance to staying in Tianzhou.

"This is the fleshy body of a chaotic ancient beast that was killed before. Look at what you can do, and see if you can refine some magic weapon or a medicine pill." Wu Mu waved his hand. , released a tentacle that was completely composed of silt. After the tentacle was cut off, it seemed to have lost some kind of sustenance and directly turned into a pool of silt. It's just like a lump of mud.

"Chaos ancient beast? Our husband and wife will investigate carefully."

Baiyun Heitu and the couple heard this, and there was a look of interest in their eyes at the same time. They have only heard of it, and they have actually seen it. It is the first time. It is definitely a great honor to be able to personally use the materials from Chaos Ancient Beast. How many Artifact Refinement Masters in the world have not had the chance to encounter the materials on Chaos ancient beast.

"Okay, then go down and study it carefully, discuss it with other Casting Item Masters and alchemists, and make sure to come up with the best way to use these corpses in the shortest possible time. ”

Wu Mu also saw an uncontrollable longing on their faces. He didn’t leave them alone, he waved his hand and let them leave with those weird silts, and let them go and study on their own. See if you can find any uses.

Find out how to use it.

"Mom, you and your little sister go back first and take a rest. If there is any news here, I will inform you immediately, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely find my father and some uncles. I believe it will not be in any danger, the power of Longevity Island, even Sovereign can easily destroy it."

Wu Mu then said to Kong Rong and Wu Xinlian who were beside him.

In the words, there is a hint of determination.

"Yeah, with Husband here, there will be no problem. Let's go back first. On the sky boat, the top floor is where we live. This time we go up, just to arrange it."

Yue Changqing also hurriedly spoke in response.

"Well, Mu'er, don't worry about it, you father they will be fine, suppressing the void of the Foreign Domain for so many years, they have never experienced any danger, their lives are harder than anyone else. This time It's only a temporary separation. Sooner or later, there will be a reunion."

Kong Rong's face has returned to normal, although she is still a little pale, but it has become no different from usual.

She is not an ordinary woman after all. She has a lot of experience and is extremely adaptable to various things. Naturally, she is very clear that the more panic she behaves, the greater the pressure on her children. The situation will not change in any way. Instead, it is better to relax the mentality and let everything take its course.

"Well, mother, don't worry!!"

Wu Mu nodded and said nothing, but the expression on his face already revealed his own determination.

Without any hesitation, the girls accompanied Kong Rong, left quickly, returned to the sky boat, and went to the area reserved for them at the top of the tower. There is no serious planning for the until now, and now it is time to carefully take care of it, arrange it, and leave the ancient continent. In the future, this heavenly boat will be their home.

Where Tianzhou is, they are also there.

On deck, there was peace.

Although the previous chaotic ancient beast shocked everyone, but seeing such a powerful chaotic ancient beast was still easily killed in front of Tianzhou, suddenly, my heart changed. Have more peace of mind. At least, in this Chaos World, there are not too many existences that can hurt Tianzhou, and even the ancient beast of Chaos can be easily suppressed. What else is terrifying.

Every one also does not pay attention to things outside and secretly cultivates.

Explore the vitality of Innate, seize every minute and second, and improve your own cultivation realm.

For the outside world, there is a desire to be curious, but also a strong vigilance.

Time is passing quietly.

In chaos, one does not know space, time, and direction.

Even if it is a sky boat, it can only travel in one direction, driving straight ahead, breaking through the air, and while sailing, it is also wantonly swallowing Primal Chaos Qi, constantly feeding in.

In the sail unit world, Primal Chaos Qi is the origin of Myriad Things Origin Energy, Heaven and Earth. It is integrated into the sail unit and can rapidly increase the origin of Heaven and Earth in the unit world, allowing Heaven and Earth to expand rapidly. , growing, growing. This speed is more than a thousand times the usual speed.

There is no small change between each breath.

In such a calm atmosphere.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Maybe ten days, maybe a month.

Suddenly, the resistance that Tianzhou received in front of the boat decreased, as if it came from a small space, and suddenly came to the incomparably vast Heaven and Earth, the pressure on the body instantly dissipated in invisible. (To be continued~^~)

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