Chapter 109 Easily Seconds the Entire God’s Domain (Fourth)

Chapter 109 Easily Seconds the Entire God’s Domain (Fourth)

Hearing Han Qing’s words, Loki sneered and said, “I don’t know where your confidence comes from, but you are talking mad here!

He pointed to some of the Protoss in 4 weeks and said, “Look at these Protoss, there are more than a dozen God-level Protoss here, and there are hundreds of God-level Protoss, and the guards outside are all demigods. Yes, there are tens of thousands

“You earth camp, you probably don’t know the division of the power of the universe! I’ll tell you now!”

“In the universe, the entry-level strength is the demigod level, the upper level is the god level, then the great god level, and finally the god king, and the supreme creation god, that is, Level Universe!”

“The demigod level, god level, great god level, and god king level correspond to the levels of your magician, that is, high level magician, great magician, legendary magician and Sorcerer Supreme!

“I have more than a dozen legendary magicians here, and hundreds of great magicians. With such a powerful lineup, do you think your two legendary magicians can beat us?”

Hearing Loki’s incomparably mocking words made Gwen a little nervous.

She worried that even if the two had the ability of time, they would not be their opponents.

But Han Qing had no such worries at all, he directly despised these people.

Strong “? I can solve them all in less than a second, believe it or not?”

Loki looked at him like an idiot, shook his head slightly and said, “If you can do it, I’ll go straight to eat Xiang!”

“Then 153 is good, you can eat Xiangxiang!”

After saying this, Han Qing and Gwen shook their heads.

Then I saw that the Protoss around them all flew up and fell to the ground one by one.

The armor on their bodies was all torn, and their heads were beaten into pig faces.

Some were knocked unconscious, while others lay on the ground screaming loudly.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Loki thought he was confused.

He blinked, only to realize that he didn’t see the blindfold.

It’s all real.

“How can this be!”

He widened his eyes in disbelief.

“I’ve already done it, hurry up and eat Xiang!”

Han Qing said with a smile.

The two of them were able to knock down more than 100 Protoss so easily, naturally because they used the ability of time just now.

It took them hours in 2.4 billion hour mode to knock them all down.

Their hours were less than a thousandth of a second for Loki.

In such a short period of time, he didn’t even see how the two of them made a move.

“You… how did you do it?”

Loki was broken, asked in horror.

“Don’t talk nonsense, let’s eat Xiang!”

Han Qing directly opened a space door, and a strong smell of feces floated in.

With a wave of his hand, a big lump of yellow stuff flew towards Loki.

Loki quickly ducked away.

“Loki, don’t you want your words to count! You’ll die horribly if you do!

Han Qing sneered.

“Han Qing, don’t go too far! I’m a protoss, you can’t insult me ​​like this!”

Loki said angrily.

“Looks like you won’t eat it! It’s up to you!”

Han Qing laughed.

“I just don’t eat it, what can you do to me, you have the guts to kill me!”

Loki gritted his teeth and yelled.

He just finished saying this, and his mouth was full of stench.

He didn’t know when, his mouth was actually full of feces.

“This… what’s going on…

Loki screamed in fear as he vomited.

“How does this poop taste?

Han Qing laughed.

“You… I fought with you!”

Loki yelled angrily, just as he was about to use his magic.

He felt that his body received a violent blow, and then his body flew out and slammed into the golden wall behind him.

Huge amounts of potholes appeared on the entire wall, and he just stuck to the wall and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

“I…I see…you have the ability to manipulate time…

Loki looked at Han Qing in fear and stammered.

“You’re not too stupid!”

Han Ji said lightly.

He stared at Loki coldly and said: “Loki, quickly cancel your flood of destruction, otherwise, I will kill all the gods in your Asgard God Realm, you have to believe me, I will definitely do what I say!

Seeing (acad) his murderous gaze, Loki shuddered.

He knew that this guy absolutely did what he said.

But he was not willing to give in like this.

Being forced to eat Xiang, how can such a humiliation just forget it.

He had to pay a heavy price.

He widened his eyes and laughed loudly: “If you want to kill everyone in the Asgard God Realm, then go for it! It doesn’t matter, anyway, there are billions of people on the earth to be buried with us, hahaha, as long as I can say this. Nasty, all the people are dead, I don’t care. Hahaha..

“Loki, you’ve gone crazy and hopeless!”

Just then, a few people walked in through the door.

The leader of the God Race was tall and burly, with a black armor and a red cloak behind him. The long golden hair looked quite dashing.

This man was holding a hammer in his hand and looked very mighty and domineering.

“Thor? This guy has regained his powers?”

When Han Qing saw the blond man, a surprised look appeared on his face.

Thor nodded slightly to him, strode forward, saw Loki still had shoals in his mouth, and said in disgust, “I didn’t expect you to have this hobby of eating shoals, I really can’t see it!

Hearing his mocking words, Loki burst out with anger and roared: “Damn, you all die!”

A powerful Shockwave erupted from him, and the walls around him shattered in an instant.

He grabbed the spear of eternity next to him and attacked Thor fiercely.

Thor hits Mjolnir hard in his hand too.

The two of them fought back and forth in the hall.

The fighting power of the two was very strong, and they hit from the ground to the sky, and they were all smashed to pieces.

In the end, they smashed the hall into pieces, with holes everywhere, and then flew into the sky and continued to shoot in the sky.

There was a constant rumbling sound in the sky, which was deafening and deterrent to terror.

The two fought in the sky for a while, then flew to the edge of Asgard and entered the universe.

Seeing that Thor didn’t take Loki for so long, Han Qing got a little impatient, so he flew into the sky and wanted to deal with Loki directly.

He and Gwen fly in the sky for a while, seeing Thor come back from space.

“What about Loki?

Han Qing asked.

“I was run away by him!”

Thor said helplessly.

“You didn’t let him go on purpose, did you?

Han Qing stared at him and asked.

Thor sighed and said, “Yes, he is my brother anyway, I really can’t bear to be killed!”

Seeing that he was so frank, Han Qing would not embarrass him anymore.

I will ask him to settle Thor’s account in the future, but the matter of the world-destroying flood launched by your Protoss must be explained to us on Earth!”

Han Qing said coldly.

“There’s no problem with this!”

Thor nodded slightly.

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