Chapter 112 New Ability: Time Loop (Seventh Update)

Chapter 112 New Ability: Time Loop

At this moment, Thor is like Odin’s possession, and his combat power is on the table, more than 10 times stronger than before.

Mjolnir in his hand was like a collision of stars, attacking Hela.

The two black long swords in Hela’s hands were as light as nothing, like gusts of breeze, and everyone could only see afterimages, surrounding Thor to attack.

Thor couldn’t keep up with her speed at all, and his body was attacked by two black long swords for an unknown number of times.

If it weren’t for the lightning protection around him, he would have died a long time ago.

But Thor’s attack couldn’t last long, and the thunder and lightning on his body became weaker and weaker.

The moment when the lightning on his body disappeared, was when he died.

Chi Chi Chi!

Half an hour later, the violent energy in Thor’s body was running out, and the lightning around him began to weaken.

Hela seized this opportunity and slashed at him with several swords, and several deep wounds appeared on his body.

The blood of gold flew out, stimulating everyone’s senses.

They knew that His Royal Highness was going to lose.

Sure enough, Hela slashed Thor again with a sword, and Thor flew out and slammed into the gate.


“I thought you had the strength of your father, but I didn’t expect you to be so weak!”

Hela smiled contemptuously and walked slowly towards Thor on the catwalk.

Thor watched her slowly approach, heartbroken.

The golden guards outside the door rushed over and stopped in front of Thor.

Thor sighed: “You are not her opponents, so stop making unnecessary sacrifices!”

“His Royal Highness, our duty is, we are not afraid of sacrifice!”

The leader of the Golden Guard shouted and rushed forward with several hundred Golden Guards.

Hela just walked forward slowly, waving the black long sword in his hand, quickly harvesting the lives of these golden guards.

These golden guards are all the elites of the Protoss, but none of them can match her.

They fell to the ground piece by piece like mowing wheat grass.

While harvesting life, Hela approached leisurely.

Thor knew that when she walked in front of him, it was the end of his life.

When Hela was about to kill all the Golden Guards.

Suddenly, a rainbow of light descended from the sky, engulfing Thor instantly.

Thor flew into the sky at once, turned into a streamer, and flew into the depths of the universe.

Faced with such a light-speed flight that spans space, even Hela is helpless.

She could only helplessly watch the rainbow light gradually fly towards a distant planet.

“He went to Midgard?”

The planet Hela watched muttered to herself.

Midgard is Earth.

Hela retracted her gaze and looked at a tall figure in front of her.

It was a black man in golden armor with a huge long sword in his hand.

“Are you Heimdall?”

Hela asked lightly.


Heimdall nodded expressionlessly.

“I still need a watchdog, give you a chance to surrender to me!

Hela stared at him coldly.

“I submit only to the King of God!”

Heimdall said lightly.

Hela laughed and said, “I am the King of God now!”

Heimdall shook his head slightly: “No, you haven’t been recognized by the Asgard Million Gods!”

“I’ll make them recognize me as the King of God!”

Hela gave him a deep look, then turned and walked towards the main hall.

She sat on the lofty throne again and said to the trembling gods below: “Gather all the gods and people, and I want them to recognize my identity as the King of God!”

Earth New York.

“Beep, the system integrates the time treasure by 30%, and the master gets a time ability; time loop!”

When Han Qing was playing with his girlfriend Gwen in his villa, the system’s voice suddenly rang in his mind.

“Time loop?”

Han Qing’s face couldn’t help but smile slightly.

This Ability is awesome.

In the movie, Doctor Strange relies on this ability to trap Dormammu in the time loop, thus forcing him to reach a truce agreement.

Being trapped in a time loop in general is unknowable, except for those that are especially powerful.

Han Qing can be sure that the legendary magician will not know that Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One is also proficient in the Time Ability, so she must be able to detect it.

This Ability is very interesting and can be used to trick people.

Han Qing smiled.

He looked at Gwen next to him and thought, “Would you like to use it on her?”

So he asked Gwen, “Gwen, do we want to play a game?”

“What game?”

Gwen asked.

Our “game that both of us love to play!”

Han Qing said with a warm expression.

Seeing him like this, Gwen immediately understood, and said in a coquettish voice, “I hate it!”

“You agree? Then let’s start playing!”

Han Qing walked over, picked her up, and walked to the bedroom.

It should be very interesting to do this in a non-stop loop!

Han Qing smiled and was about to activate the ability of the time loop.

Suddenly, a rainbow-colored light burst through the clouds and landed on his villa.


With a loud bang, one person smashed Han Qing’s villa and fell directly into the hall, turning the entire hall into ruins.

“Fuck! What’s the situation!”

Han Qing and the two were shocked, and then both were extremely angry.

The home of the dignified legendary magician magician was attacked.

The two immediately went to the perpetrator to settle accounts.

157 “Huh? Isn’t this guy Thor? How did he get here?”

Gwen was surprised to see Thor in the pit.

Seeing Thor’s body covered with injuries, Han Qing said with a displeased expression: “It seems that this guy is running for his life, and he came to us because he wants our shelter, should we protect him?”

Because of the Destruction Flood, Gwen did not like Asgard’s Protoss.

She said with a cold face: “Forget it! Let’s not meddle in our own business!”

“But your house was damaged by him, and he must pay! He must help you fix it.”

Han Qing smiled and said: “Forget it! Looking at him like this, I guess he doesn’t have the energy to repair the house, so I’ll do it myself!”

He wants to fix this house with magic.

Gwen hurriedly stopped and said, “Don’t, don’t, do you want the whole community to know that the two of us are magicians? It’s fine for the other people, but if my dad knows that the two of us are magicians, Who knows what this stubborn guy will do!”

“Alright then! Let this Protoss help us fix the house!

Han Qing said helplessly.

He performed a water spray, and a large pool of water sprayed Thor’s face.

Thor immediately woke up from a coma, looked around blankly, and then saw Han Qing and the two of them.

“Han Qing, can you help me? Can you help our Protoss?”

He looked at Han Qing and asked.

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