Chapter 114 I’m a Magician (Second)

Chapter 114 I’m a Magician (Second)

Han Qing’s villa.

Gwen’s father, George, heard what was happening here and ran over in person.

Seeing that his daughter was fine, he was relieved.

“What the hell happened, I heard a rainbow fell from the sky and it blew up your house!”

George said.

“Yes, an alien to be exact smashed my house down!”

Han Qing smiled.

“Aliens, those protoss who call themselves Asgard?”

George frowned.

Because of the world-destroying flood, many Asgard protoss have appeared on the earth, and now people on earth are no strangers to these aliens.

“Yeah! And it’s their Prince Thor!

Han Qing replied.

“It’s this man! I’ve heard, I’ve heard that all the heavy rains in the world are caused by him!”

George’s face was a little ugly and he said, “This guy ran to New York, does he want to do something again?”

“This time he wasn’t doing something, but his hometown was disturbed. He has now become a refugee and came here to seek protection!”

Han Qing smiled.

George shook his head slightly: “That can’t be done, this guy is definitely a big trouble, our earth government must not take him in, otherwise our earth will suffer some disasters! We can’t afford to provoke these aliens!”

We “must drive this Thor out of the earth, Han Qing, where is this Thor now?”

He looked around and didn’t see Thor, and asked Han Qing.

Han Qing smiled and said, “He said he was going to find the magician on Earth, and he probably wanted them to help!”


George was stunned for a moment, then smiled and looked at Han Qing, and said, “I heard Gwen say that you are also a magician, is that true?”

Hearing this, Gwen next to him immediately shook his head at him, meaning to let him deny it.

But Han Xin nodded slightly and said, “Yes, I am a magician, and I am also a legendary magician. The last time the alien robot destroyed the Western Desert, I used a legendary spell to destroy it. !”

Seeing him say that, Gwen glared at him angrily.

She didn’t understand why Han Qing wanted to tell the truth.

Didn’t I tell you long ago that my dad hates these super-ability people.

Unexpectedly, this time George was not angry at all, but a happy look on his face.

“Not bad! You have contributed to the country, very good!

Han Qingman (acad) had an admiring look in his eyes.

Gwen suddenly showed a look of surprise and asked, “Dad, haven’t you always hated super-ability people? What happened today, why does it seem like a different person?”

George sighed and said: “The world is changing so fast now, and there are so many aliens on the earth, let me realize that we people on earth are just a very inconspicuous star in the universe, and we should accept the outside world. , Accept those who are beyond ability, and should not rest on their laurels, reject and fear!”

He looked at Gwen and said, “Gwen, you are right, since this era is full of super-ability people, and it cannot be changed, we should try to make super-ability people contribute to this society!”

“Our New York police are now very welcome to super-ability people who can help us fight crime together, Han Qing, do you have this interest?”

Han Qing will naturally not refuse the invitation of his father-in-law in the future.

He nodded slightly and smiled and said, “No problem, in the future, if you encounter crimes committed by super-ability people, come to me!”


George patted Han Qing on the shoulder.

At this time, Gwen said hesitantly: “That, Dad, in fact, I am also a super ability!”


George looked surprised and asked, “Are you a Mutant? We still have such genes in our family?”

Gwen hurriedly shook his head and said, “Definitely not! I am a magician, and I am also a legendary magician like Han Qing!”

George immediately smiled and said: “Magician? Han Qing seems to mean very powerful, I didn’t expect my daughter to be so powerful now, is what you said true? I can’t believe it.

George felt a little dizzy, the surprise was too big.

He is also worried that the crime of super-ability in New York City is increasing, the police are powerless, and he is more worried about the safety of his family.

After all, he is the chief of the police station. He has offended many crimes, for fear that they will seek revenge from his family.

Her own daughter is not always weak, she did not expect that she is actually a very powerful magician.

Now I don’t have to worry about her safety.

“Surprise, surprise, isn’t it?”

Gwen smiled mischievously, then took the warning watch from his wrist and handed it to his father.

“Dad, this is an early warning watch. As long as you are in danger, we will know right away, and we will come over immediately!”

George saw this watch and thought it was a good thing, so he said, “Is there any more of this? Get one for your mother and brothers!”

Gwen looked at Han Qing.

Han Qing hurriedly said, “Wait a moment, I’ll go get a few right away!”

After saying this, he disappeared in front of everyone.

The surrounding police were all taken aback and ran over to ask.

George proudly said: “That’s my daughter’s boyfriend, he is a powerful magician, don’t make a fuss, um! I tell you, my daughter is also a powerful magician, aaa…


His subordinates didn’t think there was something wrong with his mind.

After all, they are all police officers and know more than ordinary people.

They believe that there are magicians in this world.

After a while, Han Qing suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

He handed George a few watches in his hand.

Another watch was handed to Gwen.

“This watch is also a host like me. When your family is in danger, you will immediately receive a message!

“Well, all right! Thank you! My dear!

Gwen gave him a happy kiss on the cheek.

Han Qing glanced at George with some embarrassment.

George suddenly laughed: “You young Chinese people are so shy, hahaha!

He thought it was funny and couldn’t help laughing.

At this time, an engineering vehicle slowly drove towards this side and came to the side of the villa.

Thor and some construction workers jumped out of the car and came to Han Qing.

“Han Qing, I found some construction workers to help you fix the house!

Han Qing was surprised: “Where did you get the money to hire these construction workers?”

Thor smiled and said: “Don’t forget, there are many Asgard gods on the earth now, and they have the money on the earth, I contacted them to get some money!

“Oh! That’s right!”

Han Qing was stunned, then shook his head slightly and said, “But you don’t need to fix it now, I’ll fix it myself!”

After saying this, he lightly tapped his villa with his hand.


In an instant, his house was like going back in time, and it was repaired quickly, and it was intact after a while.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ticket, ask for monthly pass!!

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