Chapter 121 Let Han Qing be the King of God (Part 1)

Chapter 121 Fang Fei VS Han Qing (First Update)

Hearing Professor X’s words, everyone quickly calmed down and abandoned the distracting thoughts in their hearts.

Soon they felt a mental force pouring into their minds, and then they felt that there was something in their minds.

It is an article about the method of Mutant’s cultivation, as well as the explanation of Professor X, with more than 100,000 words.

But they all grasped and understood in a moment, and the memory is very deep, and it is estimated that they will never forget it in this lifetime.

This is also the reason why Professor X uses Psychic Ability to teach directly.

Although the usual method does not consume mental energy, it is too slow to learn. He has to explain the more than 100,000 words. It basically takes a month for these children to master.

And it is not necessarily able to master it immediately, and I don’t know how long it will take to fully master it.

Now that the “163” crisis on the earth is getting bigger and bigger, he doesn’t want to waste time.

So he consumed his powerful spiritual energy, and let every Mutant in the school quickly master this Mutant cultivation method.

The Mutant in the academy got this Mutant training method, and immediately returned to his room to try to practice.

As soon as they practiced, they felt that the speed of cultivation was much faster, indeed at least 10 times faster.

Now they are all very happy.

This is good, with this cultivation method, it is estimated that it will not take long for them to become powerful Mutants.

After becoming a powerful Mutant, there is no need to fear the persecution of ordinary people.

“Han Qing really helped the Mutant compatriots a lot!”

Professor X said with emotion.

Han Qing returned to his villa.

Gwen was cooking in his kitchen, but not by herself, but by magic.

Under her magical manipulation, those iron pots, iron forks, kitchen knives, and ingredients seemed to have life and were moving happily.

Gwen was just sitting on a chair by the kitchen, looking at a book.

She is a girl who loves to learn very much, and she often keeps books in her hands.

Sensing that there was one more person in the room, he looked up and saw Han Qing, with a slight smile on his face.

“Honey, I’m cooking! Just wait, you’ll be able to eat soon!”

Okay, “I also want to try your craftsmanship!”

Han Qing took a look, saw the kitchen, shook his head slightly and said, “You can’t show your true skills if you cook like this!”

“I’m a witch! That’s what witches should do!

Gwen said with a smile.

The two chatted together for a while, and the meal was ready.

The cooked dishes are automatically loaded into plates, and then these dishes fly slowly to the table like wings.

“I’m cooking Chinese food, let’s eat it with chopsticks!

Gwen skillfully picked up the chopsticks and ate the vegetables skillfully, just like a Chinese.

It’s easy for someone with a high IQ like her to learn to use chopsticks.

They had just finished eating when the doorbell rang.

Han Qing walked over and opened the door.

A middle-aged man in a suit stood outside the door, with a charming smile on his face.

When he saw Han Qing, he hurriedly said with a smile: “Hello, Mr. Han! I am ~’s secretary Edward, I wonder if you are free! I want to chat with you!”

Han Qing frowned slightly and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Seeing his reluctance, Edward hurriedly said, “That’s right, we would like to invite you to join Avengers, and

“Not interested in!

With a bang, Han Qing closed the door.

Edward looked bewildered.

Unexpectedly, his dignified secretary would be treated like this.

But he was helpless.

In the face of a terrifying powerhouse like Han Qing, what can he do?

He had to hurriedly shouted, “Laf, the refrigerator giant, wants to see you, Mr. Han, do you want to see him?”

No one inside responded.

Just as Edward was about to speak, suddenly a huge figure rushed over, grabbed him by the neck and threw him out.

“Mortal, I’ll do it myself! In the face of such a strong person, ants like you are not qualified to communicate!

He finished this contemptuously, and then swung the door open.

Bang bang bang bang!

His strength is great, and his voice is naturally not small.

After a while, the door finally opened.

Han Qing looked at the blue giant and asked, “Are you that Fangfei?”

“Yes, Honorable Sorcerer Supreme!”

Fang Fei said very politely.

“Well! Come in!”

Han Qing nodded slightly and brought Fangfei into the room.

After the two came to the hall, they sat down on the sofa.

Lauf “, what are you looking for me for?”

Han Qing asked with Erlang’s legs crossed.

Fang Fei did not dare to be so casual, he said: “Dear Sorcerer Supreme, I want to join forces with you to deal with Asgard’s Hela!”

“I don’t have a grudge with Hela, why should I deal with her?”

Han Qing said lightly.


Fang Fei hesitated and said, “If you can help me kill Hela, I will support you to become the king of Asgard, what do you think?”

He just wanted to kill Hela now and let himself live, and his previous ambitions were no longer dared.

“God King?”

Han Qing’a sneered: “This thing may be a big temptation for you, but it’s a hassle for me, sitting in the hall every day listening to other people’s chatter, it’s better to stay at home and relax!

Fang Fei was stunned.

In his cognition, the God King is supreme, and no matter who he is, he longs for such a position.

Unexpectedly, this earthling actually refused such huge amounts of temptation.

This made him a little confused.

All of a sudden, all plans were disrupted.

Because he couldn’t think of any conditions, let Han Qing help.

Fang Fei was a little overwhelmed and didn’t know what to say for a while.

Han Qing glanced at him and said lightly: “If there is nothing else, you can leave first! 0.3”


What else did Fangfei want to say.

But only seeing Han Qing waved his hand gently, and then he felt a flower in front of him.

He suddenly appeared outside the villa.

Lauf was surprised: “This guy’s space ability is so strong!

He was even more reverent in his heart, and he didn’t dare to talk any longer, so he turned around and walked away.

He came out of the community, got on his own spacecraft and flew to outer space.

After a while, he flew into outer space and entered his mothership.

He was shocked to find the bodies of Giants of Jotunheim lying on the ground.

“Someone has invaded!

Lauf was instantly furious and ran in quickly.

After running for a while, he was stopped by a group of people.

“Lauf, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

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