Chapter 132 Apocalypse Resurrected (Chapter 7)

Chapter 132 Apocalypse Resurrected (Chapter 7)

The blood climbed from his trousers to his neck like a snake, and then got into his mouth.

Then the young man began to protrude his meridians, and fell to the ground, shaking all over.

When the people around saw it, they quickly gathered around.

“What’s the matter! What’s the matter with you?”

“He seems to be sick, is he insane?”

“The epilepsy doesn’t seem like this!”

While everyone was talking about it, the young man’s body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

His white skin slowly turned dark blue, and his short hair began to grow frantically, reaching his waist and automatically forming a braid.

The casual clothes on his body actually began to change, and finally turned into a set of blue armor.

The young man in front of him has completely changed into a bit like an ancient pharaoh, but his skin is dark blue.

“My God! How did he become like this?”

“He must have been beaten by the devil!”

“Run away! He’s the devil!” 02

Everyone around was terrified and ran away.

Apocalypse slowly opened his eyes, his face was very ugly.

His current strength has fallen from the level of the creator god to the peak of the great god.

It fell into two major realms.

You must find a place to rest and recuperate, raise your level again, and then find Han Qing to settle accounts.

He stood up and walked slowly down the street.

Originally, when people on the street saw him, they all fled in fear.

But gradually, the fear on their faces disappeared, and the normal order was restored.

As if they didn’t see Apocalypse in their eyes.

It turned out that Apocalypse used the ability of mind control to eliminate the impression of him in their hearts.

Apocalypse just walked on the street like no one else, he clearly appeared in the crowd, but no one in the crowd could notice him.

He just walked out of the city, into the countryside, and climbed a huge amount of peak.

He sat quietly in a cave on this peak.

He hid in this cave and began to cultivate, allowing himself to slowly recover Ability.

His body is not much of a problem, the main reason is that the loss of mental strength is too great.

If his spiritual power can be restored, his realm can immediately return to the realm of the creator god.

“My current mental power is too traumatized, and it will take decades to recover to the original peak state!”

Apocalypse said helplessly.

But there is no way, he can only slowly recover.

He did so in seclusion and practiced here, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly sensed someone coming from outside.

And there are several people, and these people are very powerful.

He was instantly tense.

Could it be that Han Qing came over?

He knew that Professor X’s brainwave intensifier could find someone!

At this moment, several people walked into the cave.

Tianhou stood up and looked at these people.

Han Qing was not among these people.

As long as there is no Han Qing, he doesn’t pay attention to these people at all.

Han Qing’s strength is far inferior to him, and he was able to defeat him because Han Qing had the ability of time.

Except for Han Qing who has this ability, other people on earth don’t have it at all, so Apocalypse doesn’t care about other people at all.

“Who are you?”

Apocalypse stared at these people coldly and asked.

“Hello! Mighty Mutant Apocalypse, let me introduce myself, my name is Loki, the god-king from Asgard, this is my brother Thor, and they are my very loyal servants

The young man with a scepter in his hand slowly introduced it.

Apocalypse’s mouth raised a mocking look: “Very loyal? It’s just using the power of the spirit to control their spirits. What kind of bullshit loyalty is this?”

Loki saw that he had exposed his tricks, but without a trace of embarrassment on his face, he instead said triumphantly: “That is also a kind of loyalty, and more loyal than normal people, more loyal than dogs, because they are forever will not betray!

He looked at Apocalypse proudly and smiled: “And you will also become a very loyal dog under my command!”

Apocalypse’s eyes showed a trace of killing intent, and said coldly: “Really? You want to use the mind scepter in your hand to control me? Asgard Protoss, are you too proud?”

After saying this, he stretched out his hand, and the spiritual scepter in Loki’s hand searched and flew into his hand.

“This, this, what’s going on here.

Loki’s face changed greatly, his face full of horror.

He has clearly been on guard against Apocalypse’s attack, why is his body out of control and not grasping the mind scepter?

Soon he knew why, because he couldn’t control his body now.

He stared at him and said, “You…you also have the ability of mind control?”

“Yes, Asgard fool, you will become a dog in my hands!”

Apocalypse smiled contemptuously, then looked at the psychic scepter in his hand with interest.

He looked at the gem on the head of the mind scepter, the gem was shining with yellow light, and it contained huge spiritual energy.

This spiritual energy is incomparably vast, and it is many times more vast than it was at its peak.

“This… what kind of gem is it that possesses such terrifying spiritual power…

Apocalypse’s face was inconceivable, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

If he can absorb the spiritual power in the gem, he will be able to restore himself to the peak state in a short time, and he can also go up to -193 floors.

“I must get the power of this gem!”

The Queen is crazy about Roar.

He reached out and grabbed the gem, and directly took the Mind Gem off the mind scepter.

Looking at the yellow-orange-orange gem in his hand, he asked Loki, “What kind of gem is this, how could it be in your hand?”

Loki naturally didn’t answer.

But that’s ok, Apocalypse soon found out.

Because he had completely invaded Loki’s mind, he knew exactly what was in Loki’s mind.

“Oh! It turns out that this is called Mind Gem, which is one of Infinite Gems. Infinite Gems also have Power Gem, Time Gem, Soul Gem, Reality Gem, Space Gem. He should have the Time Gem, right?”

Where did you get this “Mind Gem?”

“Ahem, was it given to you by a cosmic robber named Thanos? Would this guy be so stupid to hand over such important Infinite Gems to you? Or is he too confident in himself that he can easily take this Mind Gem back? Or did he do something with this Mind Gem?”

Apocalypse muttered to himself suspiciously.

The fear on Loki’s face deepened when he saw him express his thoughts clearly.

“That, mighty Apocalypse, I.. will you let me go? If you let me go, I can be your servant!

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