Chapter 139 Ancient One magician vs Mind Gem (fourth more)

Chapter 139 Ancient One magicianVS Mind Gem (fourth more)

“Who is this guy?”

Gwen asked in shock.

It was the first time she had heard Apocalypse’s voice, and she had never heard it twice before.

“This is Apocalypse!

Han Qing said in a deep voice.

“Ah? Didn’t you say he was killed? Why did this guy appear again?”

Gwen was surprised.

“It seems that he has the ability to bring back the dead, which is really a big trouble!”

Han Qing’s face was very ugly.

He didn’t expect that Apocalypse actually has the ability to resurrect, and he has regained his strength in such a short period of time, and even improved to a higher level.

Generally speaking, even if he is resurrected, it will take a long time to recover.

But this guy has regained his strength in less than a month, and his strength has gone further, what’s going on?

Could it be “What adventure did he get?”

Han Qing thought to himself.

If you get an adventure, then this guy is even more difficult to deal with.

“We’ve got to find this guy and kill it!”

Han Qing said with a cold face.

Gwen nodded slightly and said, “Then let’s find Professor X!”


The two teleported directly to X Academy and found Professor X.

After Professor 197x heard their intention, he immediately started to search for the whereabouts of Apocalypse using the brainwave intensifier.

But no trace of Apocalypse was found.

“He plundered a part of my Ability, which can block the search of my brainwave intensifier!”

Professor X said helplessly.

Han Qing’s brows were already wrinkled into a Sichuan character, but there was nothing he could do.

“So, I have to wait for him to come to the door!”

Han Qing said angrily.

in a cave in Egypt.

Apocalypse stood up slowly, but there was not much happiness on his face.

He sent out a mental wave just now, but he was a little overwhelmed by the increase in strength.

In fact, he knew in his heart that although he had regained his strength and strengthened a lot, his current strength was still no match for Han Qing.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

He, Apocalypse, has never suffered such a setback.

He has encountered many powerful opponents, but he has never felt like Han Qing has no way to start.

“Damn, how should I kill Han Qing!”

Apocalypse roared angrily, and his roar shook the entire cave.

When the people outside heard it, they couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

At this time, Loki rolled his eyes, walked into the cave and said to the Queen: “Master, you want to deal with Han Qing! I have a way!”

“any solution?”

Apocalypse asked in a deep voice.

“Han Qing just has the ability of time, so we can’t see his speed, we can solve it by suppressing his speed!”

Loki said.

Apocalypse thought this was a good idea and asked, “How do we keep his speed down?”

“The master is not a magician, so I don’t know the method of this suppression. In fact, we magicians have many formations that can imprison the space, but to imprison an existence like Han Qing, we can’t just rely on a few of us, we have to do more Get some help!”

Loki said with a smile.

“Huh? How many people do you need?”

Apocalypse’s eyes suddenly lit up and asked quickly.

“It takes 5 people, and they must be magicians or protoss of the god-king level to form a space confinement magic: the void confinement spell. Once this void confinement is formed, even the creator gods can be imprisoned, let alone Han Qing. !”

Loki said confidently.

Apocalypse was not so optimistic. He frowned and said: “Han Qing’s speed is very fast, this Void Imprisonment Curse has not been formed, I am afraid he has already escaped! Unless the Void Imprisonment Curse you mentioned can be completed in an instant!”

Loki smiled bitterly and said: “There is no magic that can be completed in an instant in this world, we just need to use the method to hold Han Qing, or let him not find him!”

Apocalypse nodded slightly: “Hey! What you said (acad) makes sense!”

He looked at Loki and asked, “But where are we going to get 5 god-kings?”

Loki said quickly: “I have already thought about this for the master, with the existence of the god-king level, there are still several in our nine kingdoms!

“For example, my sister Hela, the elf queen of nature, Sirte of Muspelheim, Niorde of Warnerheim, and your current subordinate Lauf, they add up to exactly 5 people!”

Hearing Loki’s words, a smile finally appeared on Apocalypse’s face, he patted Loki on the shoulder and said, “Yes, yes, it was indeed a wise choice to let you be my dog, you finally did not let me Disappointed!”

Loki hurriedly smiled and said, “I am very grateful to be able to become a dog of the owner!

Apocalypse was very pleased with his attitude.

Loki asked cautiously, “Master, have you integrated that Mind Gem?”

Apocalypse shook his head slightly and said, “Mind Gem’s energy is enormous. Even with my strength, it is impossible to integrate Mind Gem, otherwise my spiritual world will collapse in an instant!”

Loki was taken aback for a moment.

He did not expect that with the power of Apocalypse, he would not dare to integrate Mind Gem.

The spiritual energy in the Mind Gem is so terrifying.

Fortunately, I didn’t rashly integrate Mind Gem before, otherwise I would have become a lunatic.

“Then let’s go now!”

Loki said.

Apocalypse said lightly: “Don’t worry, isn’t there a Sorcerer Supreme on Earth? Her name is Ancient One magician! Let’s turn her into my subordinate first!”


Loki’s face changed slightly, hesitation said: “Master, as far as I know, this Ancient One magician has a close relationship with Han Qing. If we go there, what if we run into Han Qing?”

“Don’t worry, I have the ability of Telepathy, if Han Qing is there, I can sense it right away!”

Apocalypse said indifferently.

“Oh, the master is really amazing! Nothing can trouble you!”

Loki flattered.

But Apocalypse didn’t care about his flattery, and called Thor and the others outside the cave in, and then opened a space door.

Everyone went in and came to the holy place of Kamar-Taj.

Ancient One magician immediately sensed the existence of Apocalypse, and just wanted to use spirit to notify Han Qing.

Apocalypse appeared right in front of her and placed her hand on her forehead.

She was suddenly refreshed, a confused look appeared in her eyes, and then her entire pupil turned black.

Apocalypse saw her changing, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

“Hahaha, got a Sorcerer Supreme!”

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