Chapter 209 Skills: Single Universe Space Gate (First Update)

Chapter 209 Skills: Single Universe Space Gate (First Update)

Han Qing estimated that it would take at least 200 years for Nebula to cultivate to the realm of a god king.

And Han Qing and Scarlet Witch are already in the realm of creation gods, their improvement is very slow, and they are not in a hurry to cultivate.

The two of them were just hanging out on this beautiful planet, looking at the sights here.

“Han Qing, do you feel that this planet seems to be alive?”

Scarlet Witch asked Han Qing.

Han Qing nodded slightly and said: “I do have this feeling, I even heard the pulsing sound of the leylines, as if this planet is a huge body!”

“In this case, if we don’t come here, will this body get angry?

Scarlet Witch said with some concern.

“Let’s talk later!!

Han Qing remembered that the father of the Guardians of Galaxy 2 Star Lord is a planet. Could this planet be Star Lord’s father 920 now?

If this planet is really a life, it is likely to be the father of Star Lord!

This guy is also a big villain who wants to absorb the energy of all life planets in the universe to strengthen himself.

In this case, if the few of them cultivate on his planet, they are likely to be attacked by him.

“This is really a hassle!”

Han Hanqing shook his head slightly and said, “This planet is very likely to attack us, we have to be careful, it is best not to cultivate all of them!”

Scarlet Witch said: “Since there is danger, we can’t leave this planet!”

“This is my guess, this planet may not attack us, just be careful, not to mention that under the current time mode, he may not be able to find us!

Han Qing smiled.

“Well, that’s true!”

Scarlet Witch nodded slightly.

The planet was so beautiful that she really didn’t want to leave.

Then the two of them wandered around the planet.

They went out to play for half a year before they began to retreat and practice.

However, in order to prevent the planet from attacking, the two of them practiced separately.

When one person is cultivating, another person is guarding by the side.

Scarlet Witch’s ascension rate is still slow, and not much has changed.

If she raises a small realm, it is estimated that it will take ten thousand years, so she is not in a hurry.

But Han Qing is different. Now he has integrated the power gem, and other gems have also integrated a lot recently, and his cultivation speed has improved a lot.

He estimated that after a few thousand years, it would be possible to raise a small realm.

Fifty years later, the sound of the system is ringing again.

“Beep, the system integrates the Space gem to 60%, and the owner gains a skill: the single cosmic space gate.”

After Han Qing knew the function of this single cosmic space gate, his face was moved.

This single universe space gate is very powerful, and he can travel anywhere in the single universe.

That is to say, in the future, Han Qing can go to any place in the universe, no matter how far away, he can go directly through a single cosmic space gate.


If you want to go anywhere in the universe, you must have coordinates. If you don’t have coordinates, you will have no direction. No matter how powerful the single cosmic space gate is, you can’t find it.

“With this single cosmic space gate, I don’t need to take a spaceship in the future. I can now go back to the earth directly. In this way, it is very convenient to communicate with each other!”

Han Qing thought happily.

He was really a little worried about putting his girlfriends on the earth. Now that he can return to the earth at any time, he doesn’t have to worry so much.

Scarlet Witch saw him stop practicing and asked, “What’s the matter, why are you so happy all of a sudden?

Han Qing said with a smile: “I recently learned a space skill, called the single-dimensional space gate, which uses the power of the Space gem and can travel anywhere in our universe!”

Scarlet Witch’s eyes widened: “So powerful, that is, we can go directly back to Earth now?”

Han Qing nodded slightly and said, “Yes!”

“That’s great! I haven’t seen my brother for a long time, I miss him so much!”

Scarlet Witch smiled happily.

“Then after Nebula’s cultivation is completed, let’s go to Earth!”

Han Qing smiled.

At this time, Nebula came over, and she was actually pale and a little sluggish.

She is already in the realm of the great gods, and it is really surprising that she is still like this.

“What’s the matter with you! Why are you in such a poor spirit, is it possible that you have gone into the devil’s way with your practice?”

Scarlet Witch asked worriedly.

She knew that this Nebula practiced very hard, and practiced almost all the time, and never saw her take a rest.

Her cultivation speed is very fast, but it is also easy to go crazy.

Nebula said with a bitter face, “It’s possible that I’ve gone crazy, Master, my practice progress has been very slow recently, and I even feel like I’m going backwards!”

“fall back?”

Han Qing was immediately puzzled: “Even if you go crazy, you can’t go backwards, right? Tell me how you feel!”

Nebula nodded slightly and said, “It’s as if something on this planet is repelling my cultivation, making my progress very slow! And this planet seems to be absorbing the energy in my body! However, the speed of this absorption is very slow, and I sometimes Imperceptible!”

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