Chapter 213 Thanosvs Heavenly God Team (Fifth)

Chapter 213 ThanosVS Heavenly God Group (Fifth)

“who is it?”

Hearing this voice, Thanos was furious.

He is now looking for Han Qing to duel, but some people say that he can’t fight!

This made him very angry!

“Thanos, don’t doubt my judgment. Recently, Han Qing is on my body. I secretly observe his ability every day. He is far beyond your imagination!”

“Speaking of other abilities, he can destroy and create anything with a single thought. This ability is only possessed by the most ancient gods, Thanos, do you have it now?”

The voice came slowly.

Thanos was immediately surprised.

But he didn’t believe what the voice said now.

Because the goddess of death said that as long as he gets Soul Gem, he can deal with Han Qing.

He trusted the goddess of death.

“Thanos, you should make good use of the Mind Gem and Soul Gem in your hands. These two gems have the effect of controlling people’s hearts. Once combined with each other, their power will become more powerful. Their main effect is not to fight, but to strengthen you. team!”

Hearing this voice, Thanos finally calmed down.

This person is right, Mind Gem and Soul Gem are not good at fighting, the main thing is to control the heart.

So why did the goddess of death say that if you get these two gems, you can defeat Han Qing?

“With my current fighting power, this person is obviously right. I really can’t beat Han Qing, but the goddess of death says I can defeat Han Qing? Did she lie to me?”

“Or did she intend for me to use these two gems to strengthen the team and form a strong team to defeat Han Qing”?”

“It must be so, she will not lie to me in death!”

“No, she probably lied to me!”

“It’s impossible to be a very honest person as a representative of death!”

“She has a completely different attitude towards Han Qing!

“Did she fall in love with Han Qing?”

“It’s very possible that this bitch may have betrayed me again, just like when he fell in love with Deadpool!!”

“I know this Bichi is unreliable!”

As Thanos kept thinking in his mind, he became more and more suspicious of the goddess of death.

After a long time, he recovered from his thoughts and asked, “Are you a planet?”

“Yes, I am Yiguo, and I have created many planets in the universe. Among them, my master planet is a very beautiful and dreamy planet. Han Qing and his women are very arrogant when they see that my planet is so beautiful. occupied!”

“I have to find a way to get them out!”

“Thanos, we can consider cooperation. I am an ancient god group and have lived for endless years. During my long years, I have obtained countless knowledge and character information. I can rely on these to guide you to defeat Han Qing!”

The voice slowly floated over again.

“Ancient god group?”

Thanos was taken aback.

Naturally, he had also heard of the ancient gods group.

It is said that the ancient gods were created forever by the high creation god, the purpose is to maintain the order of the universe, and each ancient god group has incredible power.

However, his eyes quickly turned cold and he said, “If you want to cooperate with me, you have to show your strength, and I want to see if you are qualified!

After saying this, he rushed out of his spaceship and flew towards the huge amounts of planet next to him.

He just flew into the atmosphere and saw an old man floating above a white cloud.

This old man had gray hair and looked a little forced. He was wearing a wide robe, and the whole person looked like he had no strength.

But if it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to just float on the white clouds.

“You are Yiguo! Then play a game with me! See how talented you are!”

Thanos punched him directly, and all the space within a few kilometers suddenly collapsed.

The collapsing space turned into an incomparably sharp blade, cutting towards Yiguo.

Yi Guo waved his hand gently without even looking at it.

-In an instant, the space that had collapsed was instantly restored to its original state.

Thanos looked surprised when he saw that he solved his attack so lightly.

Yi Guo smiled lightly: “Thanos, I have the ability to restore the order of the entire universe. Your attacking me by destroying the universe is completely useless!”

“In this case, I will attack you directly!”

Thanos turned into a streamer and rushed to Yi Guo.

He waved his fists and kept attacking him.

Each of his punches can shatter the power of a star and hit Yi Guo (promised good).

Yiguo can be easily resolved.

However, in the face of Thanos’ swift and violent attack, he could only parry, and could not fight back.

Every time Thanos punched, a stream of white light flew out, like a falling meteor from the sky.

And many meteors flew towards the planet below.

The planet was hit by the energy of these meteors, and suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound. The entire ground began to collapse continuously, and huge ravines appeared.

Yi Guo saw it in his eyes, and his heart hurt, and said angrily: “Thanos, don’t go too far, if you dare to destroy this planet, I will never stop with you!”

After saying this, the energy in his body kept rising.

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