Chapter 217 Thanos got the universe cube (fourth more)

Chapter 217 Thanos got the universe cube (fourth more)

Gwen flew into the sky and soon came to the huge crater on the moon.

This huge amount of cavity, actually hundreds of kilometers, has caused a lot of changes in the landscape of the entire moon.

And she also met a lot of Skrulls.

They didn’t actually move, but stayed where they were, not knowing what they were doing.

She saw that the Skrulls were manipulating a huge amount of apparatus, which contained a cube of energy.

This energy block kept emitting blue light, and the light became bigger and bigger, gradually spreading outward, and finally enveloped the entire huge amounts of potholes.

Then strange things happened.

The pothole actually began to disappear, and slowly began to recover.

After a while, it returned to its original appearance.

Even the things that were destroyed inside were restored to their original appearance.

It’s just that the original dead Skrulls, 02 have not been resurrected, they are still corpses.

“What kind of Ability is this, it can quickly recover from such a large-scale collapse?”

A look of surprise appeared on Gwen’s face.

She also has recovery magic, but she can’t do it on such a large scale.

This involves not only enormous energy, but also precise calculations.

Her energy is enough, but her brain’s ability to calculate can’t do it.

“It looks like it’s the effect of that energy block. What is this?”

Gwen began to notice the energy cube, and was going to sneak in and steal the energy cube.

But as soon as she entered the base, she was discovered.

Then a war broke out between the two sides.

There are five people on the other side, all of them at the level of God King, and their strength level is not Gwen’s opponent at all, but their Ability is very powerful.

Like Han Qing and Scarlet Witch, they can launch any attack with a single thought.

Under such an attack, Gwen was no match for them at all.

She quickly contacted the other Avengers.

In an instant, the mighty Avengers masters like Jyn Grey, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver all arrived.

This time the two sides launched a huge war on the moon.

If it hadn’t reduced the power output, I’m afraid the moon would have been destroyed by them.

While they were fighting, Thanos and Igo sneaked in.

They came in front of this huge amounts of instrument.

Thanos looked at the energy cube inside and asked, “Is this the Cosmic Cube?”

“Yes, this is the Cosmic Cube! Thanos, hurry up and get it!

Igo said excitedly.

Thanos smiled and said, “Why don’t you get it yourself, but let me get it instead!”

He has already seen that no one from the Skrulls has directly taken this Cosmic Cube. Obviously, this Cosmic Cube is not so easy to manipulate.

“Because I don’t have an Infinity Gauntlet! The energy of the Cosmic Cube is so huge that my body can’t bear it at all! But you are different. You have an Infinity Gauntlet and wireless gems to contend with!”

Yi Guo smiled bitterly.

“Well, that’s what it is!”

Thanos nodded slightly, raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and shattered the instrument in front of him with one punch.

Then he stretched out the huge Infinity Gauntlet and grabbed the cosmic cube in front of him.

The Cosmic Cube instantly burst into light blue light, and the endless energy poured into his Infinity Gauntlet.

Through the wireless gloves, he rushed into his body incomparably overbearing.

“Ah! You bastard, how dare you lie to me!”

Thanos suddenly screamed loudly.


Yiguo laughed and said: “Thanos, it seems that I expected it right, you also can’t control the power of the universe cube freely, but after your relaxation, I should be able to get this universe cube! Hahaha, thank you is you

Yi Guo laughed excitedly.

“You… I’m going to kill you…

Thanos roared in anger, and began to use the power within himself to manipulate the Cosmic Cube.

But the power of the universe cube is too terrifying, with his current power, it is completely uncontrollable.

The energy in his body was completely out of control, and he was in a state of rampage.

Moreover, the power of the Cosmic Cube is very overbearing, occupying his body and destroying the structure of his body almost instantly.

His indestructible body became shattered.

He broke down in pain and vomited blood.

He wanted to throw away the Cosmic Cube in his hand, but his hand was firmly stuck by the Cosmic Cube and could not be used at all.

In the end, under the blessing of the cubic energy of the universe, his body continued to expand, from more than three meters high to 100 meters, 1000 meters, 10,000 meters, and finally 100,000 meters.

Moreover, the body continued to expand upwards, and it had become an incomparably huge sphere.

Seeing this situation, the Skrulls screamed in horror.

“His body is about to explode, let’s run away!”

These people ran for their lives.

Qin Grey and the others were also terrified.

If such a huge sphere exploded here, the entire moon would be finished.

Once the moon is over, the earth will definitely suffer, and I don’t know how many people will die on the earth.

We “must stop it from blowing up!”

Gwen said.

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