Chapter 220 Caught the Attention of the Life Court (Second)

Chapter 220 Caught the Attention of the Life Court (Second)

“Since that’s the case, don’t stop me from getting this universe cube!”

Thanos growled angrily.

The goddess of death shook her head slightly and said, “I didn’t prevent you from getting this cosmic cube, but wanted to remind you that your method will only make you lose your mind, and you will not get the cosmic cube at all!”

When Thanos heard this, he immediately calmed down and asked, “From your tone, you seem to know the method-?”

That’s right “!”

The goddess of death nodded slightly.

“Then tell me quickly!”

Thanos said impatiently.

“I can help you get the Cosmic Cube, but you have to promise me that after you get the Cosmic Cube, you will help me – do one thing!”

The goddess of death said.

“whats the matter?”

Thanos asked.

“Break this universe, go to other multi-universes, and help me kill my main goddess of death!”

said the goddess of death.


A surprised look appeared on Thanos’ face: “You still have a subject, what’s going on?”

“I am just a duplication of the goddess of death in the multi-universe. Originally, I have always been one with her, I am her, she is me, but I don’t know why, 10 billion years ago, our universe was suddenly closed, and the multi -universe lost contact, so I was completely separated from the subject, and I had my own sense of independence!”

“However, although the universe is closed, my main body will still control me from time to time, which makes me very uncomfortable, I must get rid of her control!

said the goddess of death.

“Multi-universe class?

Thanos frowned slightly and said, “Is this Cosmic Cube so powerful! It can actually challenge the multi-universe level?”

“This Cosmic Cube is made from the original power of the universe. If it can be used well, it can reach the peak of your multi-universe level! No one in the multi-universe will be your opponent!”

The goddess of death laughed.

“It’s so powerful!”

An incredible look appeared on Thanos’ face.

This kind of terrifying and powerful power has always been his pursuit, which makes him very eager.

But he had been deceived by the goddess of death once, but now he doesn’t believe this woman.

Fear that the goddess of death deceived him again.

He shook his head slightly and said coldly: “But I don’t believe what you said, who knows if you will lie to me!”

The goddess of death smiled and said, “You look like this, what is there for me to deceive?”

Thanos sneered: “You are tricky, I have seen it many times, I think you have cultivated me for so many years, it is probably because of your plan? Now you seem to be eyeing that Han Qing again, probably because of your plan. Right? And you betrayed me and fell in love with that scumbag Deadpool before, because of your plan, right?”

When he said this, there was a lot of jealousy in his tone!

“Yes, I am indeed for my plan, but it is also of great benefit to you, do you want to refuse such a temptation? If so, I will give this opportunity to others, I think this universe has great potential Put people willing to accept this Cosmic Cube!”

The goddess of death said lightly.

Thanos listened to her frank admission, his face changed, and finally sighed: “You are right, I really have no reason to refuse this temptation!”

“I promise you your conditions, since you want to get rid of your subject, I will help you realize this wish, who made me like you so much!

Hearing Thanos’ words, the goddess of death was overjoyed and reached out to touch his face.

0 flowers

“Dear, I will help you integrate this universe cube, but the process of integrating is relatively long, you have to be patient!”

“Okay, I’m very patient!

Thanos nodded slightly.

“Then follow me to the realm of death and integrate this cosmic cube!”

The goddess of death opened a space door, pulled Thanos’ soul and cosmic cube, and entered her realm of death.

In the boundless void of the almighty universe.

An incomparably huge golden giant stands in this void, supervising the almighty universe.

He is the Court of Life.

The Tribunal of Life is empowered by A00 to monitor and maintain the balance of all realities, including all mega-universes in the total universe, all multi-universes in the mega-universe, and the endless single universes in each multi-universe.

Generally speaking, the Tribunal of Life will only appear when necessary, and what he judges can affect the entire almighty universe.

He has three faces, which represent justice, need and revenge.

At this moment, he felt a force that could affect the almighty cosmic crisis, slowly Awakening.

He hurriedly explored, but he didn’t feel where the power came from.

“What kind of power can actually threaten the entire almighty universe?”

All three of his faces showed surprised expressions and muttered to himself.

He wanted to see the future clips, but only saw a vague figure, it seemed that some terrifying force had isolated his sight.

It seems that “there is an exceptionally powerful existence protecting this person, no, I have to inform the Asgardians of all universes and let them find this person!”


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