Chapter 224 The goddess of death also lost her memory

Chapter 224 The goddess of death also lost her memory

Who will this person be?

This thought kept popping up in Han Qing’s mind.

But he knew very little about Marvel’s powerful characters and didn’t figure out who it was in the end.

“Eternal, it seems that we can’t notify the life court, this matter can only be solved by ourselves!”

Finally, Han Qing said helplessly.

Yong Yong also said helplessly: “Okay, then what is the thing you said, how should we solve this thing, where is it now?”

Seeing him like this, Han Qing shook his head helplessly and said: “Forget it, this thing is protected by that person, we can’t move it at all, let’s find another way! Farewell!”

After saying this, he immediately left.

Eternity is also helpless.

He knew that the character was too powerful, and now Han~Qing is reluctant to intervene.

It is estimated that Han Qing is afraid in his heart.

Han Qing is really unwilling to intervene in this matter, but there is no fear in his heart.

However, it still gave him a great sense of urgency, and he decided that he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

“We are already the existence of the Level Universe, and it is very difficult to improve further. If we want to retreat, it will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to reach the multi-universe level!

Scarlet Witch also said helplessly.

Han Qing shook her head slightly and said, “It is estimated that it will take hundreds of thousands of years if we want to improve, but Qin Grey is different. If all her Phoenix force is stimulated in her body, she can reach the multi-universe level in a short time, but in that case. , there will be a certain degree of danger, which may turn Jean Grey into Dark Phoenix, full of violent and destructive thoughts, which is very dangerous, so I don’t mind using this method!”

Qin Grey frowned slightly, “So what can you do?”

“The best way is to find the remaining two Infinite Gems. In this way, all 6 Infinite Gems will be integrated, and they will definitely reach the multi-universe level in a short period of time. At that time, I can calculate My qi training has also been upgraded to the multi-universe level. In this way, you can practice qi training in a short period of time, and achieve as many as possible.

Meta Level Universe

Han Qing revealed his plan.

Several girls feel that this method is the best.

“Well, let’s find these two Infinite Gems!”

“Where will these two Infinite Gems be?”

“Could it be taken away by the goddess of death?”

Just as the girls were discussing, a black space door opened in front of them.

The goddess of death came out of the black space door and looked at everyone with a smile.

“You’re mistaken, I didn’t take that Infinity Gauntlet, it didn’t work for me at all!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Jean Grey asked, “Who took that?”

“Take it by Death God Hela!”

The goddess of death laughed.

“Where is Hela now?”

Qin Grey asked hastily.

“I’ve already told you who took the Infinity Gauntlet, and it’s up to you to find this person!

The goddess of death smiled softly.

Han Qing asked, “Is the Universe Cube in your hands?”

The goddess of death shook her head slightly and said: “No, in Thanos’ hands, Thanos has now started integrating the universe cube, and in a few months he will become a powerful being, reaching the peak of multi-universe.

Han Ji interrupted her and said: “You are mistaken, the goddess of death, not reaching the multi-universe level, but reaching the Almighty Universe level, then Thanos will not be under your control, and Thanos will be harmful at that time. To the entire almighty universe, and your goddess of death, because you are an accomplice of Thanos, will be punished by the court of life!”

0… ask for flowers…


The goddess of death’s face changed greatly and asked: “You can be sure that what you said is true!”

“Nature is true, you know, my time ability has reached a very high level, can see some fragments of the future!

Han Qing lied.

When the goddess of death heard this, she immediately frowned: “If this is the case, then the trouble will be big. Now that Thanos has entered the integrate stage, we can’t stop it at all!”

“If you can’t stop it, then destroy it!”

Han Qing said coldly.




The goddess of death suddenly had some hesitation.

After all, she and Thanos are old friends, and she doesn’t trust Han Qing’s words very much.

However, Han Qing’s words still caused her some vigilance.

Seeing her expression, Han Qing asked, “You don’t believe me?”

The goddess of death smiled and said: “I really don’t believe your words, after all, the relationship between the two of us is not very friendly, aah!

Han Qing said: “In this case, how about you report this matter to the Life Court and let the Life Court deal with Thanos?”

The goddess of death thought for a moment and said, “Okay, I’ll tell the life court!

After saying this, she will contact the Life Court.

But suddenly, her mind went blank and she couldn’t remember anything.

She was stunned for a while before asking: “By the way, what did I just say, what am I going to do?

Han Qing and everyone looked at him in surprise.

“What’s going on?

The goddess of death is somewhat inexplicable.

“Why are you looking at me like this?”

Then she suddenly reacted, she is the God of Creation, how could she not be able to remember anything?


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