Chapter 229 Divine power has risen sharply

Chapter 229 Divine power has risen sharply

These golden rays of light shot out golden tentacles one by one, and pierced into everyone’s bodies in an instant.

At the same time, a powerful suction attacked from the tentacles, madly absorbing the divine power within the three witches.


The three witches screamed in fear.

They struggled desperately, trying to break free from the tentacle’s – absorbing.

But every time they struggled, these golden tentacles burst out with mysterious runes, securing them.

These runes are full of multi-universe law, and they can’t break free.

They could only watch helplessly as the divine power in their bodies was continuously absorbed, and then merged into the bodies of Han Qing and the others along these golden tentacles.

But unexpectedly, Han Qing’s body actually caused rejection.

At the same time, the sound of the system rang.

Detected “A kind of alien energy poured into the host’s body, and the system shunts the energy!”

In an instant, those majestic energies were shunted out by the system and entered into the bodies of the girls in Qin Grey along the golden tentacles.

The girls, Qin Grey, felt that the energy pouring into their bodies was several times stronger.

What surprised them even more was that not only Han Qing rejected these energies, but even the goddess of death rejected these energies.

Because these divine powers have no effect on her at all, her body seems to be a loophole, these divine powers will be automatically discharged when they enter her body, and then enter the bodies of the three girls of Qin and Grey along the golden tentacles.

In other words, all the divine powers of the three witches poured into the bodies of the three girls of Qin Grey.

Their power levels began to climb continuously.

From the early stage of Level Single Universe, it entered the middle stage, then the later stage, and finally the peak.

When they reached the peak of Level Single Universe, that terrifying power finally slowly disappeared.

And the three witches became extremely old at this moment, their skin was like old tree bark, and they looked very terrifying and disgusting.

They had already lost their divine power, and the terrifying pressure around them suddenly pressed down on them.

They instantly fell from the air and hit the ground heavily.

“Our strength…our strength…

The three old witches couldn’t help crying, looking very miserable.

Qin Grey and the girls were embarrassed to see them look so miserable.

“If they lose their power, will they die?”

Gwen couldn’t help asking with some sympathy.

Qin Grey shook his head slightly and said, “No, although they have lost their divine power, their bodies are still divine bodies, and they can still live forever!”

“With me here, they still want to live forever? Aaaaa!

Aa, the goddess of death, smiled and walked slowly towards the three witches.

The murderous intent on her face was obvious.

The faces of the three witches suddenly changed wildly, and they couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

“Death, do you want to take advantage of the danger?”

“Death, we are the incarnation of the universe, you must know that you can’t kill us at all!”

“Death, I advise you not to waste your efforts!”

The goddess of death had a bright smile on her face: “Who said I’m going to kill you, I just invite you to take a vacation in my country of death, and be happy for billions of years! Three sisters, I will definitely be fine. To entertain you, you can rest assured, hahaha!

At the end, she laughed proudly.

Hearing her laughter, the three witches fell into endless terror.

They were horrified.

Seeing Han Qing come out of the pothole, they hurriedly shouted: “Han Qing, you have gained our strength, and you have the responsibility to protect us!”

0. Ask for flowers…

“Sorry, there is no such provision in the contract!”

Han Qing said lightly.

He came to his three witches and said, “According to the contract, you must give me the two Infinite Gems!”

“If you don’t protect us, we won’t give you two Infinite Gems!”

“Anyway, life is better than death, let the contract destroy us if it’s a big deal!

“We are not afraid of death, so we are not afraid of the punishment of the contract!”

The three witches actually began to cheat.

Han Qing couldn’t help frowning and said coldly: “If you don’t hand over Infinite Gems, I will destroy your quarry of the gods, I don’t believe I can’t find you to hide. Infinite Gems!”

“It’s no use destroying the Quarry of the Gods, Infinite Gems isn’t here at all!”

“Young gods, Infinite Gems were placed in an exotic space by us. Only our spells can bring them back. If you look for them yourself, it is impossible to find them!”

“Young god, for you, helping us is an easy task, why let this Bichi hurt us old ladies!

The three witches threatened and begged for mercy, making Han Qing very angry.

At this time, the goddess of death waved her hand and said: “Han Qing, don’t believe what they say, these three witches are very weird, and all the things they get will be placed in this pit, you just need to look in this pit to find them. get!

When the three witches heard this, their expressions suddenly changed and they cursed.

“Death, you bitch.

“Shut up!”

The goddess of death slapped them directly, making them shut up instantly.


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