Chapter 231 Planet Devourer

Chapter 231 Planet Devourer

At this moment, the quarry of the gods has collapsed.

These huge amounts of space keep compressing inward, and the compression speed is very fast.

With the continuous compression, the pressure inside rose straightly, and Han Qing, the creator gods, began to feel a little uneasy.

Can’t stay here any longer.

Moreover, the space here is no longer able to leave directly through the space gate, and can only fly out through the black hole.

Because the space here has been distorted by huge amounts of the black hole’s gravity, it takes a lot of time to calculate the space gate according to the usual rules.

With the current situation, they are simply too late.

Let’s “Get out of here!”

Han Qing and the others hurriedly flew towards the black hole.

But the black hole is shrinking, like a monster is closing its mouth.

Han Qing’s expressions changed when they saw them, and they quickly speeded up.

At the same time, I felt a little strange in my heart. How could the black hole suddenly become smaller, and should it disappear?

But they didn’t think much about it, and soon flew out of the black hole.

Then stand next to the black hole and watch the black hole rapidly shrink and disappear.

But everyone frowned and stared vigilantly at the original direction of the black hole.

Because they felt that a manic energy was constantly gushing out of there, and it seemed that something was gradually Awakening.

As the energy began to surge out constantly, a figure gradually emerged.

This is a very huge figure, at least more than 100,000 meters high, wearing purple-blue armor and a huge hat with two horns on its head.

Moreover, this body continued to bloat upwards, from 100,000 meters to 1 million meters, 10 million meters, 100 million meters, and finally turned into a body larger than a planet.

Facing such a terrifying body, Han Xin and the others couldn’t help but change their expressions.

The goddess of death recognized this guy and said, “Planet Devourer, why are you here?”

It turns out that this is one of the five ancient founders in the universe, the planet devourer.

The planet eater didn’t seem to see them, his eyes were red, he waved his huge hands, and shouted: “What three old witches! I want to swallow them, tnd dare to turn me into a stone statue, Damn, I must swallow you all!”


Everyone was surprised.

The goddess of death had a stunned expression on her face.

“It turns out that the quarry of the gods in the black hole is your body! No wonder why I feel a little familiar with the breath!”

The goddess of death had a hint of mockery on her face, and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect the ancient creation gods to be imprisoned by three old witches and turned into their house, hahaha, planet devourer, you are too useless, right? ?”

Originally, Planet Devourer had not paid attention to these ants, the goddess of death, but after hearing her mocking laughter, they finally paid attention to them.

Staring at the goddess of death with his huge moon-like file size eyes, he opened his mouth and roared: “You damned things, I’m going to swallow you!

After saying this, he opened his huge mouth and took a hard breath.

In an instant, a suction force dozens of times stronger than the black hole attacked, and a nearby planet began to be pulled by this suction force and flew towards us.

This planet is at least the file size of the earth, but it was continuously compressed by this terrifying suction, and then put into the mouth of the planet devourer.

Planet Devourer smacked his mouth, touched his stomach and said dissatisfiedly: “Finally, I have eaten planet again, I haven’t eaten it for many years, hahaha, I must eat enough today..

After saying that, he started to inhale again.

That terrifying suction force began to attack Han Qing and the others again.

However, Han Qing and the others were not affected at all, and still stood in the original place and looked at him lightly.

Jean Grey said in shock: “What kind of monster is this guy! He can put a planet in his stomach!”

Han Qing said: “This is one of the five ancient creation gods, the planet devourer, his hobby is to devour planets, his stomach is a bottomless pit, and it seems that he can never be full!”

“There are still such monsters in this world!”

Several girls feel incredible 933.

“Then what shall we do now, shall we kill him?”

When Gwen saw that the planet-devourer had swallowed another planet, he felt that this thing was too dangerous and had to be removed.

The goddess of death shook her head slightly and said, “This guy can’t be killed like me, even if you kill him, he will be resurrected in the future!

“Then we’ll find a way to ban him and make him our house like the three witches!”

Gwen said with a cold face.

“Well! You can try this, if you think you have this Ability!”

The goddess of death said lightly.


Gwen stopped talking nonsense and flew directly to the planet devourer.

As soon as she came up, she was directly attacked by a devastating magic.

This kind of magic can destroy the planet in an instant, and its power is naturally terrifying.

The huge planet-like body of the planet devourer immediately exploded.

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