Chapter 233 Thor Thor, Zombie?

Chapter 233 Thor Thor, Zombie?

Gwen flew over at this time and said, “The planet devourer has escaped, Han Qing, what should we do in the future?”

Han Qing wanted to come down and said: “Don’t worry about the planet devourers, Thanos will be out of the customs in a few months, we must hurry up to cultivate and strive to reach the multi-universe level as soon as possible, so that we can have the strength to deal with Thanos! ”

He had a feud with Thanos, and he had to get rid of Thanos before he could be safe.

The three girls were frowning.

“Our abilities have already reached the peak. If we want to improve it, it is difficult to achieve it, unless your Qi training can reach the multi-universe level!”

Gwen frowned.

Han Qing thought for a while and said: “You and Scarlet Witch are indeed unlikely to rely on their own strength to enhance the Diversity to Level Universe, but Qin Grey is different, her Phoenix force is not worse than my Infinite Gems, if they can all If you absorb it, you may even reach the Almighty Universe Level!”

Qin Grey shook his head slightly and said: “Impossible, recently I have discovered that the Phoenix force in my body is not complete, if I can have the complete Phoenix force of 937, it may be possible to reach the Almighty Universe Level, but my incomplete Phoenix force may be able to reach the Almighty Universe Level. , I think it will reach the multi-universe level at most!”

“It’s good to be able to reach the multi-universe level. Let’s find the remaining Phoenix forces in the future!”

Han Qing smiled.

Let’s “Go back to Earth for retreat now!”

Han Qing opened the space door of Level Single Universe, left here with the three girls, and returned to Earth.

When they returned to Earth, they felt that the Earth was a little different. There seemed to be a rancid smell in the air.

The rancid smell seemed to come from rotting flesh.

“What’s the matter, has any meat in our room rotted?”

Gwen sniffed and frowned.

At this time Jubilation Lee came over and said, “Our flesh has not rotted, but a lot of zombies have appeared on the earth!”

Zombie “?”

Han (accb) had a surprised look on his face and asked, “Where did these zombies come from? Could it be that some black magician summoned them?”

Jubilation Lee shook his head slightly and said: “No, there is a space gate on our earth, and those zombies all came out of those space gates. I heard that these zombies come from other universes, and some zombies can talk, for the zombie universe!

Zombies “universe?

Han Qing muttered.

He has really heard of this universe.

In the Marvel comics, there is such a parallel universe, which is full of zombies.

These zombies were originally launched from the earth, and all the superhero on the earth have turned into zombies, constantly devouring humans and creatures.

In the end, all the living people on earth turned into zombies, and then they attacked the universe.

In the end, it is said that the entire universe has become a zombie, and even that Izumio Thanos has become a zombie.

Then these zombies start to attack other universes, the purpose is to fill their stomachs that can never be filled.

In this zombie universe, well-known superheroes and supervillains have all turned into zombies.

Such as Thor, Captain America, Black widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thanos, Odin and many more.

After becoming zombies, although their power did not become stronger, their bodies became immortal, which was also very difficult to deal with.

“How many zombies appear on the earth now, have you counted them?”

Han Qing thought for a while and asked.

“S.H.I.E.L.D said that there are already more than 1 million, and there are many powerful zombies in it, and there are more and more zombies, and we are all overwhelmed now!”

Jubilation Lee said with some concern.

“It’s okay, isn’t there still us!”

Jean Grey smiled slightly.

“Yeah! Now I need your hands!”

Jubilation Lee laughed.

“These are small things, and we have more important things to deal with!”

Han Qing didn’t put these zombies in his eyes, he was most worried about Thanos in this universe.

“What’s the matter?”

Jubilation Lee asked.

When Han Qing was about to speak, suddenly there was a sound of huge amounts of explosions in the sky outside.

Everyone quickly explored the past with their spiritual power, and then saw a spaceship fell from the sky and smashed into a street in New York.

Many people were crushed to death on the street, and the rest screamed and ran away.

“Hahaha, there’s a lot of food here! It’s so good, I can have a full meal today!”

A blond man appeared in the sky.

This blond man was extremely burly, wearing blue armor, holding a square hammer in his hand, and the red cloak behind him fluttered in the wind.

But his face was rotten and looked very ugly and disgusting.

His red eyes stared at the crowd below, and disgusting saliva flowed from his split mouth.

“A lot of delicious food! I want to have a good meal!”

He drooled and flew down below.

He smashed a strong man into pieces with a single hammer, then rushed over, and started to gobble it up.

Seeing this scene, the people around were frightened, and all fled in disgust.

Zombies “eat people, zombies eat people!”

When Han Qingji saw this scene of people, he looked like he was going to hell.

“Isn’t this guy Thor Thor?”

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