Chapter 240 Reached the multi-universe level

Chapter 240 Reached the multi-universe level

Then the captain of the United States smiled bitterly: “This kind of time can only be used by the powerful creator gods like you, ordinary people like us will suddenly become old in this time mode…


Black widow laughed and laughed: “It definitely can’t be like this, in this time mode, people will not grow old, otherwise Han Ji’s mortal girlfriends would have died of old age!”

“That’s it!”

The captain of the United States was suddenly envious.

This time mode is really good.

But it doesn’t seem to have much effect on him, because his body has reached the peak, and it is impossible to improve his fighting skills no matter how “nine forty” is honed.

Might as well spend this time saving ordinary people.

At this time, Black widow said to Han Qing again: “Han Qing, I heard that you have developed a Qi training technique that can quickly improve the realm. I wonder if we people can practice it?”

Han Qing thought about it for a while and said, “Yes, if you want to be proficient, you can retreat with us!”

“Okay, let’s retreat together!”

Black widow was overjoyed.

Before the captain of the United States knew what was going on, Black widow had already called in all their S.H.I.E.L.D game agents.

Black widow just told these people about qi practice, and all of them wanted to retreat for a while.

Now those zombies have a lot of strength and are very powerful, and these people are already unstoppable.

Han Qing also called these women over, and they came to Alfheim and entered a state of retreat together.

Said to be a retreat, in fact, Han Qing did not really go to practice.

After teaching qi practice to Black widow and the others, he took a few women to travel around the mountains and waters.

Because the main purpose of his retreat this time is to kill time and integrate 6 Infinite Gems.

As long as it integrates these 6 Infinite Gems, his strength will continue to rise, and he doesn’t need to practice at all.

Now, the speed of integrating all the 6 Infinite Gems has increased dozens of times and is much faster.

But in more than ten years, all 6 Infinite Gems have integrated more than 50%.

And his realm kept rising.

From the middle of the Level Single Universe to the later stage, and then to the peak.

After reaching the peak, it took several decades to finally break through the realm and enter the multi-universe level.

Once he reached the multi-universe level, his mental power completely enveloped the entire single universe, and he felt that the universe he was in was very fragile. It seemed that he could destroy the universe at his fingertips.

He didn’t know if this feeling was an illusion or real, and he didn’t dare to try it at will.

And his spiritual power can break through the universe in front of him, extend to the outside, see other universes, and come into contact with a huge multi-universe.

He could feel that this multi-universe contained countless single universes.

On top of the multi-universe, there seems to be a larger universe, which should be the super universe.

Facing the super universe, his multi-universe existence is still so small.

In an instant, his somewhat complacent mood cooled down.

“It seems that I still need to continue to work hard! If I haven’t reached the strongest state in the Marvel world, there is still no guarantee!

Han Qing muttered to himself.

Then he got busy again.

After the multi-universe level, he and his women studied the multi-universe level qi training.

But obviously their level has not reached this point, hundreds of years have passed, and there is still not much progress.

On this day, when they were studying in the Heavenly Palace, they suddenly felt a terrifying catastrophe outside, slowly descending from the sky.

Qin Grey frowned and looked at the sky, and said: “There are nearly 10 calamities, all of which are god-king-level catastrophes. It seems that Black Widow and the others have all reached the god-king level. Their abilities are really good!”

Han Qing nodded slightly and said: “These people are all people with the aura of the protagonist, the ability is definitely not bad!”

“Protagonist Halo?”

Qin Grey suddenly smiled and said, “I think you are the only one who has the aura of the protagonist in our universe! You are the biggest protagonist in our universe, no, you are the biggest even in the multi-universe!”

Gwen said: “It took more than 300 years to reach the level of a god king, and this level is average! These people are not protagonists!”

The other girls also nodded in agreement.

Han Qing said with a smile: “Don’t underestimate them, don’t think that they take a long time, but there are still infinite possibilities, as long as you give them time, they will have no problem reaching Level Single Universe or even Multi-universe. !”

“You are so optimistic about them!

Several girls were a little surprised.

“Yeah! They’re a group of miracle workers!”

Han Qing smiled slightly.

Then he stood up and said: 2.1 “Okay, it has been closed for hundreds of years, and it’s time to rest for a while, let’s get out of here!”

After saying this, he adjusted the time to the normal mode.

As soon as I returned to the 24-hour mode, those thunder tribulations in the sky landed.

The captains of the United States under the thunder cloud are all standing tall.

They have practiced qi training and knew that there would be thunder tribulation, but they did not expect thunder tribulation to be so terrifying.

Such a terrifying thunder calamity, they felt that this time it was definitely doomed.

Unexpectedly, these thunder tribulations hit him, and they were easily resisted.

“Is it raining loud and quiet?”

Hawkeye muttered there.

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