Chapter 251 Go Back To The Past To Kill Thanos

Chapter 251 Go Back To The Past To Kill Thanos

“Han Qing, if we keep fighting like this, we won’t be able to tell the difference between the winner and the loser. In the end, we’ll just completely destroy this universe!”

Zombie Thanos stopped and said to Han Qing.

“What do you want?”

Han Qing asked.

Zombie Thanos said: “We sign a contract, you tell me how to integrate Infinite Gems, I’m not going to your universe, how about it?

“This is impossible!”

Han Qing immediately refused.

“Han Qing, think about it, if I go to your universe to destroy it, think about how many people will die in your universe?”

Zombie Thanos threatened.

Han Qing and the two suddenly changed their expressions.

“It seems that we are not dying, we must fight again!”

Han Qing and the two stared at the zombie Thanos, and the fighting spirit rose again.

They have friends and family on earth, and they must not be allowed to do anything wrong.

This zombie Thanos must be eliminated.

Zombie Thanos saw that he did not agree to his conditions, and decided to go to Han Qing’s world to destroy part of the galaxy and give him a warning.

In this way, he will obediently hand over what he wants.

Thinking of this, he immediately used the power of the Space gem to open a space through the universe in front of him.

“Han Qing, I’ll go to your universe to start killing, but I want to see how you stop me, hahahaha!”

Zombie Thanos laughed and entered the space door.

Jean Grey was so anxious, she wanted to stop her.

But seeing that Han Qing did not move, he asked, “Why didn’t you stop him?”

Han Qing shook his head slightly and said, “We can’t stop him at all, we have to think of other ways!

When Jean Grey heard this, she stopped.

He was right, the two of them couldn’t stop the zombie Thanos from going to their universe.

“Then what can you do?”

asked Jean Grey.

Let’s go back in time, go back to the past of this universe, and kill the Thanos from the past who hasn’t got Infinite Gems, won’t we?

Han Qing smiled.


Qin Grey’s eyes suddenly lit up and said, “Then let’s go back to the past!”

We “have to know the time in the past! When did Thanos get the Infinite Gems, you know?”

Han Qing asked.

Jean Grey shook her head and said, “I don’t know, but we can ask the people of this universe!”

“That’s good! Hope someone knows!”

Han Qing immediately covered the entire universe with his spiritual power, and then used Telepathy’s Ability to explore the minds of zombies in the universe.

After a while, he knew the answer.

“About 50 years ago, Thanos got all the Infinite Gems!”

Han Qing said.

“Then let’s go back 50 years!”

Jean Grey said happily.


Han Qing immediately activated Time Gem’s Ability.

Suddenly, terrifying lightning bolts appeared in the whole sky, and a gate of time was broken open in the lightning.

The two entered the gate of time directly.

The Gate of Time is a flashing channel, and the streamer is flying fast, making people dazzled.

The two stayed in this passage for a while, and suddenly the streamers around them disappeared, and they entered a place full of shining stars.

This place is like a small universe, and there are several powerful breaths lurking here.

“This is the place of eternity!”

Han Qing responded immediately.

Here he saw 5 tall figures.

These 5 are all ancient creation gods: Eternity, Death, Oblivion, Infinity, and Planet Devourer.

These 5 are the ancient creation gods of this universe.

“If you want to go back to the past, it is impossible to destroy the master’s body. Our five founders protect the master’s past!”

The eternal voice came from this void.

“I didn’t expect that in this universe, the five of you were actually controlled by Thanos, no wonder he was so reassured about his past!”

Han Qing was surprised.

“Young man, you’d better go back! Don’t use the method of going back in time against your opponent, because you have used this method, and others can also use this method against you!”

A tall figure said in the void.

This person is infinite.

Han Qing said lightly: “Does Thanos want to go back to the past and kill me? I’m afraid he will be disappointed, because I didn’t go there at all!”

His past and future are protected by the system, so he does not have a past and a future, he only has a present.

No one can go to the past or the future to kill him, not even a being like Thanos.

If he went back to the past or to the future, he would never see Han Qing at all.

People who are related to Han Qing, Thanos can’t see (Nuo Li’s) either.

That is, if this zombie Thanos came to their universe and went back in time, they wouldn’t even be able to see the earth.

Because the earth is closely connected with Han Qing.

The five Great Creation Gods did not know this and scoffed at his words.

“Do you think you are the existence of the Almighty Universe Level! Can you erase your past?”

Eternal said mockingly.

“If you don’t believe it, you can try it out!”

Han Qing said lightly.

Our “owners will try it!”

said infinitely.

“If he really tried, then why am I still here with you?”

Han Qing looked at them like an idiot and said.

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