Chapter 255 Killing Dormammu

Chapter 255 Killing Dormammu

Because he knows that the strength of Infinity Gauntlet has at least reached the peak of the multi-universe level, and even the Super Universe level.

He is only the beginning of the multi-universe level, not the opponent of the Infinity Gauntlet.

“Do you think you can still escape?”

Han Qing immediately activated the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand.

The 6 gems on the Infinity Gauntlet suddenly burst into colorful rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, a multi-universe peak power rose from the body.

Han Qing trembled and slowly raised the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand.

“Dormammu, just disappear!”

After saying this, he snapped his fingers.


A crisp sound resounded in the air.


Dormammu screamed in horror.

He felt that his vast and powerful body actually began to slowly disappear.

He desperately used the dark power of his body, but he couldn’t stop his body from disappearing.

He shouted in fear and anger: “Boy, don’t be complacent, I will not die, as long as my dark universe is still there, I will be constantly resurrected, one day, I will kill you boy, you give me wait..

In his angry shouts, he slowly turned into nothingness.

The cracked space, without Dormammu’s support, also began to slowly recombine.

“Can this guy be resurrected?”

Jean Grey was surprised.

“It’s possible, but if I destroy his dark space, see how he comes back to life!”

Han Qing sneered and raised the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand again.

“Destroy the Dark Latitude!”

After saying this, he snapped his fingers again using the Infinity Gauntlet.


The crisp sound rang again.

But this time it didn’t work as well.

Han Qing clearly felt that the power of Infinity Gauntlet did not complete the task.

“Well, it failed, it seems that the power of Infinity Gauntlet is not enough!!

Han Qing shook her head slightly, a little disappointed.

“Then what?”

A worried look appeared on Jean Grey’s face.

If this Dormammu is resurrected, who knows what kind of moths will come out.

“Don’t worry, I don’t know how long it will take for him to be resurrected! It is estimated that when he is resurrected, we have already reached the Super Universe Level. Will we still be afraid of him then?”

Han Qing smiled faintly.

Qin Grey smiled bitterly and said, “Achieving the Super Universe Level, how can there be such a simple thing, you are too confident!”

When we were at Level Single Universe, didn’t we just think it was difficult for us to become multi-universe? The result! Didn’t we reach multi-universe easily? The same is true for Super Universe Level, it won’t be difficult for us of!”

Han Qing smiled slightly.

“I hope so!”

Jean Grey laughed.

However, his optimism in his heart is still disapproving.

How can a person be lucky all the time.

“Let’s go back!”


Han Xin opened the space door across the universe and returned to the original universe.

After they left, this zombie universe accelerated its collapse.

The entire universe began to collapse, the planet shattered, and the Fixed Star exploded.

Countless black holes appear in this universe, devouring everything in the universe.

Such huge amounts of movement formed a cosmic ripple, which spread out continuously to the surroundings, affecting many nearby universes.

These universes also swayed, and they didn’t know how many stars were destroyed, and the Fixed Star exploded.

Such a big movement suddenly alarmed how many gods and how many gods of creation.

In the end, the multi-universe-level creator gods who maintained the multi-universe order were all alarmed.

The eyes of the eternal subject opened from sleep, seeing the past of this universe with the eyes of time, and knowing the ins and outs of things at once.

“To dare to so blatantly destroy a universe, it’s really abominable, and he must be taught a lesson!”

After saying this, he immediately broke through the space, passed through countless universes, and came to the universe where Han Qing was.

His huge star body descended into the outer space of the earth.

The entire earth and moon began to shake slightly.

Many houses on the earth swayed and collapsed, and even the ocean began to churn and turbulent, setting off huge waves, surging towards coastal cities.

These huge waves are hundreds of meters high. If 953 landed, I don’t know how many people would die.

Han Qing immediately sensed the abnormality of the earth, and a thought flashed past.

Immediately, the shaking of the earth stopped, and the monstrous waves disappeared.

Even the collapsed houses returned to their original positions, and those who died were resurrected one by one.

He looked up at Eternity in the sky and frowned slightly: “Are you the subject of Eternity?”


The eternal subject nodded slightly and said, “Young man, return your Infinite Gems! That universe cannot be destroyed!”

Han Qing also shook his head and said, “Sorry, that universe has no meaning to exist anymore, just let them destroy it!”

Han Qing is wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, not afraid of this eternal subject.

He has now reached the pinnacle of the multi-universe class with the Infinity Gauntlet.

In terms of strength, it is not much different from this eternal subject.

What’s more, the ability of Infinity Gauntlet is diversified, which is much stronger than the single eternal ability.

If it really wants to fight, this Eternal Subject is not necessarily his opponent.

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