Chapter 257 Go to the Death Country of the Goddess of Death

Chapter 257 Go to the Death Country of the Goddess of Death

He directly used a time loop on Han Qing.

Trapped Han Qing in a time loop, constantly repeating what he just did.

But Han Qing saw his little trick at a glance, and just said lightly: “The time loop disappears!”

After saying this, the time loop disappears.

Then, the eternal subject kept using time laws one by one.

But Han Qing easily coped with it.

In the end, the Eternal Subject really has no choice but to admit defeat.

“Han Qing, you are indeed very capable of time and law, even I can’t beat you in this respect!”

“In this case, I am willing to admit defeat, and I will not pester you again in the future!!

“However, I won’t come to pester you in the future, but it doesn’t mean that several other ancient creation gods won’t come to you! 957”

After saying this, the eternal subject left this universe.

Han Qing disagreed with Eternal’s words.

Among the five creation gods, only this eternity has the most sense of justice, and likes to meddle the most.

The other several ancient creation gods are almost all evil gods.

For example, planet devourers like to devour planets in the universe.

Annihilation was born to annihilate the universe, and is the opposite of eternity.

Death has been looking forward to the death of all life in the entire universe. Now that the entire universe has perished, it is too late for her to be happy! How could she be meddling with her own business.

The last remaining infinity is the representative of space, and there is a possibility of meddling.

However, her strength is not comparable to that of Eternal, so Han Qing can send her away at will.

What Han Qing was most afraid of was that the five ancient gods of creation joined forces to deal with him.

But obviously this is not possible.

The 5 ancient creation gods were all enemies to each other, and it was impossible for them to unite against him.

After solving the eternal matter, he put away the mirror space and returned to the original earth.

“Is that eternal thing settled?”

Qin Grey and several girls gathered around when they saw Han Qing.

“Yes, Eternity has been driven away by me, and will not pester us again in the future!”

Han Qing smiled slightly.

“That’s good!

Several girls had happy smiles on their faces.

Eternal’s world-destroying aura almost frightened them.

I didn’t expect to be dismissed by Han Qing so easily.

It was a bit of a surprise.

Han Qing frowned and said, “The zombie universe has been completely resolved, but the Thanos in our universe hasn’t been resolved yet!”

“Now that we have reached the multi-universe level, let’s see if we can enter the realm of death and stop Thanos integrate the universe cube!”

Jean Grey reminded.

“Well, this is a good way (accbj!”

Han Qing very much agrees with this method.

Suddenly a thought flashed across him, and he pulled over the goddess of death on the other side of the universe.

The goddess of death was sitting on the side doing nothing, and was suddenly pulled by someone, frightening the dead.

Seeing Han Qing, he breathed a sigh of relief: “My mother! It scared me to death, I thought some powerful existence was going to kill me!”

Then she looked at Han Qing, and then at Qin Grey next to her, her eyes widened.

“What level of cultivation have you two reached, I can’t see through you… Could it be that you have reached the multi-universe level? How is this possible, and how long does it take?”

When she said this, she looked in disbelief.

Jean Grey laughed: “We’ve definitely reached the multi-universe level!”

She also told the goddess of death how she would become a multi-universe.

“The 831 universe has actually become a zombie universe, and I have communicated with her, the goddess of death in this universe!”

The goddess of death was deeply moved.

“Now that I’m multi-universe, let’s see if we can get into your Death Realm and stop Thanos from integrating the Universe Cube!”

Han Qing said to the goddess of death.

“Okay, let’s try it!”

The goddess of death quickly told Han Qing the coordinates of her country of death.

Han Qing flashed a thought, and actually opened a space door.

The goddess of death looked at it and said happily: “The opposite is my kingdom of death, great, we have succeeded, we can enter!

After saying this, she happily walked into the space door.

Walking into the space door, she was very excited when she saw the familiar environment.

“I haven’t been home for a long time, I miss it so much!”

The feeling of being home made her very comfortable.

Han Qing and Qin Grey also walked in.

Others stayed where they were.

Because they were not strong enough, Han Qing did not let them in.

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