Chapter 265

Chapter 265

When these monsters heard this voice, they all looked at Han Qing and found that he was a human being, and immediately became extremely angry.

“Where is the human boy, dare to speak madly!”

Merely “A human being dares to speak up here, are you trying to court death?”

“Boy, have you seen my mouth, my mouth is bigger than yours, I can eat you as a human with just one mouth!”

“Boy, hurry up and apologize to me, or I’ll eat you!”

“Boy, see if my fist is not there. My fist is five or six times bigger than your body. I can beat you to a pulp with one fist!”

960 “Boy, do you see my feet? My feet are more than ten times bigger than yours. You are an ant in my eyes, and I can crush you with one foot!”

A group of demon clan shouted and threatened loudly around Han Qing, wanting to show him a good look, but none of them took action.

Because this is at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, the saint’s territory, they dare not make a move.

They want to use their power to suppress people, make Han Qing afraid, and take the initiative to apologize to them, so that they can regain their dignity.

But Han Qing didn’t ignore them at all, and regardless of the rules here, he shot directly.

Definitely he won’t shoot blatantly, but use Mind Gem in Ability.

Mind Gem took control of these demon clans at once, and his eyes suddenly turned red, seeing that the demon clan around him were very unpleasant.

“What are you up to?”

“Why are you jumping, daddy?”

“Will you try again?”

“I’m just Geng, what are you doing?”

“tmd, you are courting death! I will kill you!”

After shouting like a man from the northeast, these monsters started to fight each other.

Because they lost their minds, they made their shots without any scruples, and they attacked within a radius of more than ten miles.

Many demon clans were affected by them and were very angry, but they did not dare to fight here, so they had to stand back and watch.

“Are these guys crazy? To dare to fight under the eyes of a saint, this is courting death!”

“These guys are all monsters who have just been shapeshifting. They probably still retain the habits of the Beast.

“This kind of brainless guy, even if the saint doesn’t blame them, they don’t even want to worship the saint.

“I think they will be killed soon! Because there will be many people who will please the saint!”

The foresight issued by many people.

And what they expected was right, there were indeed many people who wanted to please the saint.

Several powerful monsters came out and shouted: “You are so bold, you dare to spread wild under the feet of the saints, courting death!”

These demon clans are all in the Xuanxian realm, and they can be said to have an amazing momentum and terrifying destructive power.

Within a radius of dozens of miles, all the explosions exploded, and the more than 10 monsters were all blown to pieces.

Those demon clan didn’t feel much yet, but the captain of the United States all widened their eyes and looked in disbelief.

“These guys are so strong, and there are so many such powerful characters here!”

Spider-man looked worried.

They only have the power of Earth Immortals, and they can’t compare with these people at all.

“Will these monsters kill us too?”

Black widow said with some concern.

After all, she was the source of this riot.

Don’t worry, “Okay! They are just to please the saints and will not kill innocents!”

Han Ji said comfortingly.

Sure enough, those few demon clan no longer shot, but very quiet.

At this moment, a majestic and vast voice came over.

“I am Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun. Today, the mountain gate is widely opened. Anyone who has gone through a billion steps with great perseverance and great wisdom can worship under my door after passing the test of this seat.”

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