Chapter 273 2 Yuanshi Tianzun began to preach

Chapter 273 2 Yuanshi Tianzun began to preach

The phantom beast turned into a little fairy boy, shaking the back of his head and yelling, when he saw Han Qing smiling at him with malicious intent, he stepped back and stared at him vigilantly.

“What are you doing here again? My little brothers are very quiet recently!”

Yuri’s phantom beasts are no longer Han Qing’s opponents, so the phantom beasts are walking around.

“Long time no see, your “Nine Seven Zero” cultivation base is improving too slowly, today I will be a good person and teach you a few tricks.” Han Qing said slowly with his hands behind his back.

When the phantom beast heard it, its expression changed in fright.

“What! Come again!

Over the past 100 years, Han Qing has always looked for him every time he broke through a bottleneck, euphemistically teaching him a trick and a half.

In fact, isn’t it just using phantom beasts as targets for practice?

Han Qing smiled, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the Illusory Spirit Beast and caught him. “Have fun with me and I won’t treat you badly.

So, the two fought, and a full year passed.

The phantom beast was beaten from a handsome fairy boy back to its original form, until Han Qing successfully broke through the bottleneck.

“Well, yes, it took four years to train to the top, a year earlier than I expected.”

Han Qing used his sleeves, and his whole body exuded a strong qi, and the fairy clouds around him were scattered to the side.

At the same time, Han Qing has also become a Xuanxian realm. From the perspective of people in this world, his aptitude is already against the sky.

But only Han Qing knew that if he wanted to become the supreme master earlier, the progress would be very slow.

If the other twelve golden immortals heard this kind of thought, they would probably vomit blood.

If Han Qing’s ability to defy the sky is considered slow, then aren’t they slow enough to become scumbags?

And just when he felt that he had nothing to do, he suddenly heard that Primordial Innocent had left.

Yuanshi Tianzun said before the retreat that he would teach lessons after leaving the retreat, and Han Qing rushed over immediately.

After arriving at the place, he found that only half of the twelve golden immortals had come.

Probably a few other people are in retreat and practice, and they have not heard that the original Tianzun has already left.

Han Qing saw that the immortal energy on Yuanshi Tianzun after leaving the customs was even more intense. Now that he saw Yuanshi Tianzun, he couldn’t help but kneel down and worship him devoutly. It seems that the old man’s cultivation has broken through a lot. 0.

Yuanshi Tianzun was not in a hurry, sitting on the futon with squinted eyes and meditating, as if waiting for the arrival of other disciples.

Han Qing also sat down, because he knew that the original Tianzun had the ability to tell fortunes, he must have calculated that the other disciples who had not come would soon leave the customs.

As expected by Han Qing, in less than half a month, several other people came one after another.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes. At this moment, Han Qing’s urge to worship him became stronger.

The Twelve Golden Immortals also saw Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes that were like clear waves, as if they washed away all the filth in the hearts of everyone present.

Han 2.1 Qing held back this feeling, and did not kneel down like the twelve golden immortals, but he secretly thought that Yuanshi Tianzun could control other people’s minds, it was really a very terrifying existence.

“Han Qing, why don’t you kneel?

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun’s celestial voice opened, the birds and beasts outside the Jade Palace couldn’t help but want to rush in. A ray of light flew out of Yuanshi Tianzun’s fingers and flew out of the Jade Palace, and there was no change outside.

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