Chapter 276.2 Our Lady of the Golden Spirit

Chapter 276.2 Our Lady of the Golden Spirit

The whole Immortal Broadcasting Station exudes the scorching heat of the sun and the coldness of the moon, the elements of fire and water are blended, and the vitality is constantly rising strongly.

“So strong!”

Guangchengzi’s eyes jumped, and he didn’t dare to be careless in his heart. He was wearing a robe, facing the power of the sun and moon beads, and used his powerful breath to resist.


The immortal clouds above the arena were blasted open, falling like floes, falling to the ground, and turning into rainwater.

The horizon was dyed red by the sun and moon beads, as if a hole had been torn open in the sky.

Both of them stepped back a hundred meters and stepped on the void.

It was a draw.

Han Qing was slightly startled.

After all, in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Holy Tortoise was enough to slaughter several people in the Twelve Golden Immortals. She was a friend of the Undang Mother, and her 970 strength was almost the same.

Not to mention Guangchengzi, even the Great Magician of Lingbao is a defeated general under the Virgin of Wudang.

Guangchengzi is not as good as the Great Magician of Lingbao, and now he is on a tie with Our Lady of the Spirit Turtle. It can be seen that after Han Qing came to this wild world, the fate of many people has changed.

When Han Qing was fascinated, Fairy Child had already announced the results of the competition.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said several words of encouragement to Guangchengzi.

After all, the Twelve Golden Immortals worshipped the Sanqing Sect later than the Virgin of the Tortoise, and it was not bad to be able to tie with the Virgin of the Tortoise.

And the face of the Tongtian sect leader naturally turned dark, even if the Holy Mother of the Tortoise was extremely favored on weekdays, now he snorted at the other party and said nothing.

The following is still the competition between Yuanshi Tianzun and the disciples of Tongtian Sect Master.

The magician of Xuandu, who is under the throne of Taishang Laojun, stayed behind to fight.

“I don’t know if Junior Brother Han Qing can give you a face and let me ask you for a lesson or two?”

Just when Xiantong hadn’t said the next person to be tested, Daoist Duobao suddenly jumped out and took the initiative to compare.

Han Qing glanced at him calmly, and it was unpleasant to look at him pretending to be. Since this son is so humble, then he will do as he wishes!

“Senior brother is joking, it should be me asking for advice from senior brother.”

Han Qingpi replied without a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

“Although junior brother Han Qing is the most outstanding disciple of the Yuanshi Tianzun, after all, he is a thousand years later than senior brother (accb), so let me ask for advice first!”

When a woman’s voice came, Han Qing turned around and saw the Virgin of the Golden Spirit staring at him, with the expression on her face being brave and fighting, and she didn’t take him seriously at all.

Compared to the fact that the Lady of the Tortoise was unable to obtain benefits from Guangchengzi’s subordinates just now, as the head of the fairies, she naturally couldn’t hold back her anger at this moment.

“This…” Han Qing was a little hesitation. If he won the head of the fairies so quickly, wouldn’t it be bad?

“How about Senior Sister first compete with other female immortals, and then I will see you after me and Senior Brother Duobao decide the winner?

Everyone inhaled, this Han Qing directly skipped the Virgin of the Golden Spirit. Does this mean that people are not worthy to fight him?

There was a sneer at the corner of the mouth of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit: “You won’t have a chance when you finish the fight.”

What she means is that Han Qing will lose against Daoist Duobao!

“Really? That senior sister can take a bet with me?” Han Qing asked, it seemed that he was too low-key, and these people didn’t take him seriously.

“Bet what?”

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said curiously, not knowing that Han Qing was already digging a hole for him.

After all, in her opinion, Master Tongtian hates Han Hanqing so much, if she can humiliate Han Qing severely, she will definitely make Master Tongtian value her even more!

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