Chapter 277.1 Our Lady of the Golden Spirit vs Han Qing

Chapter 277.1 Our Lady of the Golden Spirit VS Han Qing

Is it actually a fake Virgin of the Golden Spirit? Han Qing thought it was very incredible.

It was obvious that the two of them were standing here at the same time, but in the blink of an eye, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit disappeared, and a double was transformed under his eyelids.

Sure enough, it is the Golden Spirit Virgin who can be an enemy in the future.

I was just too careless just now.

And even if Han Qing responded “Nine Seven Three” now, it was too late.

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit released the power of the Four Elephants Pagoda with Yuan Li, and Han Qing was bearing the weight of the top of Mount Tai, and could not be shaken at all.

“How is it? Junior Brother Han Qing, you should admit defeat.”

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said triumphantly.

Han Qing would not let her get what she wanted, and gritted her teeth and squeezed out three words: “Impossible, impossible!”

I want him to admit defeat like this, in the next life!


The Virgin of Jinling felt that she was repeatedly refuted by Han Qing, and her heart was full of anger.

“Hehe, Senior Sister, the outcome is still undecided, aren’t you too happy now!”

Seeing the Madonna of Jinling getting angry, Han Qing was naturally happy.

“Okay! Junior brother Han Qing, since you don’t want to admit defeat, don’t blame senior sister for being ruthless! The Four Elephants Pagoda will swallow up your Yuan force. You have finally risen to Jinxian, but don’t fall down and cry in front of senior sister. nose!

“Senior sister, don’t worry, even if I really lose my realm, I’m still young, how can I compare it with the realm that my senior sister has been stable for many years?

Originally, she had planned to let the Virgin of the Golden Spirit be a woman, so that she could lose more respectably, but the other party was eager to humiliate herself from the very beginning.

Devouring Yuan Li? Ah, the mere Four Elephants Pagoda is too arrogant!

“You, you!” The Virgin of Jin Ling’s face turned green with anger, is this saying that she is old from the side?

After being provoked once again, the Virgin of Jinling no longer considers that Han Qing is the most proud disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and seeing that she doesn’t beat Han Qing’s ass!

Naturally, Han Qing was no longer polite. While supporting the pressure that the Four Elephants Pagoda put on him, he attacked the Four Elephants Pagoda with his greatest energy.

With a bang, the Four Elephants Pagoda could not hold Han Qing down.

Han Qing was stunned, and then the corner of his mouth smiled, it seems that the current Virgin of the Golden Spirit has not controlled the Four Elephants Pagoda very well, no wonder she took out the Dragon Tiger Ruyi 0 at the beginning.

So that is to say, the Four Elephants Pagoda, the Lady of the Golden Spirit is very likely not yet refined!

In that case…

The corner of Han Qing’s mouth evoked a sly smile.

But since the Four Elephants Pagoda is already in the hands of the Lady of the Golden Spirit, how could Han Qing defeat the Lady of the Golden Spirit so easily?

Han Qing seemed to hit the Four Elephants Pagoda with his fluttering palm. Even if he was shaken for a moment, he was still resisted by the Four Elephants Pagoda, and radiated a scorching light.

Although no real harm was caused, Han Qing’s smile became more meaningful.

The Four Elephant Pagodas that have not been refined are so indestructible, it is conceivable that if he gets the Four Elephants Pagoda..

2.1 The Virgin of the Golden Spirit saw that Han Qing had supported her for so long under the power of her own Four Elephants Pagoda. When she was shocked, she injected more Yuan power into her hands.

Humph! Even if the Four Elephants Pagoda is not running very smoothly now, she can’t exert its 50% power, but just hitting Han Qing with the Four Elephants Pagoda can break his Vajra body!

When Han Qing falls out of the Golden Immortal Realm, let’s see how he behaves!

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