Chapter 281.1 Lao Tzu

Chapter 281.1 Lao Tzu

“It’s good that the apprentice is satisfied. I’m really afraid of this gift as a teacher. You won’t like it. After all, how can a great apprentice like this one know his second one.”

When the original Tianzun said this, he deliberately slanted his eyes and said it to the black-faced Tongtian sect master, and the pride in his tone was obvious.

Although the other party was despised by him, he had to deliberately pretend that he didn’t care.

In order to balance his heart, Tongtian Sect Master thought to himself: After a lot of age, he still wants to please his apprentice, the more he lives, the more he goes back.

But he is different.

Tongtian Sect Master stepped on a pair of eyes and looked at the disciples who seemed to be fighting chickens, and his beard blew violently.

The way he went back to treat his apprentice was not as gentle as the Tongtian Sect Master.

The disciples under the Master of Tongtian Sect, seeing his expression, knew that they would definitely be unlucky when they returned.

Especially those few people who thought they could win this competition, but lost in the end, their faces were really ashamed, and they also knew that they were very ashamed – Tongtian Sect Master.

“Since senior brother is so optimistic about your apprentice, I also congratulate junior brother in advance – nephew Han Qing.”

Tongtian Sect Master raised his beard and said indifferently.

No matter what he thought in his heart, at least on the surface, he had done enough.

Han Qing naturally couldn’t slap his face on the bright side, and he didn’t want to let the old man, Primordial Tianzun, act too much.

“Thank you for your uncle’s encouragement, the disciple is fortunate to surpass the brothers and sisters today, and will definitely work harder in the future, and you will not be disappointed.

After he said these words, Tongtian Sect Master looked at him with a complicated look.

Could it be that his subconscious meaning is that it is not enough for the disciples who surpassed him today, will he still surpass himself in the future?

But Han Qing was not the other disciples of the Tongtian sect master, and when he saw his cannibalistic eyes, he was afraid.

On the contrary, Han Qing looked back at Tongtian Sect Master generously and gave him a look similar to your “Geng Ha”.

Tongtian Sect Master was once again struck by his eyes, thinking that this child is too ambitious!

His expression became serious, but again he looked like he wanted to get angry but didn’t dare.

After all, people’s masters are here, doesn’t the old saying say that when you beat a dog, you have to look at the master?

0- Ask for flowers…

“That football book is waiting for you, since you are so confident.”

Hmph! He will take a look at the stinky boy who has just entered the Golden Immortal. He actually delusionally thinks that one day he can surpass himself, it will take at least ten thousand years!

“Teacher, since your master is so optimistic about you, then you must achieve your goal as soon as possible, otherwise, your uncle’s encouragement today will be voided.

Yuanshi Tianzun squinted his eyes and said with a smile, but he was very unhappy in his heart, when would his apprentice need him to pretend.

Sect Master Tongtian gave him a cold look, and with a flick of his sleeves, he took the lead in taking his disciple back.

The Primordial Heavenly Venerate leaned on his seat very comfortably after the Tongtian Sect Master left.

He sighed and said, “Ah, the air is much fresher.

“Senior brother.

The old man’s voice came from beside him.

Yuanshi Tianzun is sitting in crisis, he has forgotten that there is a senior brother next to him!

Although the two of them are not close friends on weekdays, they are better than their relationship with Tongtian Sect Master. So.

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