Chapter 285.2 Han Qing vs Demon King 2

Chapter 285.2 Han Qing VS Demon King 2

Although he wanted to defeat the Demon King, not only could he use his cleverness to fully utilize all the abilities he had, but that was too tiring.

Moreover, the fire element he used was not the fire element that ordinary people cultivated, but he stimulated it with gems.

The 7 gems have always been hidden in his body, as long as he needs to use it, he will grab the most useful gem.

So that piece of fire element just now was created by him using gems.

“Damn human, I’m going to kill you!”

The demon king roared wildly, his voice sounded very rough, as if the stones were constantly rubbing.

But the demon king can speak human language, which surprised Han Qing.

Because it stands to reason that wild monsters do not understand language, unless they are like the beasts they encountered when they were apprentices at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Those orcs are serious, and after a lot of study, they understand the commonality of humans and beasts.

“Silly big brother, you can’t see with your eyes now, what qualifications do you have to kill me?”

Han Qing (accb) continued to provoke the demon king without fear of death.

The demon king was once again provoked by his words, so he constantly rammed the mountain on the side with his head.

Even the Demon King’s head is very hard, but it has left very amazing bloodstains on such a thick and hard mountain.

Fortunately, the demon king did hit the mountain with a wound in the end, so he stretched his head out and took a breath of the mist in the misty forest.

After the mist in the foggy forest entered its nostrils, it seemed to disappear completely, and after a while, the demon king put his head in again from the outside.

Han Qing watched all this silently.

I thought to myself that the Demon King felt that he would still be afraid of the miasma in the foggy forest.

Although the qi in the foggy forest is poisonous, he is not afraid at all, so even if the demon king collects so much fog, the fog in the forest cannot destroy him.

Unexpectedly, the demon king did not spray out the mist it absorbed, but sat on the ground, enduring the pain in his eyes, and began to slowly change the mist.

The whole body of the demon king was covered with a golden protective layer.

Han Qing was stunned. It turned out that the fog in the Mingwu Forest could not only poison humans, but also allow the demon king to heal.

After knowing this, Han Qing stopped hesitation, because he knew that if the Demon King’s wounds were healed, he would definitely not be able to successfully use the fire element to hurt his eyes again later.

But this time, the hydrogen constantly used fire elements to make fireballs, which were thrown at the demon king’s protective layer but had no effect at all.

Because the demon king’s attribute is gold, his fire element can only hurt the demon king’s most vulnerable eyes.

Thinking of this, Han Qing felt that he had to use Soul Gem again.

Since he cannot destroy the demon king, he can only make the demon king his slave, so that the demon king will not attack him.

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