Chapter 7 Battle

Chapter 7 Battle

The three demon monks looked at Han Qing as if they were looking at a Deadman.

They At the moment already knew what Han Qing was thinking.

Han Qing wanted to fight them to the end, otherwise he wouldn’t have said such outrageous words.

In this case, the three demon monks at the moment have all released the mana in their bodies and burst out their momentum. They must let Han Qing know their power and how wrong Han Qing’s decision is.

Han Qing looked at the three demon cultivators as if he was looking at fools. He glanced at it contemptuously, and said lightly, “Where did you guys get the confidence to beat me? I started dreaming before I even started fighting. ? It seems that you are just a kung fu on the lips.

As soon as these words fell, the anger of the three demon monks was instantly ignited.

“Good boy, since you look down on us so much, then we’ll let you see how powerful we are!” I saw the demon cultivator in the middle immediately said viciously to Han Qing, and at the same time broke out his own fierce offensive, towards Han Qing Attack away.

The other two monster monks saw that their companions had already started, and they also attacked in the direction of Han Qing without hesitation.

The three demon monks formed a triangular formation, trapped Han Qing, and wanted to block Han Qing’s escape route.

Han Qing looked at the three of them with a calm expression on his face. He didn’t show any panic at all, and he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

Since these three monster monks want to be his whetstones, let them be his whetstones.

If Han Qing’s thoughts were known to the three demon monks, then the three monks would probably be so angry that they vomited blood.

The three of them were actually used by Han Qing as whetstones?

If this matter spreads out, will they still hang out?

“You haven’t responded yet? I think you’re just beating a swollen face and making a fat man, you can’t even take a single blow from us!” The demon monk in the middle sneered and looked at Han Qing confidently. .

The corner of Han Qing’s mouth rose slightly, but he didn’t speak.

When the offensive of the three monster monks was about to fall on Han Qing, Han Qing instantly burst out with momentum in the body at the moment, sending out a shockwave, which stopped the three monster monks’ attack for a while.

It was precisely because of this pause that Han Qing immediately reacted, shifted his position, and left the place directly, out of the attack range of the three.

The three people’s attacks hit the air, as if their fists hit cotton, and they were very weak.

The three monster monks saw that Han Qing had used such a strange trick, which made them unacceptable for a while.

How can this be?

Han Qing was about to be attacked just now, it is impossible to escape!

But the fact was in front of them, Han Qing did it, he escaped the attack of the three, and also let the three of them not know why Han Qing was able to escape their attack.

This is enough to show that Han Qing’s strength is already above the three of them.

The corners of Han Qing’s mouth rose slightly, and he said to the three of them disdainfully, “Now do you know where my confidence comes from?”

The three demon monks did not believe that they could beat Han Qing at all. There were three of them. Even if their personal strength was not as good as Han Qing, the three of them would definitely be able to beat Han Qing together.

“It seems that we underestimated you before, but do you think you can get rid of our attack this way? We have three people, and you are only one person, can you still beat the three of us together?” The cultivator of the demon race looked at Han Qing with a ferocious expression, and said to Han Qing viciously, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he wanted to defeat Han Qing to prove himself.

Han Qing just shook his head helplessly, sighed, and said: “Alas, there are always people like you in the world who are talking about dreams, let me tell you what is true strength and what is insurmountable. Gap.”

After saying that, Han Qing’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and he fixed his eyes on the three monster monks, and then flew in the direction of the three, mobilizing the mana in the body, and broke out a strong offensive.

Han Qing wanted to take the initiative to attack the three demon monks.

After the three demon monks saw Han Qing’s appearance, they immediately smiled disdainfully.

Han Qing dares to take the initiative to attack? Isn’t this courting death (Nuo Nuo’s)?

“Since you want to court death, then we will fulfill you!” The demon monk on the left laughed and said mockingly.

The three demon monks began to mobilize the mana in their bodies, and they exploded with more powerful strength. This time, they mobilized all the mana in their bodies and wanted to defeat Han Qing with one blow.

After one blow, if unsuccessful, it becomes benevolence.

Between the electric light and flint, the two sides collided. After a brief confrontation, they soon separated.

Han Qing slowly stopped the step back, with a light-hearted look, very relaxed.

The three demon monks had no resistance at all, and flew backwards to change.

Chapter 8: The disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun,

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