Chapter 17 Dealing with Daluo Jinxian

Chapter 17 Dealing with Daluo Jinxian

“This person’s strength is at least above Daluo Jinxian!” Han Qing felt the strong mana fluctuation and secretly guessed in his heart.

The other party is aggressive, I am afraid that the comer is not good.

“I’m afraid there will be a strong monster coming.” Han Qing reminded the surrounding human monks at the moment, so that these human monks were prepared to deal with it.

As soon as Han Qing’s voice fell, these human cultivators began to panic and panic.

“There is a powerful monster coming?”

“Even he said so, I am afraid that the strength of the comer is even higher than him!”

“If it wasn’t for him this time, I’m afraid all of us here would have to be wiped out by the demon clan.

“It’s just that the next battle is probably not something we can intervene in.”

“As long as the demon monks don’t retreat, they will come back one day, and we human monks will not escape bad luck.”

“If we have to end this catastrophe, then we can only completely end the lives of these monster monks.

Among the human race monks, many people were whispering, and they all expressed their views on this matter.

“You wait for the little thief, how dare you slaughter my monster monk!”

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded in this area, and it sounded that the other party had reached a state of rampage.


Han Qing waited for a while in his heart, his face condensed, and he felt the mana fluctuations around him very nervously.

It seems that the powerhouse of the demon clan is indeed here, and only the powerhouse can exude such a breath.

Moreover, this monster powerhouse is in anger, and I am afraid that the strength that erupts will be even more terrifying.

The cultivator of the demon race came to Han Qing in an instant, his eyes staring at Han Qing, as if he was staring at the enemy of Tianda.

He had already felt Han Qing’s aura, and the strongest among these people was Han Qing. He knew that the monks of the demon race were basically wiped out by Han Qing, so how could he bear it in his heart?

“Demon Master Fei Lian, boy, do you know my name?” Fei Lian immediately questioned Han Qing viciously.

Han Qing shook his head and said, “I don’t know.

Han Qing didn’t know anything about the information about the demon clan, and he didn’t want to know.

Fei Lian saw that Han Qing was so arrogant, which made him even more angry.

“Good boy, how dare you treat me with such an attitude! You are really the first in history, but I am afraid that you will regret doing this to me in the future. Do you know the horror of Da Luo Jinxian?”

Fei Lian glared at Han Qing viciously, he was not in a hurry at all, he knew that these people were all in his pocket, he was like a controller, controlling the situation.

“Da Luo Jinxian!

Han Qing’s eyes suddenly condensed, it really is the strength of Daluo Jinxian, which is exactly the same as what he guessed.

It seems that it is impossible to fight him with his own strength.

Han Qing thought silently in his heart, sighed helplessly, and then said to Fei Lian, “Why are you so arrogant?”

Fei Lian was stunned, he didn’t know where Han Qing’s confidence came from, and he dared to talk to him like this.

“You are a mere human monk in the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian, where did you get the confidence to talk to me like this? I must let you know my strength well, I won’t let you die so easily, if In this case, it will be too cheap for you.

Fei Lian intends to torture Han Qing to vent his hatred.

After that, Fei Lian shot in Han Qing’s direction, without hesitation at all, and regardless of whether it was a sneak attack or not, he only needed to achieve his goal.

Han Qing was always on guard against Fei Lian, but he didn’t expect Fei Lian to take action so quickly, and he instantly dodged to the side.

When Fei Lian’s attack was about to land on Han Qing, Han Qing’s figure flashed, dodging Fei Lian’s attack.

If Han Qing’s reaction was not fast enough, then Fei Lian’s attack would be enough to make Han Qing suffer enough.

“Good boy, you were able to escape my blow at the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. It seems that you really have some ability, but that’s it.” Fei Lian’s eyes showed a hint of surprise. , His attack was a misstep, and he didn’t even attack Han Qing, which surprised him to the extreme.

Han Qing’s face suddenly darkened, and his heart sank. Fei Lianzhen (Nuo Nuo Zhao) didn’t hold back at all…

If that’s the case, that’s all it can do…

Han Qing sighed helplessly, shook his head slightly, then took out a scroll, with a faint smile on his face, looked at Fei Lian confidently, without panic.

After Fei Lian saw the scroll in Han Qing’s hand, his face was shocked.

“The duplication seal scroll? Fei Lian questioned Han Qing immediately after feeling the aura of the scroll, and he was very excited.

Han Qing nodded, then smashed the scroll, and acted resolutely, without any hesitation, he did not intend to drag Fei Lian any further.

After the scroll was shattered, a huge phantom appeared behind Han Qing.

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