Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 1 - A Father's worry

{A/N: Don't judge until you read to Chapter 2}

In a dark lit room, someone was typing on his keyboard. As his computer screens were getting filled with codes upon codes.

One can generally guess he is a programmer seeing his hunched back typing rapidly on his keyboard. With bags under his eyes, he yawned. Stretching up from his chair. He was about to continue when suddenly his phone's alarm rang off.

Then he stopped as he pulled up his phone from his pocket. Opening up the shades he saw daylight "Oh shit. I am late." He said as he checked his phone. He hurried, readying up for the day.

The person in question looked young in his early twenties having a muscular thin body. His face was unshaven but it didn't look bad on him though, in fact, the rough beard actually looked good on him. Black hair with brown pupils, a little taller than average. By the scars that he was hiding under his new worn hoodie you could tell, he had a rough life or a rough experience.

He quickly got ready pulling up his black hoodie. He left his apartment with a school bag that was decorated giving it a cyber-punk look. But the bag was unusually filled. The contents hiding in the bag was special.

"I am sorry, sweetie." Said a man kneeling down on one leg as he gave a sorry look to his daughter.

John was busy with his police work. It was hard being the captain of a SWAT team. It came with responsibilities & a lot of work. But then again family comes first. And he was rather late to pick up his daughter.

His daughter pouted and looked away. She was rather angry with her father. Well, it was justified she was waiting almost half an hour after her school ended. And it was irresponsible of John to leave his 9 years daughter alone, after school.

John could only sigh. It was hard being a single Dad. He would have sent his daughter to the nearest school from his office but then again it would only hold back her daughter. She was rather a smart cookie just like her mother. Thinking about her a rare smile was put on the Captain's face.

But seeing his daughter angry he could only sigh.

While John was trying to convince his daughter to forgive him. On the roof of another building, another man was setting up something as he was whistling in enjoyment.

Moving his head and body in a rhythmic fashion while music played on his earbuds. He looked happy in what he was doing.

As he was whistling, he had finished setting 'it' up. And It was a gun. No, rather it was a sniper rifle. As put on the scope and locked it in place with a click.

As he took aim and found his target. He stopped any and all unwanted movements. He breathed slowly. His face grew serious, as he looked from his sharp eyes onto the target. He found his target and took out his phone from his back pocket. To give it a last check.

The target was [John Hickman. Height 6' 2" ���.]

A SWAT team captain.

Usually wears a white shirt and black pants to work…]

He was checked the information one last time from his phone. Well, he didn't want to get the wrong target. And it would be quite embarrassing if he did that.

It was quite hard taking a shot from this far away, but not for him though.

He wanted to create quite a bit of uproar, he wanted his kill to be on today's headline.

And that's why he picked up this situation. He needed John to be with his 9 years old daughter if anything happens like any decent parent he would sacrifice himself rather than see his child get hurt. It was quite amusing to him.

His face showed a sadistic smile.

And just like his client wanted. He needs to make him suffer, the client didn't include killing his daughter. But It was his weird fetish. His face showed a sadistic smile

And if you want one to suffer, what's the best way other than seeing their child die or Wife get r.a.p.ed in front of the target. But if anything unexpected happens his first priority was John.

Grinning from ear to ear as he took aim, the crosshair was above a little above the girl's head who was now walking a few steps away from his old man. He was waiting for the right moment. Holding his breath, steadying himself, he moved his hand on to the trigger

Then he pulled the trigger.


A few moments earlier,

John smiled warily seeing his daughter unhappy & sad throwing a tantrum. But he knew how to cheer her up. She liked ice cream.

As they were walking to the car his daughter was a little ahead of him. Suddenly, he felt his stomach sink, as he felt a cold airbrushing along his spine. It felt… as if something bad was going to happen.

Like a predator was looking down on his prey.

"Sweetie…" said fastening his steps as he grabbed and hugged his daughter following his parental instincts.


A body dropped. Motionless, struggling on its own pool of leaking blood.

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