Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 11 - 10. Part 2

'I could do that?' Max was equally as shocked as the Gorilla. It was that he held back his strength that he didn't know his limits.

'You learn something new every day. Oh, Yeah. Thanks, Bayak. I owe you one.' Max thanked Bayak.


Max heard a scruffy sound from their shared mind link. Maybe Bayak just shrugged off the compliment or is Embarrassed about it; He didn't know.

And also one thing Max noticed that Bayak was very Intelligence, it was because, with the minimal Clues, he suggested that the Gorilla had some hidden powers. If it was a human, he would think it was obvious, but for a Panther that is only 3 years old, it was more than enough to show its intelligence.

'By only seeing a light glint of flash in the Gorilla's eye, Bayak could deduct it as an ability. If I were, to be honest, I didn't even notice that little flick of light. I am thinking way according to my previous world's standers.' Max thought.

'Hmm If I can maybe train & Teach Bayak maybe he could help me in the long run. Even though I am not going to stay bonded with him forever but this is the least I can do' Max thought.

'You leave?' Bayak asked with a sad tone.

'Ahh… Don't feel bad my boy…' Max was about to finish.

'But That. Mean. No. Good Meat. For. Me.' Bayak spoke with a sad tone as if not getting good meat was the end of the world for him.

Max would have vomited Blood if he had a Body. Or lived in Cultivation Novel. But the First was still a dream and the later was mostly shitty. Mostly not all, I might add.


Shuri was in her personal lab working on something when Zuke burst opened the door making the girl jerk up.

He quickly moved her annoyed face to look at Zuke, she was about to say something, but she held herself back seeing Zuke's anxious face.

"Princess… I…" She said with a worried face. "It's your Father, he's no… No, he had an accident" She said as Zuke didn't want to give her the news.

She saw her mother crying. Her brother also looked sad on the holographic tab. He also had a few injuries.

Zuke came closer as Shuri teared up. She followed her. She knew the Child from Childhood and knew she was having a hard time. So she hugged her from behind.

With the gentle embrace, Shuri couldn't hold back herself anymore as she burst out crying.

With Max,

'Whoh, Now that's a good workout wasn't it.' Max said as he checked out his Physical Limits after putting the Gorilla out of his misery. He also checked out the lair if he could find anything that looks like the heart-shaped herb, or anything that would give him power. But sadly he just wasted an hour.

'Well, At least I now know my Physical Limitations.' Max sighed.

He checked the Gorilla's body for the last time and was thinking about what he should do about it. 'Eat. It.' Bayak growled.

'Now, now, Mr. Last time I checked I was the Symbiote.' Max said with sarcasm he was in a good mood.

Even though he was a Symbiote he didn't crave for 'brains' like all others did, maybe because he was originally a human. Or his Symbiote was different.

'Hmm, Bayak, Be a good boy and stay here will you' Max said. '…Ok.' Bayak answered.

Max then tried to separate himself from Bayak. It was hard almost like pulling yourself out from undersized pants.

As he separated the Black-Redish Symbiote that was now Max, started crawling towards the dead Gorilla.

Bayak was now free of Max's control. It felt weak without the extra power and fatigue kicked in making Bayak a little dizzy. He half wanted to run from this weird thing. But stayed as it gave him power.

He could run away, but then again. He didn't know the way back to the city. He wasn't going to miss Lunch.

Max started to bond with the gorilla, as it was dead. It showed no signs of rejecting.

But the problem soon arose. For Max, it felt like suffocating trying to bond with this dead animal. But he didn't stop. He tried to pump blood to its heart, trying to function its brain.

He already tried to do it with Bayak, tried to increase or decrease the heart rate. While also trying to control its brain. But he couldn't tamper too much with the Cub or it may have bad consciousness. So he didn't go further.

But with this dead body, he can. But Increase or decrease the heart rate was one thing but trying to pump blood on a dead one was hard. It was almost Impossible… Almost.

The gorilla suddenly opened its eyes. Bayak seeing it, jumped back a little scared. Growled at the undead creature.

'This is pretty exhausting, Maybe that's why Symbiotes prefer living hosts.' Max thought. He did some few stretches and moves in this body also went full Symbiote with it. But it gave him more questions rather than answers.


A/N: Yo, I created a New Discord Channel. Join to give me suggestion or get spoilers about the story.

Also give me all of your power stones, Muhahaha... Cough... Cough...

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