Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 112 - [66]

Putting two plates on the table he sat down after helping Felicia with her chair. He was a gentleman of course.

Taking a spoon full of fried rice she took it in—still hot, forgetting it was scorching hot out of the pan. Just before comically breathing to cool it down half choking.

"It's still fresh out of the pan, genius." Max said, as he took a spoon himself blowing to cool it down.

Felicia was half glaring at him, when he extended his spoon. "Say Aah..."

She blinked a couple of times before almost blushed at the cheesiness of the situation. But she didn't mind. She opened her mouth taking it in.

Now that the food was moderately warm she could enjoy the flavors. And did she ever mention his food was great? And God, it was. She almost felt like a little girl, when her father used to spoon-feed her. Not the best comparison, but she did feel nostalgic. Thinking about him made her a little sad. And a depressed look dawned her face.

"Is it not to your liking." He asked, leaning in half sacred.

"Oh, no. I mean, it's good." She flashed a small smile.

A bit of time later, dinner was almost over, along the way a few jokes cracked here and there. It was fun indeed. She should do this often.

Taking the plates to the sink Max washed them. Well, did she ever mention how much she appriated it.

As he dried the last plate, he felt a tug on the hem of his clothes. Moving his head around, he was caught off guard when his lips were locked by Felicia. 'Where is spider-sense when you need it?'

With wide eyes he felt something he wasn't rather used to. It was hunger but in a different way so to speak.

Max didn't know what happened, but it felt like taking a drug or something. A tendril held the dried plate to its place while, Max fully turned his rest of his body, grabbing the cat, who half choked at the kiss.

One hand on her head while the other on her h.i.p.s, he healed her close enough to feel her warmth as her bosoms were pressed his c.h.e.s.t. He could even hear her heartbeats now. He lowered his body as they exchanged saliva while a fierce battle took place in between their tongues. The next thing he knew, Felicia almost huffing for air, as she pushed him back.

She breathed in and out due to lack of oxygen, she was heavily panting. She didn't know how a quick peck to the lips turned into a French cuisine.

"I-I am sorry." Max said, he had clearly overstepped his boundary. And the thing is, he wasn't even in control. 'No shit sherlock. I thought only my anger issues were a symbiotic problem, and now I have a beast-in-heat problem as well. Just hope that she doesn't stab you or worse kick you out.'

Looking up Felicia almost glared at him, but looking on his apologetic face, she felt bad. She couldn't do anything but to sigh.

"Don't. Ever. Do. that." She said every word separately to make it clear. And she was still huffing for air.

Max's shoulders slouched down. Well, it could have gone worse.

Looking at him, Felicia felt a knot in her stomach, it was those damn butterflies again. Last time they came, they left her life messed up.

But then again, she was the one who took the lead and now was blaming him. Hypocrite much. Her heart was still racing due to the sudden rush of intimate activity.

"Ah f.u.c.k it!" she cursed.

Before Max could open his mouth to apologize again his lips were sealed yet again. This time she took the lead. Luckily their height difference wasn't much, so she could push him to the kitchen counter as her tongue assaulted him.

Grabbing him by his hair she lowered him to get a better grip at him. She almost felt Max's body melting, literally so. Taking on his human form did take some of his concentration. But now that was slipping as well. So, Max was doing his best not to lose his body shape, that wouldn't end well.

Felicia Hardy had to make a statement. She wasn't going to be bested by Max, not to a single kiss, no less. As she separated they both blew steam out of their mouth. It was an aggressive battle, indeed. A strand of saliva still connected the two as they huffed for air.

"Why play with my feelings, woman." Max muttered—more like whispered in her ear, turning them both on. He was holding himself back from devouring the hell out of her. Each time he looked at her plump lips he wanted to lock on to them, bite them, play with them. And all the colorful stuff.

They both wanted to take the next step when Felicia backed down, turning back. "I have things to do tomorrow. I am sorry" She said the last part whispering. Going into her room, locking it.

Max didn't know what happened just stood their couple of seconds. Before his brain restarted. Did she kick him out. But standing there a couple of minutes, made it clear. F.u.c.k! What did he mess up this time?

Maybe there were things that she wasn't willing to tell unless she felt it right. He wasn't going to push it. But that didn't make it any better for Max. He still wanted to get on her, spend time with her, but the sudden bailing out wasn't a good sign.

Then again, he did that most of the time in his previous life. Half finishing the business, arousing a girl and then leaving them without doing anything. Maybe that was karma getting back or something, not that he believed it. But Odin be damned, he was missing her lips.

He clicked his tongue just thinking about it. He needed some sleep, maybe that would clear things out. And also maybe it could fix his over-headed symbiotic nature. Yeah, the problem was his lack of sleep. It was a long day of course.

Inside her room Felicia was wondering what happened, as she leaned back on her room-door, her c.h.e.s.t still fluttering due to the rough breathing.

At least she stopped herself, but in doing so she must have hurt Max. But she knew if she opened the door she couldn't stop herself. Maybe it was for the best.

'I am sorry… sorry Max. I-I just can't...'

Painful memories that she had avoided for years had assaulted her. As tears streamed down her face she started sitting down with the support of the door on her back. She bit into her nails, frustrated. Pulling her knees closer, she curled up into a ball, she wasn't sobbing or anything. But she felt bad.

She didn't want to remember those painful memories again. Maybe it was time to take the next step in their relation. Even if it's too early. She was betrayed and hurt once, and she wasn't willing to go through that experience again.

------- (A/N) ---------(I am not that experienced in writing romance. So... please don't hate me. And give me your power stones. [It's for the greater good! Called Charity] And the romance part from this onwards will progress rather quickly. I wanted to do a slow burn, but Max's and Felicia's goals are different, so it's hard to write that way.)

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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