Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 117 - [71]

Shuri's Iron-Panther suit, as she dubbed it, was rather light compared to the other metallic suits that Max encountered. It was around 5kg from what Max could guess, though it was actually heavier than T'Challa's Panther-suit. But then again, it had more functionalities than the Panther-Habit.

The suit had a purple-metallic finish to it, thin visible circuits could be seen from the outside. Giving it an aesthetic look, as well as the power of redistributing energy if needed.

In the middle of the c.h.e.s.t was a circular arc reactor, but this one was very small, not bigger than a ping-pong ball. Her panther suit also had a white mane covering her around the neck, so the arc-reactor could be barely visible.

There were also gauntlets attached around the arm part area. It could be used to strike very strong punches and destructive blasts. While her legs had a little bulky boots around it, so that she could use it to jump around.

"You said, you wanted to fly… But I don't see any way that could be possible." Max said looking at the suit as it was showcased on a humanoid dummy.

Shuri smirked, not saying anything, she pressed the suit around the neck area as the suit started to retract itself. Then only a purple necklace with a pendant remained. Max whistled at the part, it was always a wonder seeing Vibranium at work.

With this type of metal at hand, he was rather skeptical as to how an ordinary villain would do against it. But it also brought a concern, he liked peace, he loved it. Who wanted to suit up in tight clothes and show off their skills, not him. Absolutely not.

But if the future heroes were to slack off due to having everything at hand, they would suck thumbs when Thanos gets here. If it's like the Anti-Hero Thanos from the MCU, Max would have nothing to worry about.

But seeing various Marvel Comics elements he was rather skeptical of his chances to fight that version of Thanos. Heck with his luck Max wouldn't be surprised if this Thanos was as powerful as his comic counterpart. And fighting him needed preparation. Lots of it.

In his musing, Max missed the part where Shuri put on her suit. But one thing was that, she made it in a way, where her clothes underneath wouldn't fall off every-time she activated her suit.

"Tada… how do I look." She said, spinning as if showing a new dress, Max suppressed an eye-roll at that. Teenagers!

"Not bad, but how are you going to fly again?" Max asked. The equipment on the legs and arms were not repulsors, and they aren't suited for flying.

Shuri grinned, as her suit, extracted two bone-like structures from the shoulder blades, transforming into blue semi-transparent wings. Her wing design was heavily inspired from old-school Gundam comics. And it looked rather futuristic at that.


"I know right… I had to spend three days to make them…" she cheered. "Um, also this is an anti-gravity prototype, with this I should be able to fly and have better strength. But there is a little problem."

"Really? I don't see any…" Max said looking at the wings carefully, this was very much how he made his wings. And he was able to fly rather easily with them.

"Um, It's just that when creating them, I based it on the spinal cord and brain function of winged animals. So it's not mechanical, rather it's like a part of my limb… And I kinda don't know how to fly with my new artificial limbs, it feels kinda odd."

"You certainly overdid yourself." Max said, a little surprised. "Well, that's a problem… I could help you with that…"

"Yeah, I know Bayak said you could do that…"

"He's not wrong, but mines are different, they are not actual limbs." Max said. His shoulder blade also produced red-bony tendons and black-and red symbiotic goo poured out of them. Giving them the appearance of crimson-devil-wings.

"Wow, they look rather charming… you designated them for Halloween?" she chuckled at that.

"Now that's what I call being aesthetic." She mused, the red wings looked rather charming and dangerous. Giving it a gentle yet furious combo.

"Teach me Senpai, your extraordinary way of flying…" she said, in a pleading voice.

Max's lips twitched at the sudden Anime-girl. "Ahem… we need free space if you want to fly. Luckily for you, I know a place. It's a few kilometers away from here."

"Just one second, let me get my permission…" she said as she tapped on the side of her head, activating her digital comms. After a minute or two, she said, "I have to be back in three hours or so…"

"No time to waste then." Max said. "Let's go to the roof."

"Um, Max I don't think I can fly yet… Let's take the Fire-fly(jet)…"

"Come one don't be a scaredy cat…" and with that Max dragged Shuri to the roof.

"Now try to fly, at least let me see how high you can jump." Max said, crossing his hand, smiling. Unlike her Max had experience in paragliding so he wasn't afraid of heights to begin with and coupled it with his symbiotic instincts made it easy. But for her, he was going to take one baby step at a time.

She reluctantly nodded, spreading her wings she jumped from her place. As the anti-gravity suit kicked in, reducing her weight made her jump quite high up. She cheered when she was in the air, after some time she still was getting down.

Her fear of heights kicked in making her lose balance, with wobbly wings she started to flap randomly like a bird caught in a hunter's net. She screamed, her eyes wet, she could even feel her sweat inside her suit.

"Calm down, Shuri." Max said. He was trying to make her come back to her senses. But seeing no other way, he grabbed her by the wings, bonding with her. It was the only way she could make her calm down.

Other than the color having a little red in it, the Iron Panther looked the same. 'Calm down, Shuri.' Max repeated until the girl calmed down.

She opened her eyes to see that she wasn't falling. "Yey, I can fly…"

'Sorry to burst your bubble miss, but I am the one who is flying here. Just get used to the sensation.' Max said, it wouldn't take too long to teach her.

With him in control Max flapped his wings at normal speed, going beyond the sound barrier. The girl screamed in excitement.

'Oops, sorry. I didn't know the Gravity-Wings worked this well…' Max said. He wasn't even making an effort with a few flaps he crossed miles.

"Wait how are you inside my head." Only now did the girl notice that Max was not near her. But she could hear her voice.

'I am a symbiote, remember. Now concentrate and get used to the sensation. From time to time, I will let you have control…' Max finished.

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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