Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 147 - 99 | Outside The Facility

Max was satisfied after coming to the X-mansion. Not only did he persuade the X-men to act, but he was also building up future allies. But the most important thing was the X-genes he collected.

Mystique, Magneto, Cyclops, Colossus, and lastly Iceman, it was a bit tricky to get Iceman's X-gene but it worked nonetheless.

Taking Mystique's X-gene was easy, she literally ran into him or he made her. And he got Magneto's from his helmet, there were a few strands of hair that helped. And for others he only needed a firm handshake and voila you have your own collection of X-genes.

But Max needed much time to introduce new powers to his system. He already had seven sets of powers and five of them were coming from X-genes. So introducing new stuff would make Max's powers unstable.

So, Max was preparing to make himself a husk-body he could move around in. But due to the attack in Wakanda, even that had to wait. But Max wasn't complaining. He had enough power already.

For the time being at least. But the sad part was not meeting all of the X-men. It was late December now. And many of the X-men students and teachers had gone to their homes. So he couldn't meet all of them. But that wasn't why Max came here.

He was truly shocked when Dr. Kurt filled his report on the Extremes Virus. He mentioned the virus having certain mutant genetic abilities that he tried to copy from his Lizard Serum.

And after a few minutes into the conversation, Dr. Kurt mentioned what he found in Oscorp. He was afraid that Norman Osborn would do something. But what intrigued Max was the fact that people like Norman were funding projects on creating artificial mutants.

And there is a small section, it was mentioned about X-23. Max was almost surprised seeing the name. And Dr. Kurt shared all the information he had on X-23, but sadly the files didn't include her location.

And so Max came here, to ask for help. But now seeing Wolverine tagging along, he felt frustrated. He didn't like the plan of partnering up with people that he didn't fully trust.

"You know it would be much quicker if I go in there alone." Max said, "Why don't you stay in the plane while I grab the kid and come back."

Wolverine snorted. Well, that certainly wasn't a nice answer. Wolverine was wearing his classic suit, but the color was white, to blend into the environment around the island.

Max moved back into his chair, it was boring to see the endless white clouds. If it was a few months before Max would have been thrilled to sit in a spacious aircraft. But compared to Wakanda Fireflies, the X-men's Blackbird is bland.

Before long they had arrived at their destination, it was an island in the Atlantic Ocean covered in white snow.

The island was a small one. And had been heavily guarded by sh.i.p.s that were sailing in the proximity.

"People are paying a lot of cash for this," Max mumbled.

Wolverine nodded, from up the Blackbird, which was hovering miles in the air, they could see the whole island. Luckily the weather was clear today and they could see almost everything from up there.

"Twelve checkpoints, three air-strikers, five tanks, the base is heavily guarded. Sure you don't want to stay here." Max suggested again.

"Zip it." The hairy mutant spat.

"Okay." Max sighed. It would have been easier if he went all out.

"But how are we going to go down there, without getting detected by any air-strikers or any drones," Wolverine asked, looking at Max.

"That's why I said, I should go there, alone…"

The clawed mutant in his white-wolverine suit came forward. He sighed, "Listen, I really need to see this for myself. I know how bad it feels, and if what you say is right… I just have to see this through."

Max was half expecting an explanation from Wolverine. That went awkward. "Sure… But it's hard for us both to go down there. It may cause more mayhem than necessary, so let's avoid the surveillance as much as we can."

"And we will do that how?"

Max smiled, pulling out a small egg-shaped silver ball, pressing it, and it transformed into a palm-sized mechanical fly made out of translucent blue steel. Max then held the device in one hand, before moving another in front of it. "And it magically vanished." Max finished smiling, pointing at the outside.

Wolverine followed his finger and was surprised to see the mechanical fly outside of the window. "That's a nice parlor trick." He said, "But that will help us how?"

"Patience my friend," Max said, as the mechanical fly left and a transparent screen appeared on the Blackbird's holographic table. It was the live feed of the small device.

The mechanical fly steadily flew towards the base. The island was so guarded that it wasn't on any map. Many powerful people were looking after this project to take such security measures.

So he waited. From the fly, they could see the highly advanced weaponry that was placed on the ground. Additionally, units of soldiers and sentinels marching on the ground could be seen.

The island was almost circular in shape as if it was man-made. There were twelve checkpoints, ending with long towers above, around the outside perimeter of the island. Each tower had two snipers on it.

Then there were four military camps, each having modern artillery on hand. It was surprising to see so much firepower. With it, one could actually take out an underdeveloped country if they wanted to. Some people were hiding secrets deep within the facility.

In the middle was a well-built, three stories building. It also went deep underground. But it was unknown how many floors were there underneath.

The mechanical fly went along the walls, slipping through an air vent. Until it reached a security center. It was hard to navigate and find the security room. But now that it was here,Max commanded the fly to attach itself to a working computer and upload Walter(his A.I.) onto it.

------- (A/N) ---------

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