Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 21 - Wierd Powers, Part 1

As Max exited the lab, he hastily bonded back with Bayak. Because he was feeling really nauseated. And he was also having bad headaches from time to time.

'Ah, is this because of that damn octopus? Why did my damn body, do that?' Max asked himself he wanted to stop the ongoing headache, it was excruciating. But after bonding back with Bayak he felt better again.

'If I am not wrong that should be some kind of Magic, cause technology couldn't just glow & spawn red octopuses. It's either that or that was some kind of Mutant Mind Control Ability.' Max thought as he was getting better.

And the moment he bonded back with Bayak he felt relieved. 'Why is it when I bond back with this cat that I feel better? And is my symbiotic body only capable of fully boding with Bayak without sided effects? If so, then my research of finding myself a body is going to be damn hard.' Max cursed in his mind.

Other than that, it was a lot easy to control & stay in its body rather than any other host. And Max tried it, he bonded with a few animals but it was only with Bayak, that was an easy host for him. He tried the same with Humans but he literally had to make them unconscious to control their body, even then there was a kind of rejection he received.

Only after bonding with Bayak, he was getting better. It's almost as if he was getting stress relieve massage.

'Hmm, Max. Why. Do. I. Feel. Wired?' Bayak asked feeling like was hearing & smelling something different from time to time.

'Oh… that. I am not sure either. It's a bad headache. I am sorry, you have to deal with it.' Max spoke in their mind link. Thinking that the panther was also dealing with the excruciating headache, he felt sorry for the Panther.

'No, not that. I mean, do you smell that. And also what is that weird sound?' Bayak asked.

Max checked what Bayak was speaking about, and found what Bayak was talking about. He was too much in pain to notice, the odd odor he could smell & the random sounds they heard from time to time.

No rather he could smell & hear some things, That wasn't supposed to be there. Concentrating on the sound only made it worse. IT became loud.

Max tried to cut off his hearing from Bayak, but the sound was still there. 'Wait, don't tell me… that's.'


As Black Panther was chasing down Ulysses Klaw, he was shooting out of his Vibranium Arm onto the streets, the Thugs followed with their Normal Guns. The streets of Tokyo were in Chaos, many civilians were getting hurt.

Finding it hard Ororo, used her powers to fly into the air to minimize the damage to a nearby building that had caught fire. Seeing Ororo flying & using her power, Ulysses was shocked.

"Aui, is that Thor?" one of the Thugs asked another, "Just shoot at that thing" another shouted.

But Ullyses knew what it was, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number hastily, making a phone call.

"Ah… Klaw how may…" the person who received the phone said in a polite British Tone but was cut off.

"F.u.c.k you mate, Why are you guys interfering with my work," Ullyses cursed the man that was on the other side of the phone.

"Hmm, what are you talking about?" the person asked not knowing why he was accused.

"One of your guys, A lady shooting lighting & flying around. White hair, pretty face… Ring any bells?" Klaw said the last part shouting.

There was a silence for a few moments before the man spoke.

"Oh… yes, she isn't ours, but we do have some scores to settle. Don't worry I have one of my men near your location." The man said before the Black Panther jumped onto the car of Kalw, Stopping it.


On the snowy mountains of the Jabari Tribe,

In a dark room, one old man was kneeling down with his head down. While there was a 'Thing' sitting on his mighty Throne opposite to the man, His throne looked futuristic almost unique as it gave off a red Glow, from time to time. As if it was a beating heart. The shadow covered the 'Thing's' face so only his red pupils were visible from the darkness.

"What, do you want?" the 'Thing' that sat on the Throne asked with an authoritarian voice. While gem-like Red his eyes were looking at the kneeling man with disinterest.

"Oh, the great one. I ask you of a favor, guide me & help me." The Kneeling man asked with Fear in his voice.

"Hmm, have you brought the Required 'things'?" it asked.

"My Apologies, Great One. But I couldn't bring them." The man quickly said Bowing down his head on the ground while his body was shaking.

The thing didn't say anything.

Taking this as a Silence cue, the man spoke still not daring to lift his head. "Help me Vanish, my enemy, oh Great One. For, I have found the opportunity for it all."

"Oh, and what is that?" the Thing asked with an amused tone.

"The current Black panther is Dead."

"Yes, I know." The thing spoke getting bored instantly.

Fearing to annoy the 'Thing' the man continued, "I have plans for taking hold of Wakanda…" his speech was stopped as the 'Thing' perked up from his chair and quickly looked out of the window.

The Thing got out of his Throne, and his body was shown. He stood 8 feet tall, with White fur on his black skin, glowing Red eyes small horns poking out its head. The thing went towards the window and looking at the direction of the City of Wakanda.

The 'Thing' didn't look human at all, he looked more like a Thin White Ape then anything, the only key difference is he was wearing a white underling Armor. That hid most of his fur.

And even though it looked like an Ape, it stood straight on two legs. And had a thin body frame.

'This is Weird.' the Yeti, no also known as Vanyan from the Ancient time. 'I felt something, but now it's gone.' The Vanyan thought. He was one of the 'Originators' who escaped from his imprisonment a few decades ago, but the world around had changed, so he only could change himself.

But now, suddenly getting a pulse of energy that he was familiar with the Vanyan looked outside, but couldn't see anything.

He went back to his throne and tossed a vial of Black liquid towards the kneeling man, the man quickly caught it, retreated himself from the room before bowing again.


Who's the Vanyan tribe? Well, I copied some info from Wiki, you can also check out the info for yourself. Just Search 'Wakanda Originators' on Google. Or you can Search 'History Of Waknda' on YouTube.

The Originators are a denomination for a group of several species that existed before man in what would one day become Wakanda. When men immigrated to the Originators' land, they initially co-existed peacefully, but war broke out when men started abusing the resources of the area. The Originators routed the humans, but as a result, the Gods of Wakanda came to existence from the heroes of the people. The Gods of Wakanda and their human followers then fought back and banished the Originators to the Nether-Realms,[1] where they remained until they were freed by Sefako the Adversary.[2]

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