Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 26 - Calm Before the Storm (2)

Firstly thank you to all that donated PowerStones. As I said, Early Chapter.


Max held the device with his left hand, as small red tendrils went inside the machine. He then pulled out a Vibrainium Capsule from his body, opening the lid and setting it up on the machine.

Concentrating on his powers he jump-started the Machine. The Machine glowed Red and started making some noise as it gave off some steam. After some time, Max pulled out the trey & picked out the small object.

Shaking it in his hand, he held it by light, and smiled showing his canine teeth. " Who would have known that My Crazy theory would, actually work" Max smiled looking at the small bullet. He tried to do make a specific type of bullet & he accomplished it. It was quite hard at first, but he could now do it, Quite easily. 'Hmm… I need to print at least a hundred of these.'

Max put the bullet on the table, and it was almost invisible. If you look closely you could see the outline of the bullet.

He set it up, so that when someone fired the bullet. It would turn invisible due to the fast movement.

'Vibranium is the best. Wakanda didn't even scratch its surface.' Max smiled. 'Ok I may be exaggerating a bit but let me have my moment.' Max half wanted to use it with his new rifle. But kept himself from doing it. He didn't want to waste any of his time.

One of the innate ability all symbiote had was a way to turn invisible for as long as they wanted. But for Max, he couldn't turn his full body invisible until he merged with a Chameleon.

Chameleon's Camouflage ability is similar & yet different from Max's innate ability. But it did help him master his Invisibility powers.

And after merging & studying their camouflage ability he found it similar to his power that lets him turn invisible, he gained the ability & more. It was that Max's whole body could produce a slime-like jelly that could activate his camouflage ability.

So, in turn, he wanted to use try to make Bio-Organic Weapons out of it. And Vibranium was the best thing there is when it came to it. He used a small part of himself that would only produce some jelly that could make the bullet invisible.

In theory, it was easy but in truth, it was quite hard to even with his powers to shape materials with Techno-Organic Virus. He needed to have the correct proportionate of both Vibrainium and the jelly to work fully. Or it would either glow red or be a slimy jelly.

Channeling some Bio-Electricity, he held the bullet. Turning on its second function, it was the Science Technology that Shuri used on T'Challa's Black Panther boots.

Max flicked the bullet with all of his strength. The bullet hit the wall creating a bent in it but even with that, it didn't make any sound.

"Now to add some spices…" Max showed a sadistic grin, showing all of his Canine teeth as he looked at his own, masterpiece.

Along with Camouflage/Invisibility, Bio-Electricity which he got from a Large Eel. He also gained a few other tricks, but these were most useful to him right now.



T'Challa was in his room getting some rest, he was heavily injured in the last fight & he needed it. But he couldn't just stay still, his gut told him something bad was going to happen.

And the last time he felt the same way before his Father's death. And this time he wasn't going to take any chances.

He waited for Nakia to leave. After she left, T'Challa got up from his bed, when suddenly his side ached. Smiling bitterly he shrugged off the pain.

He went towards his personal Lab. Even though Shuri was the brilliant among the siblings, inventing many revolutionizing things now and then. But, as the Black Panther, he also had his way around technology.

He wasn't worried about Sabertooth as he just needed to careful next time. And also the fact that Suri gave the extracted poisons to the scientists of Wakanda to find an Antidote for it.

But what he was worried about was the Red Teleporter. When Storm called to check up on him & she also gave him some information on the Red Teleporter along with some powerful mutants that he was maybe working with. She identified him as Mutant with the power of teleportation.

But T'Challa was skeptical about it. The teleporter gave him an odd feeling. 'If that man is a Mutant, then why does he feel like he came from that place.' T'Challa remembered the odd feeling the Teleporter gave off.

In his earlier days when he was newly appointed as the Black Panther, when his father was alive. His father took him to meet a certain individual. It was a sorcerer, well rather a group of sorcerers. But only one spoke to him.

She told him about what they were guarding & history before even Wakanda Existed. Even though it was passed down as folklore in Wakanda. He was astonished to know his Heritage & it was almost all unreal to him.

But then the female sorcerer showed him one of the fossils of an Ancient Race, It was a giant Spider-like creature. Their Sorcery stored its body for more than a hundred years.

"This is one of the creatures that are called Originators. Some called them nightmare creatures, some called them demons." The Sorcerer spoke moving forward. As she deactivated the force field that was around the corpse.

Touching the corpse, T'Challa was surprised that it had some connection with his powers.

The Sorcerer looked at him, "You feel it don't you. The power that Goddess Bast gifted you, it acts to it. Doesn't it."

T'Challa nodded. The sorcerer continued.

"Well, it's because where they came from. Even though they were sealed some of them might get out every so often."

"You see when the 4 heroes that became gods, they sealed the Originators out. So that Humans could live freely. And it was even before the Vibrainium Meteor crashed on earth. But there is a prophecy that one day they would come back. While Your job is to protect Wakanda from the outside world. Our job is to prevent Wakanda... from Mystical Threats." The Sorcerer finished as she held her hand forward as the purple lines started appearing around it.

Then the lines moved from her hands towards the creature, spinning around it. As the creature started twitching from time to time.

"Lasakuta" The Sorcerer spoke an odd language when suddenly the Corpse stood on all of its spider legs, opening its eyes.

And it gave off the same feeling as the Red teleporter did. 'I could be wrong…'

'But… I can't just do nothing.' T'Challa thought as he opened up an old file on his computer. And started working on a new project that he hoped would stop the Red Teleporter.

He didn't know if it would work or not. But he couldn't just sit ideally.


A/N: For those of you don't know Azazel is a Mutant from ancient times. But he is vastly powerful when he is in a hell dimension. Even the Devil Mafisto told that, Azazel was the closest thing to Satan.

But on earth, he is weak as hell. So he goes around the world Impregnating Women to bear his child. NightCrawler is the Son of Mystique & Azazel in the comics.

And another thing for those of you don't read the comics Wakanda has it's own Sorcerers that look upon the city. And Necromancy is a thing in Wakanda. T'Challa & even Shuri can resurrect the dead in the comics.

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