Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 29 - Crisis on Wakanda (3)

Killmonger was getting outmatched in the fight with his cousin, he couldn't even land a hit on T'Challa. He was in a tough position when something caught his eye, there was an oddly swollen place on the side of T'Challa. Ducking a strike he quickly hit T'Challa in the same area where he was injured.

T'Challa was caught off guard, gritting his teeth, he stepped back. Killmonger, kicked him in the c.h.e.s.t, which he quickly avoided it, before charging at him giving him a faint left Jab, Killmonger fell for his trap, & T'Challa at the last moment gave a Right uppercut Right to his jaw.

Sending Killmonger back on the floor, T'Challa quickly picked up his blade falling into a roll & held the blade on his Cousin's neck, "Yeld"

*Clap *Clap *Clap

"Well, I don't think so. But that was a wonderful show." Spoke a person who came out from one of the entrance. The Royal Guards pointed their spears at the man. The Elders saw the foreigners and tried to communicate with their respective tribe's men. Some of the Guards moved towards the foreign man trying to subdue him.

"Oh, now now, one against this many is not… Emma dear would you mind." The man said in his elegant British accent.

Emma Frost came forward & held her fingers on the side of her head stopping all the guards movements along with the Elders who were about to call for backup or inform the city.

"Usually my prey don't live this long." Growled someone, jumping out from one of the caves. He quickly tackled T'Challa. With the Heart-Shaped herb's power stripped away, T'Challa reaction time slowed down quite a lot, holding his arms forward as a cross he received a Power Kick that sent him flying back several meters.

Keeping the momentum T'Challa rolled back looking at the person, in front. It was Sabertooth. Smiling bitterly he knew his nation was in trouble. Without the power provided by the heart-shaped herb, T'Challa was in a bad position.

T'Challa cursed underneath his breath, from what he saw from his guards & even his family was held, hostage. He knew this woman, it was Emma Frost. A mutant who has a powerful Telepathy ability.

He knew if the woman wanted she could also mentally freeze her as well with her mental ability. But he was confused as to why she wasn't. Was it because of their arrogance or knowing that The Black Panther was powerless.

What T'Challa didn't know was that, Emma tried to control T'Challa. But was unable to. She had met people like this before, with extreme will power. If she wanted to control him, she would have to only focus on him, but she couldn't so she just let Sabertooth take care of him.

And also the fact that Sabertooth told her not to mess with his prey, so she could hide her weakness from them.

T'Challa looked at his new opponent, it was not that hard to deal with if he had his suit or his powers. But fighting him along with his so-called Cousin was a death wish.

But surprisingly Sabertooth also attacked Killmongure sending him flying towards T'Challa.

T'Challa caught his cousin. "I thought they were your Back up," T'Challa asked with a questioning gaze.

Killmongure ignored his cousin, "You, I thought I finished you off." he growled looking at Sabertooth. Who smiled showing his canine teeth.

"Well, I thought it would be lovely to take this fine lady to a Picnik. But then I get here, and I like what I see. So I am here to take it. And also you killed one of our candidates for the club as well as putting two bullets in one of my guy's head. So I am here for Payment." Shaw finished his word, with a devilish grin on his face.

Killmongure looked at Sabertooth with hateful eyes, he was sure to put two bullets in him when he was sleeping. He even put the Ambulance on fire so that he would die & not return. But what he didn't expect was that he would come looking for revenge.

T'Challa & Killmongure looked at each other and gave each a nod before jumping on Sabertooth. Even with their efforts, Sabertooth was a hard opponent to deal with.

"Well, Sabertooth can have his fun, Azazel" Shaw spoke with an elegant impression on his face.

With a 'bamf' sound came the Red-Devil looking mutant. Shaw gestured to him.

With a 'bamf' he teleported near Shuri. He held Shuri with one hand & one hand on Romonada.

"Ah… Ah… just take the girl." Shaw said as Emma used her power to control Shuri, before using her telepathic ability on Azazel 'I warn you Azazel, don't you hurt the girl.' Emma said glaring at him. Emma had connected every one of her Club Members with a strong mind link so that she could speak & inform them of any information quickly.

Azazel was famous for his ruthlessness in the Hell Fire Club. And She didn't want to have, the blood of a teenage girl on her hand.

Azazel rolled his eyes before teleporting away with a 'bamf'.

Their plan was simple, take control of the security of Wakanda before they could be alerted. They didn't plan to take Vibrainium but the whole city under their control.

When T'Challa saw the Mutants from the hell fire Club. With Wide eyes he asked himself how did they get past security. But looking at the teleporter & the telepath he could guess how, they came here unnoticed. The only silver lining of the situation was if one of the drones by chance saw the foreigners the Surveillance System would alarm the city.

But seeing Shuri getting teleported his hope crumbled along with it. If Suri gave access to the security system to them, then the city could be taken over in less than a few hours.

Shaw smiled at how easy it was for them to take over the most powerful country in the world with only just 4 members. 'I am right Mutants are the Superior Species.' Shaw smiled arrogantly at the whole situation.

Their plan was going well, too well actually. When suddenly a bullet was shot towards Emma, Hitting her in the head, freeing all the Telepathic Prisoners from her.


As It was getting too passive, I would love to change the story but I had already drafted up the chapters, so I just uploaded 2 back to back.

I am keeping 3 more Chapters as hostage, So gimme your powerstones to free them.

400 Power Stones for an Early Chapter or you have to wait.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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