Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 34 - Handling Sabertooth

A/N : This Chapter is a bit Dark. So, you can do whatever with this information.


T'Challa's heartbeats started getting faster & faster. As he suddenly jerked up crouching on all four, taking deep breaths, Max cheered in his mind, seeing T'Challa wake up.

But he stayed put and hid inside T'Challa's body. Checking his vitals & internal Organs as they healed themselves.

Max had turned on his 'Mystic Smell' and noticed that T'Challa's body giving off a sweet odor similar to the Priest of Bast had given. Only more stronger.

Looking into it, TChalla's body changed in a way that wasn't humanly possible. As the strands on his DNA, started reforming. As if shedding its skin, to grow a new blue Neon DNA.

Another thing was that Max had a hunch he couldn't copy it. He had to try on someone to be sure.


T'Challa woke up feeling confused at what the Goddess meant. But then he looked around seeing that he was on the rocky ground, remembering what happened he quickly checked out his wounds. Only to be shocked at what he saw.

His left leg that should have been broken with a bone popping out a minute ago, was totally gone like it was never there. He checked out his full body finding no Injuries, it was as if that encounter with the Hell Fire club was nothing but a wild nightmare. But he knew better.

Gripping his fist into a ball, he felt stronger than ever as his senses became sharper. He was very familiar with this power.

'Did someone give me the Heart-Shaped Herb… Is that 'someone' that Bast mentioned.' T'Challa thought, which Max heard due to him still being inside the Black Panther. He tried to access T'Challa's memories, only to get blocked. It was the same as Bucky but much stronger. And something told him if he did something forcefully he would be in deep trouble.

Looking around T'Challa found no one. "I don't know who you are, But you have my gratitude along with a favor from the King of Wakanda." T'Challa proclaimed, not knowing Max was bonded with him.

As T'Challa was leaving Max separated himself turning invisible. Other than feeling a little weak T'Challa didn't notice the invisible goo that separated from him.


Max then went on to see where Sabertooth was he still had some unfinished business with that crazy lunatic. Only to not find him there, following the trails of blood, he saw Sabertooth walking away from his crime scene. Still bleeding from his head.

Max got near him not even caring to turn invisible, grabbing him the head from behind, before throwing him with all of his strength in the Air. He didn't want T'Challa to come. So he just threw him in opposite to Wakanda.

Gaining height and falling due to gravity Sabertooth went through several trees like a wrecking ball, rolling & gaining various injuries. He stopped a mile away from where he was.

Even Max was a little surprised by his sudden boost in strength, looking at it there was a thin layer of Red-Symbiotic goo around Max's arms. It emerged from his back. But Max wasn't in a mood to pay attention to that. Channeling an unknown power into it It glowed Neon-Red

Max was using Shaw's power for the first time. He could easily control his newly gained powers. It gave him a surge of energy almost making him intoxicated. But he wasn't in a mood for the joy around. No, it only gave him an unquenchable thirst.

Max crouched forward, pushing the ground with all of his strength. Flying like a bullet, with a black blur leaving behind a red glow. He used his momentum seamlessly jumping from one tree to another.

The few animals that were there to witness the monstrosity, fled for their lives.

Max saw Sabertooth stuck inside a rocky wall. As he was trying to get out, but Max had other plans in mind as he started sprinting on all four a habit he gained from Bayak. Before Jumping on his feet first to gift the Mutant a dropkick right to his abdomen.

Victor Creed who was shocked at how he suddenly got into this situation, saw a black blur coming towards him, pinning him to the Rocky Wall. As he vomited his guts out from the impact.

He was barely conscious. Looking at the Black Hulking monstrosity that was standing on him, pressuring him with on leg. Sabertooth spat on the Beast, as he looked at it hatefully.

Max grabbed Sabertooth by the head making him dangle in the air "You think you are funny, just because you are considering yourself Immortal." Max growled at his face before he pushed his head down, giving him a knee right on his face, making his nose retreat inside his adamantium skeleton.

Before pulling him up, getting a good look at his face. Max felt discussed, in his line of work he had met this type of man before. They were one of the reasons why the world was a shitty place. And they had all one thing in common. In one way or another, they felt superior to others.

"Do you know how many children lost their fathers? How many Wives lost their Husbands because of you. You could have gone along with everyone, not attacking the poor souls, who couldn't defend themselves." Max growled his words barely understandable due to his anger. As his white eyes started at the Healing face of Sabertooth. "Why am I even lecturing you?"

Max grabbed Sabertooth's hands, holding him in the air in a crucifying position. As he swung him back & forward before giving him a power kick right in his c.h.e.s.t. Knocking the air out of him. Sabertooth could barely growl as he didn't have any air to scream with.

It didn't crack his ribs due to it being adamantium, but that wasn't Max's intention, to begin with. Dropping Sabertooth's body on the ground, still pinning him down with one leg. He started to pull his arms apart.

With wide eyes, Sabertooth felt his Arms getting ripped from fiber to fiber. As he screamed until he lost consciousness. As blood gushed out from where his hands should be.

Sabertooth was unconscious, but Max didn't like that he wanted him to feel pain. And make him suffer for what he did. So he grabbed Sabertooth's head dangling him in the air. Charging him with Bio-Electricity, he mixed in his Energy manipulation to Boost the Output of it. Making the yellow lightning red, as it caramelized his flesh beneath making his skin brown because of it.

It did the job, Making Sabertooh wake & sober ready for more punishment. Sabertooth looked at the monstrosity as his heart was racing with fear, lungs surging - brows sweating. He had met far stronger opponents but survived each time.

"You… Bloody… F.u.c.ker…" Sabertooth said in between his breaths. He still thought of gutting his opponent.

Max then looked at Sabertooth before showing a hungry grin, he knew that Azazel left. He couldn't catch him without preparations. But he still had Sabertooth, he had counted as he killed 37 guards that were still in Emma's control.

Max tossed Sabertooth into the Sky. As he came down. Max had spawned spikes from his left leg & coated them with Anti-Metal. Pivoting his balance on his right leg, he got into a kicking position.

As Sabertooth came down, max peaked on his toes, with each hand grabbing one of his legs he pulled him down forcefully before kicking him in between his legs. Creating an Audible Crack. Making the armless Mutant's eyes roll behind his head. Not coping with so much pain.

Max held Sabertooth with one Leg. As he bled from his crotch area. His other leg dangling by the damaged muscle fibers.

"You were saying something, Bitch." Max growled looking at the Unconscious mutant.

Even after this, his wounds were healing fast, Max could see Adamantium bones growing from his shoulder blades.

He felt his anger quenched, it wasn't normal for him to do that. He knew it, it was an urge of his Symbiotic Body. IT craved for destruction. But Max held back the urge all this time, not wanted to hurt innocents. But some people didn't deserve Mercy, so he could show them a bloody hell before they died.

Calming down Max took out his communicator, "Griot, I need a few things…"


A/N: Now where is Erik Killmongore?

Anyway thanks to all of you who gave me power stones. I changed my release schedule to make it 1 Epic Chapter per day. And also stockpiling chapters for Patre0n. But currently nothings there, yet.


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