Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 46 - Enter Spider-Man (encounter with Stan lee)

A/N: Thank you for being my Patron : JaxWolf4, Nikkolas , Ryan, andrew, FlowerOfEternity, Azure1, Raymond, Lord_of_boredom, william cloutier, Joey Nguyen, James31292, Qin Yu, Kopikopi (Dark)

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.


"Well, shouldn't he stop it? I meant that's freaking aliens" Eddie asked.

'But he won't' Venom growled. 'He is has a symbiote or something similar to it. I couldn't sense it at first.'

"Is that why he won't do anything. Hey, can you..."

'Yes, I don't want to share this planet.' Venom said in a hoarse voice.

"What… you sure, you are meant to be a hero?" Eddie asked as Venom didn't sound that way. "And I am not going to listen to a Parasitic Symbiotic-Alien thingy or whatever you are.."

'Apologise! We are Venom' Venom growled, 'And work with us at least you will survive.'

"No, we need to give the evidence to the police so that the Avengers or whoever it is, can come and save our sorry asses. I am in a messed up situation already. I am not going to listen to you or that freak that disappears from time to time." Eddie shouted to himself.

Before he took out his smart-phone, and typed a name, while venom asked, 'What are you doing?'

"I am calling a guy… who can help us," Eddie said as he made the call.

After some time, someone picked up. "Hi, is it you... Eddie. Wow, I haven't heard from you in a while after… Sorry, It was just…" said a fast-paced voice.

"Peter, stop it. I know what you did & also know your Spider-Man... But I need your help, can you call the Avengers or something or even Iron-Man, an Alien Invasion is coming."

"Oh, what now. I thought you left New York because of the crimes. How did you get yourself into an Alien Invasion." Peter asked, shocked over the phone.

"Petes, I just did. That's why I 'left' Daily Bugle & moved into San-Fransisco. Now, if you would 'please' send some 'big guns' to the Life Foundation. There is a possible an Alien Invasion coming…" But Eddie was cut off.

"Aliens, you mean from the Alien movies, Like Predator?"

"Yes, Brain-eating ones just tell the Avengers… Damn it." Eddie said as few men tied gun him down. Turning Venom, Eddie jumped through the window.

Max was pondering over what Eddie did. 'Spider-Man, huh. Just How many people know his real identity, anyway?' MCU did joke around with Peter's identity a lot.

On the other side, Peter heard the bullets firing before the call was cut off. He looked at Ned, who was coding on his laptop.

"Bad news, Ned. One of my Co-Workers is in danger; he said something about an Alien Invasion." Peter said anxiously.

"That's great, Peter. Go there & stop it" Ned said too excited rather than anything. "I will be your man in the chair."

Peter blinked several times assuring he heard it right.

"Oh, sorry it came out the wrong way. But it's our first Alien encounter dude. Go." Ned said, still excited.

Peter ignored him as he pulled out his phone, after some try, "No, it's worse. Mr Happy won't pick up my phone. How am I going to call Mr Stark? Or the Shield."

Ned thought for a moment, " Mr Stark did give you the suit, you know. You could just call him from there."


"Peter for a smart guy sometimes you act stupid, sometimes. I am good at this." Ned said, pointing at the Codes that ran on his computer. "I may not be a genius inventor like you, but I am way far above you when it comes to this," Ned said with a childish Pride.

"I did crack the suit. And the AI in your suit is controlled by one of Mr Starks Satellite. If we can bypass that we may be able to directly call Tony Stark." Ned explained.

"But it isn't as easy as you say. Iron-man's system is almost impossible to break in." Peter said as he started suiting up. "But we have no choice… I will see what I can do."

"It's almost Ironic that we are in San Francisco. Sometimes I wonder if trouble follows you or you follow them" Ned said as restarted an old project.

"Oh, tell MJ. I have sickness or something if she asks." Peter said as he jumped out of the window, with a 'twhimp' as he webbed into a nearby building swinging away.

Almost on cue, a knock came on the door. As Ned asked, "Who."

"It's me, MJ. Where's Peter." A sweet voice asked.

Ned was flabbergasted, "He's got a bad… Diarrhea?" he said. "Yes, Diarrhea. You know the Taco didn't suit him."

At Ned's ear-piece, Peter cried out loud & as he cursed his damn friend.

"Is he okay? Should I come?" The girl asked worriedly.

"Ah… no, no. It stinks pretty bad. He's just finishing up. I gave him medications; you don't have to worry about it."

As Peter swinging from building to building doing some acrobatics on air, he saw a mugging happening, "Ahh… Hey, Karen how much time will it take for me to reach, The Life Foundation." He asked his suit's AI, as he punched one of the muggers, dodging a knife stab that came from behind.

"It should take ETA 30 minutes." The AI spoke in a female voice.

Seeing another knife stab coming, he dodged. As Peter shot a web towards the knife, pulling it out of the mugger's hand. As peter gave him an uppercut. Before webbing him up to a nearby wall.

He took the office bag from the floor, "Hey, you should be careful." Peter said to the old man who had a cool mustache & was wearing round glasses. His years were showing through his wrinkled, pale skin.

"You don't tell me what to. Mr." The old man argued.

"Sure thing, just be safe," Peter said, swinging to a nearby building.

"Oh, avoid any Black Slimy creatures at night." The old man said. "They are out to get you."

"Okay, you get back safe…" Peter said, swinging away.

"Kids these days always jumping around."

Swinging by the place was quite far & he had to stop several crimes such as Mugging before he made it to the Life-Foundation building.


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