Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 5 - A certain Cub

"Oh, that's quite a lot of damage," Shuri said as she looked out from her spaceship.

"Yes, it is." Agreed Zuke. Zuke is a female royal guard. She was tasked to take care of the princess with a few others from Shuri's birth.

As the spaceship landed, a few got out of the ship.

"Griot, please scan the Meteor and the surrounding area that contains any abnormalities." Shuri commended the AI of her spaceship as she got out of the ship.

-Confirming Orders- an emotionless voice rang out of the ship. Then the ship flew a few meters above the Meteor and started scanning the Meteor with holographic blue light.

"This is only an ordinary Meteor," Shuri grumbled; she had her fingers crossed, hoping to find something interesting.

"Well, what were you expecting, Vibranium?" Zuke scoffed.

Shuri was clearly annoyed at her comment. But she didn't show it; it would only make Zuke tease her more.

"Oh, what's that!" Zuke asked, looking at a few meters far into the jungle. A few trees were badly burned, so there were ashes. And among a certain area, it was moving.

"Humm" Shuri was also looking at that spot, and sure enough, something was moving.

She was quite happy and walked hastily there. Zuke only followed but was cautious; the other few guards also came.

A whimpering sound came from under the ashes.

"Did you hear that?" Shuri asked, looking at Zuke. To which she nodded. It was an unfamiliar sound.

Zuke then gestured the other guards to go there first. They followed her command.

Three male guards came holding their spear in front of them. The saw or heard the sound again. It was coming from under the log. They moved the log with the help of their spears.

And they found a black cat. No, a Black panther cub, to be precise.

"What is the name of Bast!!!" they were shocked seeing the cub. Its full-body was brutally burned.

Zuke and Shuri also saw the scene, and they felt saddened by it. "What should we do." One of the male guards asked.

They prayed to the panther Goddess and seeing a panther cub in this state, they could only worry.

"Sigh... We have to kill it. The longer it suffers more, the Goddess Bast will be angered." Zuke suggested with a low voice. Pity in her eyes, wanting to put the cub out of its misery.

"No, Zuke. How could you? We can say for sure… if we take it back we might be able to save it." Argued Shuri.

Zuke was about to refute, but she walked by and kneeled and picked up the cub. And started making near the ship with wobbly legs.

The Cub was a little too big for Shuri to carry. 'Sometimes I forget she is still a little girl'- Zuke thought. As she went near her picked up the cub.

Shuri was well known for her brilliance. In her 16 short years of life, she made some revolutionary changes in Wakanda. Nobody was as great at using Vibranium as her.

The cub wasn't losing blood, because the injures were caused by burning. So they hastily took the cub into the ship. She put the cub inside a large pod.

The machine was futuristic for earth's standards, and mechanical arms came out, put the cub in an Advanced healing pod filled with green liquid.

The ship was done scanning. And it showed no result of finding something out of the ordinary. Ordinary in Wakanda at least.

"Sigh… well, at least father can use this piece of scrap." Shuri sighed. The Meteor could be sold out to other countries or to researchers.

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