Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 53 - [9] Rhino & Shocker

When I reach 35 Patr0ns, I will upload 14 chapters that week. In Patre0n Exclusive As well as WebNovel Free-release.


Eddie Brock woke up, from his bed. Or so he thought when he saw that he was sleeping on the edge of a tower. Looking down his fear of heights kicked in, making him slip. As he started to fall, he prayed his last prayer.

But suddenly Black Tendrils pulled him back up, saving him in the process "How… how did I get here?" Eddie asked. "And how did I survive?"

'We have brought you here' said a growling voice. 'Because it's beautiful from up here.' Venom spoke in their mind link with his not so plesent voice.

"Wait, venom. You're real. It wasn't all a dream. Ah… Shit." Eddie cursed his bad luck.

After claiming down Eddie at the city below, he wasn't that afraid of Height anymore. "So, we survived? How? I thought we were dead." Eddie asked.

'Yes, we were also caught in the explosion but while we were dying 'that' person came. And helped us.' Venom said remembering Max who helped him.

"You… You mean Max. That guy, so he was with us. When we were fighting, why didn't he help us." Eddie asked.

"We don't know." Venom answered.

Eddie sighed rubbing his forehead. "Well, at least he kept us alive and me with you," Eddie said the last part grumbling.

'You Don't Like Us!' Venom growled loudly in his head.

To which Eddie smiled, "Chill, I am starting to like… Us. The power also helps."

Venom growled again but this time not holding any negative intent, "Eddie I have learned some fancy new tricks from your… Friend." Venom said. "He is also a strong host... much... much stronger."

"Who, Peter. Yeah, well he's spider-man. And if he is 'much stronger' then why didn't you stay with him." Eddie said annoyed.

'I smell jealousy from you." Venom spoke slowly to rub it in. "But he's stupid. Extremely stupid, while fighting Riot he was pulling his punches.'

Eddie frowned, "Well, he is the 'nice guy' type. So, yeah sometimes it backfires."

As the high wind brushed around they felt calm, After a while, "What do you want to do?" Eddie asked.

'Not me, For we can do Anything.' Venom said before controlling Eddie's body to jump from the roof.

"Wai… wai… Why did we jumpppp!!!" Eddie said as his body started to get covered with black-goo. As it did, a white Spider-logo appeared on his c.h.e.s.t and back. As his hand moved forward making a fist, shooting a spring of web towards the building, using it swing.

"Holy Shit… This is awesome." Eddie said webbing away.


"The trip was awesome!" Ned shouted smiling. He was too happy about his 'team up' with Peter. While the other students just looked at him wierdly.

Peter smiled not saying anything.

"Wish Harry was here. Man, his dad's a d.i.c.k." Ned said.

"Bye Ned, see you at school," Peter said as he started walking away. 'Well, at least he has a father,' he thought to himself.

'No, just having one isn't always enough. And cheer up…' Max said in their mind-link.

'Yes I know, it's just… not the same without Uncle Ben.' Peter sighed.

'He must have been a great man.' Max said.

"He was," Peter said heading towards home.

'Oh, a distress signal.' Max said getting a alarm on the suit, that was connected to New York police station. 'So… let's put your power to good use…'


"Move out of the Arming Vehicle." Said the policeman as he shouted over the mic. Several other policemen were behind their car holding guns, using their cars as cover.

"I repeat, get out of the Armed Vehicle. We have already called for back up…"

"I have a better idea." Said a man wearing a Yellow Mask covering his face. He had a blue gauntlet-like device attached to both of his arms, as constantly gave away blue light. "How about getting Shocked."

As a Blue Holographic electrical attack went toward the Cars. Toppling the two Police Vans, pushing them away. As policemen screamed, some getting injured while others helped them taking cover behind concrete walls.

"Rhino your up."

"Sure thing… Jack." Said the man who was inside an Armed Mech Suit that looked similar to a Rhino. It looked more like an Armed-mech having military-grade machine guns attached to it and an odd Rhino horn on the top.

"Aui, call me Shocker," he said. "And pickup should be here any minute now… You know the plan right."

"Yup…" he replied as he started his suit's auto machine guns firing bullets at the police. The police took cover behind their toppled cars & concrete walls as gun fires rained down on them.

"How do you like this," Rhino said as he fired three missiles at the cops. Seeing the missiles, they started running.

"Not so Fast." Said a voice in his Red Metalic costume swinging towards the Robbers. Mid-Air he aimed his web-shooter towards a nearby Trashcan, picking it up with his web & slamming it towards one of the incoming missiles, destroying it in the prosess.

Taking one out. While the other two got past him, Crouching down he cross-shot webs at the last two missiles catching them in his web. Pulling the cross-way destroying them, before it could land on the police car.

"Hey, your not a Real Rhino." Spider-Man fake gasped.

"Shit… It's spider-man. Be careful with him he got my Previous Boss pretty bad." Shocker cursed. As Rhino started raining down bullets on the Web-slingler, which the wall-crawling Hero dodged with ease. Throwing his webs from time to time, but Rhino's bullets ripped them before the webs could hit its target.

Soon a van pulled over behind them. "Rhino take care… I will deliver the package." He said running towards it.

Seeing one of the Robber making the bail for it, Spider-Man webbed up as he tried to get past the Armed Rhino suit.

But it proved more than tough, "How many bullets do you have anyway." He said swinging Avoiding the bullets to most of his ability.

Timing it just right Spider-Man shot a web covering Rhino's mechanical window. Finding the opportunity Peter tried to get past him when the Rhino suit discharged a sudden jolt of electronic pulse, removing the webs. As he started firing at him yet again.

"Oh come on, when did street thugs start getting cool gadgets," Spidey said making the Rhino angry.

"You bug."

"Actually Spiders are Arachnids. By the way, for a Rhino, you sure have a lot of bullets." He said as he dodged the incoming missiles. "Wish you had the same amount of Brain."

'For Crying out loud, Your suit is bullet Proof, why do you think it's named the Iron-Spider suit?' Max asked.

"I… I know." Peter said too embarrassed to admit him forgetting about his equipment. As Peter jumped on Rhino, ignoring the bullets that rained down on him.

He shot two webs in different directions using it as a Slingshot to land a dropkick on the Techno Rhino.

Making the Mechanical Beast take a few steps back. "Let's play the hard way." The pilot driving the suit said as he started running towards Spider-Man with 4 legs with his horn forward.

Peter was about to jump away when his spider-sense flared up. But he was a tad bit late as he was electrocuted due to Shocker firing at him from behind. He was paralyzed, temporarily taking a full hit from the Mechanical Beast making the Wall-Crawler hit a nearby bus almost going through it.

"Nice one, Shoker," Rhino said looking back at Shocker who was holding a giant Blue-Metallic Device in his hands.

"No, Problemo. Just take care of it." The Yellow masked Villain said. As he started to get the things on to the Van, the Cash the equipment everything.

Rhino stood in front of Spider-Man who was still plastered to the Bus. "Any last words?"

"Give me A few minutes to think", Spider-Man said with a weak voice. Holding a hand up, "A pen & paper to write them down." He said as shot an electric web right at the Mech's face.

-------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. I have introduced Max's love interest there. Help me reach 35 Patrons and I will upload 14 chaps that week.

Change the '0' to a 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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