Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 56 - [12] Training Spider-man

"Thanks, Peter, I had a lot of Fun." She said as Peter stood at the door.

"Yeah, maybe…" Peter didn't get to finish.

"Sunday, bye Petey…" MJ said as she locked the door.

"Yes," Peter whispered pumping his fist in the air.

'Aww… now you guys are calling names. Do you want to say something, Peter?' Max spoke in Peter's head.

"Jerk… But Thanks." Peter said as he left the apartment building, heading home.

After some time, Peter was back home. Opening the door, a loving face greeted her.

"Peter, Ned told me you were on a date. I am so proud of you." Aunt May said giving him a hug. "Did it go well?" she asked the moment she separated from the hug.

Mary B. Parker was Peter's aunt, she took care of him from his childhood after his Parents left with her late husband. She was a woman in early forties but still had a charming smile & a loving attitude.

Ned & harry quickly opened Peter's room, "Did it?" They asked in unison.

"Ah… come on guys. It did." Peter said getting annoyed, as Max was having a time of his life laughing.

"Fu… Well, we came here for emotional support. But oh well." Harry shrugged.

"Ah… I even bought you a new Star-Wars action figure. But now it's mine." Ned said showing him an Action Figure, then quickly hiding it from Peter's preying eyes.

"Why? Didn't you believe it would go well?" Peter asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, there's something in the stove." Said Aunt May leaving.

"Would you look at that time sure flies, meet you at school Petes." Said Harry exiting through the door as he patted Peter's back.

Seeing the two bailing out Peter looked at Ned for answers. Who avoided eye contact.

After some time Peter was alone in his room, laying on his bed. "Max, Thank you. For today."

"Sure Petes."


Shuri picked up immediately, "For Bast's sake you could have warned me, that Bayak could speak." she said loudly while Max felt it was a good decision to reduce the volume.

"Well, what happened?" Max asked smiling.

"He came to my room saying, 'Give Me Meat.' I was terrified. I thought he got infected by a Zombi Virus or something." Shuri finished as Max chuckled softly not wanting to wake anyone up.

"I have a gift for you, open your Komoye bead transmission," Max said as Shuri did. Seeing the files Shuri was beyond happy.

"How did you get those? And two Imprint at that."

Max smiled. "The first one is from an Iron-Man suit. While the second one is from the Iron-Spider."


Max started boxing towards Peter shooting fast jabs towards the Spider-Boy, which Peter dodged barely while some grazed his face drawing blood. Finding an opening Max kicked forwards, which Peter predicted & moved sideways avoiding it.

Seeing this Peter punched his face, which Max avoided gracefully. As he caught Peter's arm using his momentum against him to do an overhand throw.

If it was the Previous Peter it would have worked, but Peter with his fast reflexes held on to Max and used his feet to squat the throw, before twisting Max's hand to release him from his grip.

Before rolling sideways avoiding the kick that Max gave, exchanging a few punches. He darted back while giving a high kick towards Max, who barely avoided it. Getting a few feet away, he darted forward.

Peter jumped forward, giving a spinning kick towards Max. Which was blocked, but Max was pushed down as well a crack appeared beneath his feet due to Peter's strong kick.

Max took the chance grabbing the feet, as he whipped him down on the ground knocking the air out of him.

Peter laid on the floor as he panted due to the exhaustion, "Man your a beast." He said in between his breathes.

Max bonded back with Peter repairing the damage he had inflicted. "Really, that kick said otherwise. My whole body felt that. And I was even holding back your powers."

Peter smiled at that. "Hey Max, do you think it's enough?"

'You should be able to stand your ground with a few guys even without your powers. And that's saying a lot. And using it you should be able to stand off against several experts.' Max said. 'But only one way to find out.'

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Meaning?"

'I booked a fight tonight. The man is a decent fighter. So you should be able to…'

"Hey, why would you do that. I have assignments tonight." Peter rebuked.

'Sue me,' Max snorted. 'This is more important than your silly project & Ms. Conner's like you so you should be able to excuse yourself."

Peter kicked up from the ground, his hair covering his face as he brushed them back with his fingers.

'Now we should start working on your suit. It's been a week already & your fighting style doesn't match the suit.'

"Really but the new suit is awesome."

'But it's not compatible with your Spider-Sense.'

'And our fight doesn't count as practice. Cause your Spider-senses don't work on me. So, the fights underground should help.' Max said. 'Also after you got your New suit you barely rely on your spider-sense.'

"Oh, that's why I can't sense your punches coming,' Peter concluded. "But why do you say that my new suit isn't compatible with my senses?"

"It's because your Spider-sense tells you about your incoming danger, but the New Suit is fully bullet-proof meaning your spider-tingle gets confused. I have tried to fix it. But it just doesn't work. Unless I boosted them with my powers'

'And wearing your old suit would be stupid. That won't even protect you from a knife wound. So, let's start building your new suit. I will help you with that.'

"Before that, Max I wanted to ask you something. When I was bonded with Venom, I felt Stronger, faster & almost unstoppable." Peter said. "But why don' I…"

'Fell stronger? Well, I unlike venom don't want to control my host with Adrenaline or excitement. And there hasn't been any situation where I had to use my powers.' Max shrugged. 'But… if you can manage to reach your limit or fight off a Super-Villain then maybe… heck if you can do the later, I will give you something interesting.'

"I will hold you to it, then," Peter said. "Oh, by the way, if you do use all of your powers. How much would that increase mine?"

'Hmm in theory it would be at least triple your Strength," Max said. "Even without a host, I am at least twice as strong as you.'

Max's power boosted significantly after bonding with Peter, gaining his Super-Strength as well as his Spider-sense & consuming Riot was also helpful in many ways as he gained some valuable information.

From Riot's memories which he could finally access, he found something very interesting. When Max bods with someone be it willing or by eating the person, he gains all of that person's memories along with it.

But that wasn't the case for Riot. Only after a week had passed did he gain his memories it was because his body took longer in digesting a fellow symbiote & it was worth the wait. He hadn't gained any new offense moves other than producing spikes & weapons. Max had that power from the start but Riot's power boosted it to the next level.

But that wasn't the gain, it was the knowledge that came with it. Riot was a wild Symbiote he had feed on various of his own kind young & old gaining there experience & knowledge. And max gained all of his. So, it made Max uncover many truth's about his own symbiotic body.

One of them was he having one of the Awakened abilities of the higher class symbiotes -- It was his memory seeing skill. When Max bonds with someone he could see their memories.

And also found his reason why he wasn't able to use Azazel's power. It was that he didn't bond with him or 'consume' his brain.

So, Max only needed someone's blood to gain their ability but their brains to know how to use them.

'Okay, we are getting sidetracked. Let's start working on your suit.' Max said separating from him. 'First, let's disassemble it…"

-------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. I have introduced Max's love interest there. Help me reach 35 Patrons and I will upload 14 chaps that week.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity & JaxWolf4 for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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