Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 59 - [15] Don't trust Wizards

Max was on top of a building in New York City, looking down at a certain 3 storyes building.

He was in his Human form, pondering over his decision. Taking out his Kimoye Bead & he tapped it.

The Kimoye bead made a holographic video play, it showed a woman fighting, she worn yellow monk clothing, as she fought her way through but suddenly the video blurred, when she suddenly despaired.

Max was in front of the New York sanctum. He took the time to find this place, it wasn't that hard. He wanted to know about his origin. Why he was brought here? Why his Symbiotic power was different & also to seek help in learning Magic.

As he had a Mystical based power already, he hoped it would help him in learning Magic easy. And also to save the bald Wizard chick, if he could.

There was also another reason for him to come here, as he wanted to warn Dr. Strange about Thanos beforehand. Even though he suspected that Sorcer knew it because of the Time Stone. But he also wanted to inform them just to be safe.

With Simple goals, he came to this place.

He then jumped on the said building webbing forward. "I hope it answers some of my questions," Max said to himself as he removed his invisibility as he started walking toward the door that connected to the stairs.

"And... why are you be visiting me?" Said a man, as Max looked towards the source of the Voice. 

Looking at the said man Max recognized it, 'So, Dr. Strange is now the Sorcerer Supreme? But then who was the bald lady that was fighting?' he thought seeing the 'eye of agamoto' around his neck.

"Hey, I am Max. I am a…" 

"I know what you are. But I am going to ask again, what is your reason for coming here?" the Sorcerer demanded.

Dr. Strange was a man of early thirties, with black hair & brown eyes & a goatee he looked rather charming. Even when he was wearing his ridiculous Sorcerer Supreme costume.

"I have come here to seek help and tell you about…" but The new Sorcerer-Supreme made his first move even before Max could finish his sentence let alone make a move. As Max's whole body glowed green before turning purple.

As he suddenly started to lose his shape, turning into his 12-foot Hulking monstrosity. Coma-shaped eyes, sharp canine teeth & a face that could be only loved by a mother, he looked horrifying, like a beast straight out of a Nightmare. Even more so than before.

With Blackish-Blue muscular body, spikes on his lower-back as well as a visible Circular Pattern that looked like two snakes intertwined with each other.

The pattern that was on Max's lower back glowed Purple s.u.c.k.i.n.g the Green energy into it.

"Ahh… What did you do?" Max asked feeling confused as to why he had turned into his Beastale Form. 

"I knew it!" Dr. Strange said, moving his hand forward and making a circular pattern.

Max saw it & recognized his iconic magic, so he jumped forward, trying not to get teleport away. But it was all in vain as the portal opened & followed him, Wrapping him away.

When Max saw where he was teleported, he cursed the Sorcerer with vigor. As he was falling he thought of various solutions to avoid the Lava Floor that was down below.

Yes, Max was teleported to a place that had lava on the ground & judging by the Red color of the sky he half expected it to be Earth. Finding not choice, praying to one above all. He used his powers in a last-ditch effort to save his sorry a.s.s.


'If I am not wrong this X-23 should be a Clone DNA. But what's the premises of it anyway?' he asked himself.

He started a certain program on his computer that he had 'borrowed' from Norman's laptop. Starting it he put the DNA hex values in. And started simulations.

After some failed attempts it showed him the result. That made him gasp in surprise, "Incredible, this will… My work could be finished with this. Did Norman not know?" he asked but soon getting angry. "No, of course he did. He was going to use my research on his Super-Solder program. That lunatic…"

Dr. Conner had enough information on Norman to put him behind bars. But even though he hated that man his research took priority, first.

He also checked the other one called Sym Serum. And found things that he could use for making his work better.

By dawn, he made two formulas, running several tests on a mouse he found the first on more promising. "Let's see," he said as he tested both formulas on different mice, both not having their tails.

The first mice showed a result immediately as it grew its tail at a rapid rate. He checked mice blood sample and saw no rejection what so ever. Dr. Conner who was standing fell on his chair. "I have done it…" he said smiling, his hands shaking due to excitement.

The second mouse didn't show any results but was healthy. Meaning the formula was working but would take time.

"Now, if I can take it to Norman…" he stopped himself. Remembering the dirt he found his boss last night. He now half expected Norman would give credit to him.

"But, if I want to test…" He looked at his amputated hand. 

Quickly going into the storage he pulled out a couple of IV drips & putting them on a hanger Beside his bed.

"I hope this works." he said as he laid on his bed. All of the IV drips were connected with his arm. It was almost a death wish doing it, as too much of IV drip could kill a person.

But if his theory worked then it won't be. Taking a deep breath claiming himself down, he put the First Formula Syringe directly on his amputated arm. As the pain spread he drifted away to sleep.

Slowly opening his Dr. Conner saw a familiar ceiling, holding his heave head he tried to sit up, but the head ace was pretty bad than he imagined as he needs to support himself with his other arm to just sit down.

When he finally noticed he was supporting himself with his Right hand, which shouldn't be possible moving his head slowly to his right arm, he saw it.

"Ha… ha… I have." He said shock & happiness visible on his face, "I have done it. I have cured myself!" he said with a emotional voice.

He had regrown his arm back. His Right arm that should be missing was there, but there was a thin membrane surrounding it. Moving his fidgeting left hand, he removed the membrane slowly.

Releasing the fresh skin beneath, which was covered in body fluids, He tried to move his new regrown hand, it was hard at first. His new hand was almost alien to him. Curling his hands into a ball. He found strength in it.


Later that day, Dr. Conner was sitting in his lab. Running several tests on himself just to be safe. When he found something odd in his body.

Under the microscope, he saw his blood was acting in a different way when he suddenly started to feel sick. Touching his forehead he felt it was burning hot. "Is it one of the reactions?" 

His body's immune system was flaring up, consistently fighting for the dominant gene. As the lizard part of him won, it started changing him. But he was still unaware of that.

Standing up from his seat he moved towards the other side of his lab when something caught his eyes. Looking at the first experimental Rat was missing. 

Frowning he looked at the first cage, only to see the thin cage bars tangled with each other as if someone had forcefully opened the cage.

"Who would ha…" his speech was cut off as a sudden head-ace assaulted him, holding his temples he moved not seeing the Reptilian looking creature almost the size of a kitten that was siding in the shadows.

Holding his head Dr. Conner tried to sit on his chair, but his vision started to blur out. The last thing he saw was his right hand which was oddly green, before blacking out.

-------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. I have introduced Max's love interest there. Help me reach 35 Patrons and I will upload 14 chaps that week.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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