Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 76 - [31] New Shield-s

The next day Peter woke up, feeling refreshed. Jumping out of bed, freshening up, putting on some clothes, he went out of his room just in time to see Aunt May prepare breakfast.

"Oh, you're awake?" She said. "Help me with the table will you?" She asked. As Peter started helping her.

Peter was usually not that late as he was used to waking up early, doing some basic training with Max. But today when he woke up, Max was nowhere to be seen. So he did the next best thing he knew—that was sleeping. This was the reason why he's late.

"Hun, I don't mind you bringing your work buddies home, but from now on, could Tyrone sleep in your room?" She said quietly, making Peter look at her confused.

"They are still under aged and we don't need any—accidents." She said.

Only then did Peter understand what she was talking about. A little embarrassed for not getting it sooner.

"It's not like that." He said. "Their powers cancel each other out. By keeping them together, we avoid the risk of them losing control. They are still new to the super powered stuff."

"Oh so that's how it is. I thought…" but May was cut off.

"Aunt May please don't. Keep your Imagination to yourself." Peter said as May laughed seeing Peter all red.

"By the way, do they know…"

"Yeah, I help Spider-Man with tech related stuff." He said too fast before May could finish the sentence.

"Oh." She said while understanding what Peter meant. "Is that why you are wearing glasses." She whispered.

"No." Peter said as he fixed his glasses. After getting his powers he didn't need them anymore. But when Max helped him with his suit, he crafted these glasses with some of the leftover tech. Now it was much more than an ordinary pair of glasses.

She sighed. " For a moment, I thought you were copying Superman." She laughed.

Peter also chuckled at that, "Don't worry about it. I only have to act till their stay here." He said. "But I think it would be better if Max could help with this stuff. I don't want to reveal my identity just yet. And it was his Idea."

"By the way, you should bring him home a few times. He seems to be a nice kid." Aunt May said smiling.

"That he is." Peter nodded, he had formally introduced Max to Aunt May. "Without him my hero life would be messed up right now." Even so she didn't know that Max was actually a Symbiote, rather she thought him similar to Ned. Helping Peter from the sidelines and training him.

She sighed, "You know when Ben left I thought it was going to be hard for us." She said as her eyes started to water up. "He would have been proud seeing you right now." She said, drying off a tear with her handkerchief.

Peter felt guilt when she mentioned uncle Ben, he still blamed himself for that night's accident. Clenching his fists he promised himself that he would be a man that his Uncle Ben would be proud of.

Suddenly the teenagers got out of the room. "Oh, you guys are awake. I was just going to tell Peter to wake you guys up." Aunt May said, returning to her usual cheery and youthful attitude.

"Now, wash your hands." She said putting the last plate on the table.

"You didn't have to…" Tandy said genuinely happy, her mother had never cared for her. Yet this lady who she didn't know even for a day was this kind to her.

"Oh Hush you." May said. "And don't do anymore of that Hunky-Dory in that room." She said looking at the couple. As they turned red understanding what she meant.

As they sat on the table, Peter started the TV. On it was the daily morning news.

"Ah… Peter that's Spider-man." Aunt May said, looking at the 'Spider-Man' that took out some crooks, and was now live, talking to the camera.

Peter was visibly shocked looking at 'Spider-Man'. Right then he got a notification on his phone. Pulling it up it was a message from Max.

[It's me. XD Meet me at the warehouse when you have the chance.] the message said, as Peter sighed in relief.

"Don't worry it's Max." Peter whispered near Aunt May. Tandy and Tyrone were too engrossed in watching the news for them to notice.


After some time Tandy and Tyrone went outside, they were dying to see the outside world. Peter warned them not to use their power in public, before letting them leave.

Entering the warehouse, Peter saw Max humming happily for some reason. He asked him several times what happened. But he didn't seem to answer. So they just worked on their new goal. To free The Avengers that were on Capitan America's side, in the Civil War.

"Any Ideas how you're going to do that." Peter asked, pointing at the hologram of the Avengers that were held in captivity.

"Hmm, It won't be tough for you and me to break them out. But it won't have the same effect unless he does it." Max said, tapping on the hologram, showing Steve Rogers. "So, it's better if we find him."

"Well, that won't be easy. The government has been tracking him for a month, but they still have no clue as to where he's hiding," Peter stated.

"It's hard but not impossible." Max said, taking out his Kimoyo Beads, making a call to Shuri.

"I have been wondering for some time. How can Wakanda own holographic technology, and still be categorized as a third rate country?" Peter asked as Max looked at him, smirking.

"They aren't." Max stated. "They just hide their Technology. Technology high enough to rule the planet. While the rest of the world were spreading war and Chaos, they were hiding, advancing their tech from preying eyes."

Peter was a little surprised but understood why they did. "It's understandable. But how though?"

"It's because of this." Max said, pulling out a Vibranium Crystal. "This metal right here is super durable and can do a shit ton of stuff. So in a way, this is why they have advanced so far Technologically and as a Society in general.

"But The Wakanda royal family and their population, in general, are incredibly talented and versatile using tech. And also they have their fair share of Brainiacs." Max said.

Shuri in this universe was super smart, more so than her brother. But you can't undermine T'Challa achievements, though, he is also one of the leading scientists in Wakanda after his sister. And even their late father contributed a lot in technological development when he was the king.

"The best thing about it though, is that it's fully recyclable, so the total amount of it never gets reduced" Max said.

Shuri picked up the call, "What's up." She cheered, happily.

Max raised an eyebrow, looking at her. "Did something good happen?" he asked.

"Many!" She replied. "My suit is done and Captain America is here." She said, cheering.

Peter and Max looked at each other. "We just found our Boy Scout." Max shrugged.

"But why is he there, though?" Peter asked.

"Oh, Peter is that you?" she asked, moving the holographic camera towards Peter. They had spoken a few times, and it was no secret he was Spider-Man.

"Yup." He said.

"Cap came for Bucky I suppose?" Max asked.

"Right." She nodded. "Well now that he is A Okay, Steve came to check on him. But there was another reason…"

"Oh, before I forget. Go to compartment 23, and give it to Steve before he leaves." Max said, smirking, remembering the project he did before he left Wakanda.

"And what's there." She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Go and you will find out." Max said.

Shuri shrugged, making her way towards the Vibranium Storage that was attached to her lab. Compartment 23, was a small section in there. It was a nice place to hide things.

Walking in, she saw a few things covered by a black cloth. Removing the said cloth, she gasped. "Is that what I think it is?" She asked, holding up a metallic object.

Max smirked, "Yup, Fully made out of Vibranium coated with Adamantium. I even added some few quirks to it."

The object came into view. It was a circular Shield made with the shiniest metal that could reflect any light.

"You made him a new Shield?!" Peter shouted, his inner fanboy kicking in, as he snatched the Kimoyo Bead out of Max's hand. "Hey, Shuri could you do me a favour and show it to me."

"With p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e," she said, showing the shield.

Max cleared his throat. "You can talk about that later." Max said. "And also, there's another shield, so you can add some of your own perks to it, if you guys want to that is." He said as Shuri showed another Shield on the ground.

This one being less shiny, having a blue colored finish. "I didn't coat it with Adamantium yet, so this should be best to work on." Max finished. The teenagers looked at each other through the holographic call, nodding their heads simultaneously, already making plans to cook up something good.

"But first, what's the other reason he showed up." Max asked.

Shuri sighed. "He's asking for help. He wanted help from us, to free the rest of his teammates." She continued. "But, Wakanda just went through a massive crisis. So, Brother had to refuse."

"It's understandable." Max expected that, but what he didn't expect was Steve to ask for help.

"But why is he asking for help though? It shouldn't be 'that—hard to sneak in, I mean" Max asked.

"You don't know?" she asked, frowning. "Magneto attacked the facility when they were being transported, and failed miserably. After that incident, the security has been amped up. Getting in alone is pretty much impossible at this point."

Max was surprised by the new outcome; it did make sense for Magneto to attack. 'Wanda must be his daughter in this universe as well.' He thought. 'But how the heck did he fail, even Mystique alone should be enough to sneak in and free them. Did that Metal head lose his mind or something.'

What Max didn't know was that Mystique was injured at the time of the incident, so she wasn't there to help Magneto. And in this universe, Pietro Maximoff, aka QuickSilver, never died, but was in a coma-like state after the Sokovia (Ultron) incident. When Eric heard his daughter was a captive, he snapped and attacked without any prior planning, resulting in a massive failure.

So, The rest of the Avengers are now treated as prisoners and are housed with Super-Powered Criminals. Apparently, General Ross had taken some careful steps not to let them off without a trial.

"Don't worry. Can you put Steve on line?" Max said. "Alone and on an encrypted line."

Shuri raised an eyebrow, "You are going to help him?" she asked while Max nodded.

"Sure… Bye then" she said, ending the call.

Max looked at Peter. "Put on your Suit, You have a call to make."

------------ (A/N)-------------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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