Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 86 - [41] The Raft (Prison) | Part 2

"You guys in position?" Max asked in his comms. Steve and Bucky gave a short affirmative reply.

The plan was simple, for Max at least; first he would hack into the servers of 'The Raft' and tinker with the surveillance system so that all attention would be on him as Bucky and Steve would go in and free the imprisoned heroes.

It would be a lot easy if this prison were only meant for super-powered individuals, but no, it had to be for the mutant criminals as well. So, a lot of security was put along with a few other classified security measures that prevented the prisoner from ever going out. It is almost ironic how the government could put the heroes here; if it weren't for them, the world would have been ended by now.

Opening the door, Max was greeted warmly as the soldiers firing bullets at the symbiote. He moved his hand forward, creating a black symbiotic shield that protected him and Tyrone from the incoming bullets.

Max peeked from the symbiotic shield; the guards were hiding behind walls and large shields. He nodded at the coordinated attack; it wasn't called the impenetrable prison for nothing.

Max looked back at Tyrone, "Come on, earn your keep." He said forcefully, handing him a hand-sized capsule. The teenager sighed miserably before teleporting.

He ended up in the middle of the group of engaged soldiers; the group was beyond shocked, seeing him appear out of nowhere. "Sorry." Tyrone apologized as he tossed the capsule in the air teleporting back.

As the capsule bomb went off, discharging a massive amount of electricity, knocking out all of the soldiers in the one-meter vicinity.

Max walked forward as he shot a few strands of webs, catching the rest of security. He was showing his face, so he wasn't worried someone would connect him to Peter, not yet at least. And after the stunt he pulled that night on the drug cartel ship, people knew—he was no spider-man.

The two heroes walked forward as they got near the main computer. Max entered a flash-drive as he inserted his 'REMEDY' virus. It was made with his years of skills as a programmer from his previous life, along with his Techno-Organic virus.

Max tapped his com, "It's done." he sighed.

The others knew there was a 'but' coming from a mile away.

"But, your friend Wanda is elsewhere. She's in a manual prison cell; it's on the ground floor." He said. "I am transferring all units to our location; free your teammates before going to the ground floor."

"Are you crazy? They have…" Steve spoke out but was stopped mid way.

"Don't worry, Cap; it won't be a problem on my part." He said. "But I can hold 'em off for only five minutes or so…you gotta hurry." He finished as the doors opened. Another unit of military-soldiers came pouring out of the door. Max put up a shield in front to keep him and Tyrone safe.

But there was a catch this time as a laser-blast hit his shield, making him go back a few steps as the shield absorbed the energy in it. The bullets stopped as Max piked to the side, seeing a giant mechanical robot that was at least 5 meters tall.

The robot was big, almost hitting the ceiling; it was a typical humanoid robot with hideous features that made Max question the creator's fashion sense. It was painted purple along with the head and c.h.e.s.t area. Its eyes gave of yellow lights as it locked on to the targets.

"Now, here's some challenger. I like it." He said, grinning ear to ear, looking at the sentinel robots.

The soldiers were retreating back with their fallen comrades, only a few remained. Few moments passed as two sentinel soldiers came out of the garage door that was as long as the giant walls. As they walked, the metal ground beneath them shook due to the weight.

"Three sentinels on my side," Max said.

"Can you handle them?" Steve's voice came out.

"Yup" he said, without missing a beat. "But you should be careful though. There's at least a dozen of these robots running around. Try to hold them off for a while if you meet one. I will do something about the rest, just after I deal with these three."

The captain thanked him as he went towards the ground floor, Bucky freeing the heroes as he held off a military soldier unit.

"What are you waiting for, that's your practical training—right there." Max said, looking back at the teenager.

This time though, Tyrone was prepared as he took a few steps back. "You're the senior here." He said, showing a cunning smile. "You go first."

Max rolled his eyes, "Yeah…yeah." He said as he lifted up the shield before slamming it down on the floor, grounding it. "Just don't chicken out next time." He said before running towards the robots, even before the teenager could get a response.

As his spider-sense guided him, Max avoided the laser with ease as the sentinels were firing at him rapidly. He could have absorbed the blasts but chose not to; he was going to hide some cards just in case an emergency popped up.

Max leaped forward as he avoided another laser beam. Mid-air he pulled back his hand, curling it into a fist, as black matter surrounded his fist. "Texas Smash." He said as he landed a blow right into the sentinel's c.h.e.s.t, where the powercore should be located.

The sentinel's metallic c.h.e.s.t caved in as it was thrown back; the punch was enough to lift him off the ground before the over-sized robot hit the walls. Even denting the metallic wall it hit.

Max smiled, showing his teeth, an All-Might smile plastered on his face. "Have no fear. Because Shi…" Max couldn't finish the sentence as one of the robots jumped on him. He cursed the metallic tin can for ruining his hero moment.

Max kicked the floor beneath as he leaped out of the way, getting near another. He held his hand backward, pulling out the Grasscutter sword as he spun around rapidly, like a spinning wheel, chopping off one of the robot's arms. He leveraged from the broken piece as he jumped near the sentinel's head. Pushing his sword in, he tossed a few grenades into the cracks of the metallic humanoid. Before he jumped back as an explosion occurred, taking the sentinel out.

The other sentinel aimed at Tyrone as the teenager was teleporting away from the laser beams. Max sat on the first sentinel he took down as he used his Techno-organic virus to figure the thing out. It was a jumble of mess, the person who made this thing didn't know the word 'easy'. Max thought it was not as simple as Iron-man's suit. Then again it's security was as flimsy as the 'the Raft' central system.

He got to work as he took out another flash-drive. The sentinel didn't have a USB port so he needed to get creative.

Max's left hand was still touching the metallic bot's head, as he was using his techno-based powers. He got an idea, and he tried it.

Max created an opening on the back of his left hand; the opening was just the right fit for the flash-drive to go in. Inserting it, he activated the program; it would be needing some time.

"Help me, damn it." Tyrone barked he was getting annoyed at how much he was teleporting.

"Try using your head." Max said, not looking at the teen Superhero. "Peter did say your power came to form a dimension. So, basically, you're a walking talking a.s.s... I mean, black-hole."

Tyrone didn't get what the other was saying until he got to the 'black-hole' part. What is a black hole, it's just a tunnel that connects something to another space or dimension.

Tyrone laughed at what he was about to do; He spread his loosely wrapped clothes as one of the lasers got inside his shadow area. Teleporting right in-front of the sentinel, he released the blast. The robot was blown away by it's own shot.

The metallic giant stumbled a few steps back before falling. Tyrone took the chance as he teleported near a fallen soldier, taking the grandees from him; following Max's lead, he pulled out the pins before he tossed them into the sentinel's c.h.e.s.t cavity. With a 'boom' the robot was destroyed.

Tyrone sighed in relief, looking at the fallen robots. Only three of them were enough to leave no space on the floor.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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