Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 94 - [48]

While Spider-Man was asking his heroes various questions, Tandy was talking to Tyrone about their next decision. Max had offered them to stay, but also said they could leave with Steve's group. As Steve and Bucky would be hunting down the rest of Hydra bases around the world.

The police were informed and would be here in a couple of minutes or so. The heroes were now discussing what they would do. Steve gave an idea to hide in one of Nick Fury's secret bases. After a bit of interaction with the heroes, Max separated from the group.

"Now, why is the cat hiding," Max whispered behind Felicia's ear, making the girl jerk up, she spun around with her claws out as automatic self-defense. She glared looking at Max, before sighing, she really hated it when he did that. And Max of course, as a charming of a jerk he is, enjoyed her reactions.

"I thought you were ignoring my calls last night." She said crossing her arms a little anxiousness and rage mixed in her voice. Max and Felicia stood behind a large pile of scrap metal. It gave them enough cover, to hide from the rest of the heroes.

After Max didn't receive her call several times she became worried, she knew that Max was powerful and smart. But she had seen better people in her life get lost, overestimating themselves. What if something happened to him, maybe he was ambushed, or maybe was he trapped.

She didn't know Max's so called 'Master plan', so she became worried to the point that she couldn't sleep. The night was a moon-lit one, so she donned her Black-Cat uniform and went for a stroll, to get her mind off of things. She didn't know it herself, but slowly, but surely she was growing feelings for him.

Max would have made a quipp at her comment but got the feeling it wasn't a good situation to do so. As Felicia was pouting, crossing her arms. He smiled wearily. He was in a relationship now, and he needed to be responsible for that as well.

"Err… I am sorry. It was just that I needed to help the Captain. And the fewer people knew about this the better. So, I didn't want to risk your safety…" Max said, trying to jumble up his words so that he wouldn't directly have to say he didn't fully trust her— yet.

But then again Felicia could read between the lines and snorted at his poor attempt, but she wasn't the one to speak herself, as she too was hiding something from Max.

"Just tell me next time." She said as she walked away, Max looked at her as the girl jumped from one wall to another quickly making her way up a building. He needed to make it up to her.

"But first." Max then walked towards a shadowy area, turning himself invisible. With sound-less movements, he made his way towards the warehouse.

After getting into the warehouse, he double-checked the security feed to make sure no one other than the people he trusted got here. Well, you can't be too sure in this messed-up universe.

Getting into the new underground lab compartment, he flicked the switches, turning on the lights. The room was big enough for a university student group to take classes. With state of the art equipment, it was the best place to do any genetics research in.

Various mechanical robots could be seen working in the lab. After getting back to New York, Max borrowed a few robots from Shuri for his research. As the girl was still engrossed with improving her own version of Iron-Man suit, she didn't protest at all.

So, now Max made this warehouse his official base. With camouflaged security around it was the best place to hide and do research in.

Spreading his arms Max took a deep breath, as he separated from a body. The body stumbled for a few minutes before looking around, with wide eyes he looked at Max. This person was Dr. Kurt Conner, also known as the Lizard. A genius in the genetic field.

At first, Max wanted to help Steve just to get into the Hero-society, but after a bit of research, he saw various individuals that were kept in the prison. There weren't any powerful mutants there, but he did find the doctor there, spending the last few days in the cell with well known criminals.

Max knew the guy was a lunatic but an innocent one, Max wouldn't have bothered saving him if he didn't need his expertise. As even the Shield was making plans to make the doctor join them.

"How?!" the doctor asked, the last thing he remembered was that a horrifying gigantic monster was in front of him with an open maw, ready to bite him down.

"Don't sweat over the small stuff," Max said waving his arms as if that wasn't an important moment. "Look at your arm first." Max said smiling.

Dr. Kurt Conner slowly moved his focus to his right arm, he gasped seeing that. He remembered losing his arm after the failed lizard-serum attempt. But now seeing his arm back he was shocked, he moved his new regrown limb, "How?!" he asked yet again, this time gratitude in his voice.


------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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