Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 96 - [50]

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A day earlier,

With Emma Frost,

Emma Frost was in the Hell-Fire club, well what's left of it at least. From her council seat, she looked with disinterest at everyone seated around the table.. Some were having small conversations, some were showing smiles and giving compliments left and right, each faking it to a professional level.

She was the 'Black-King' now, quite the bit of a promotion one might add, and she should be happy. She always wanted it, even when she was the second in command as 'the Black-Queen', she always wanted the high seat. Yet now, sitting here was nothing but a chore which she would rather avoid.

Being the Black King should have been enough to satisfy her hunger for power. Except it added responsibility. She sighed, thinking about it. Rubbing her forehead, she leaned back on her chair — even though said chair looked more like a throne, made with the finest wood, polished, decorated with useless pieces of jewelry that shone black like onyx. Her eyes strolled around the room and the fancy round table in the middle. Everyone sitting in their own seats, wearing formal clothes. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, illuminating the large room. Polished wooden walls, with several vintage lamps decorating it — the room looked remarkable, just like the people who occupied it. Every member dressed up and looked the part of being in a high-class society. Some of their clothes were too formal even for her liking.

This was the standard Hell-Fire club attire. Their main objective was world domination. Even though it sounded childish spoken out loud. But they had enough power to control and cause various incidents all around the world.

Soon all the members started discussing the various issues on hand, from funding civil-wars in underdeveloped countries to drugs and big-time contracted assassinations done by the club. But the elephant in the room had yet to be discussed. Then again, most of the Hell-Fire members were without backbone, cowardly hiding behind their massive wealth. When the conversation started, Emma was brought out of her boredom by someone she didn't particularly like.

"We should try to solidify our relationship with them. After our unfortunate failure, if we can get their help… or maybe even bring some of their members into the council. If we can do that, maybe—just maybe the power-gap in the club could be balanced." Said a feminine voice.

Looking at the said female, Emma didn't know what to think of her suggestion. On one hand, her suggestion made sense to join hands with 'them', but she wasn't sure. After Shaw's death, too many club members were too afraid to act.

There was a reason for that; unlike how she was careful covering her tracks before and after going to places, the other members weren't. It started a week ago, many small-time members or those that were affiliated in a way or another with the Hell-fire Club started going missing. After a few days, the police would find their bodies with five claw marks in their c.h.e.s.t, and of course looking at their bodies one could guess the killer tortured them before said killer ended them. Maybe even extracting valuable information from the late members in his way. She didn't know, and she didn't care. Most of the members the killer killed were none but cannon fodders. But she was worried about the person who was doing the killing.

The other club members nodded at the suggestion, mainly Azazel. That red prick just needed girls to sleep with. Agreeing with every whore he came across. Emma scoffed at the fellow mutant before her.

"An excellent suggestion indeed, Selena." Emma said, trying not to glare at her, she didn't like her. She wasn't going to show it to the rest of the club though. "But you forgot that last time your suggestion had cost us both Shaw and Sabertooth." Emma didn't like how Shaw worked, the man was arrogant to the bones. But at least he was tolerable, unlike the other members of the club. Especially the witch and a certain red demon.

Selena brushed off her glare, not minding it. She was beautiful, to say the least, with skin white enough to be mistaken to be an Albino, possessing a healthy pink shade, and black eyes that suited her well to top it off. She was wearing a black dress, her favorite color, that emphasized her pale-white skin. Simple black lip-stick on her thin plum lips and black eye-shadows were the only makeup she had on. An hour-glass figure with above-average c.h.e.s.t size made her look more than stunning. Leaning back on her seat, crossing her legs, while sipping some of the wine in her goblet, she smirked. "If you don't have it in you to make the decisions, then I am always willing to take your seat." She said, chuckling. Following her lead the other members also smiled, some trying not to laugh, others not even trying at all.

Emma glared at the witch. She didn't know what came into her. "You won't. You are still the White-Queen. As the Black King, I can't give you such important tasks, Azazel and I will go there, personally." She snapped her fingers, pointing at her, she said, "But you can take care of the 'Panther' problem. If any more of our members die, the club will lose all hold on things. And that won't be good for any of those present here in this room." She said, as the other members of the club hesitantly agreed with her. Standing from her seat, putting on her white overcoat, she made her way from the round table to the double pair doors. Two trusted guards opened the doors for her to make way outside, and have some fresh air.

Selena didn't say anything, even as she was being insulted. "Oh, darling…You still don't know who's the one controlling things here." She mumbled, taking another sip from her transparent goblet filled with red wine. Then, looking at the Red simp that sat across the table, ogling her hourglass figure, she felt disgusted. Even she didn't like Azazel, and that was maybe the single thing she had in common with Emma.

The Hell-Fire club was once full of the elite members of society, until a certain incident happened to Sabastian Shaw. The said incident awakened the mutant's powers as he took full control of the club. Now the Hell-Fire club was but a husk to it's previous self, as most of the council members were replaced by mutants only a handful humans remained. Selena liked to pose as one of these helpless humans.

But as it was an open secret that mutants were in control, all of them had a crown like helmet on their head so that Emma couldn't read their thoughts.

------- (A/N) ---------

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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