The car crossed a deserted highway in New York and stopped in front of a large fence with a warning sign that said “Danger, No Traffic.”

There were a lot of barbed wire on the fence gate, and it was covered with dust, which looked a little dilapidated.

Not far inside the door there is a lighted hut.

Seeing the comers, a man with a gun came out of the hut.

Eric Seven poked his head out of the car window next to him, and after the two exchanged faces, the man pulled the fence door open and made a “creaking”, particularly harsh sound.

It was as if this fence door hadn’t been opened for years.

Seeing the door open, the car slowly drove inside.

After going up a slope, I came to a large warehouse.

Eric Saiwen got out of the car first, and Luo Bing got out of the car when he saw this, and then everyone got out of the car one after another, leaving only the big man who was squeezed by Luo Bing all the way sitting on the car, and his feet were numb and he couldn’t stand up.

“Let’s go first.” Eric Saiwen glanced at the big man and said to Luo Bingdao.

Luo Bing collapsed with both hands, shrugged his shoulders, and looked “I’m okay” so that Eric Saiwen couldn’t help but take a deep breath, turned his head and walked towards the warehouse.

It was an ordinary-looking and large warehouse, littered with a mess of equipment that I didn’t know what to use.

Eric Severn didn’t make much of a stop here.

He walked to the innermost wall of the warehouse, and I don’t know what switch he pressed, and the wall suddenly rose, revealing a black hole about the size of a door.

There is a long staircase inside the black hole.

Eric Seiwen turned on the flashlight and led Luo Bing down the stairs.

“Hello, Mr. Joker, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” As soon as Luo Bing came down the stairs, he saw a man in a suit who looked very spirited standing outside an iron door and opening his hands to him, and said enthusiastically.

When the words fell, the man stretched out his hand, smiled, and said politely: “My name is Aldrezi Killian, and I have long admired the daimyo.” ”

“Hello, my name is Tony Stark.” Luo Bing looked at Killian, and such a sentence came out of nowhere and nowhere to be found.

These words made Killian’s face, which was originally smiling, suddenly sank.

Seeing this, Eric Seiwen glared angrily at Luo Bing and took a step forward.

“Isn’t this joke funny?” Luo Bing looked at Killian and asked sincerely.

“It’s not particularly funny.” Killian smiled wryly and seemed to raise the corners of his mouth, reaching out to stop Eric Severn.

He glanced up at the young man who was forced to press, and asked Eric Seiwen next to him: “Are these people disrespectful to Mr. Joker?” ”

Eric Seven nodded, but his eyes kept staring at Luo Bing.

“Bring them in.” Killian said to Eric Sevin.

Only then did Eric Severn shift his gaze away from Luo Bing’s body.

He opened the iron door, and behind it was a spacious and bright space.

Inside, there are small laboratories one after another.

Each small laboratory is separated by a small aisle, where several people in white research coats who look like scientists or researchers examine it, holding a platform in their hands to take notes.

There seem to be people in every small lab.

The sound of banging on glass and cries for help came from inside, which sounded particularly miserable.

When the young men heard these voices, they were immediately frightened and begged for mercy from Killian and Luo Bing.

However, he was forcibly dragged into a small laboratory by the big men and locked up.

“Mr. Joker, it’s easy to kill someone, but the hard thing is how to make him suffer more before he dies.” Killian said to Luo Bing with a smile, and walked into the iron door and made a gesture of invitation to Luo Bing.

He took Luo Bing outside a small experiment.

Through the glass door, Luo Bing saw that the people in the laboratory were tall and thin young men who had shouted at him before.

Someone inside grabbed him and injected him with a potion.

He struggled very hard, and the results were obviously easy to see and useless.

After the injection, the men came out and closed the door of the laboratory.

“Number: 105, injected.” A researcher came over and began to record as he spoke.

At this time, the young man who was locked up in the small laboratory had a painful expression.

It was as if the whole body was being torn by something, and he kept struggling.

He pounded the glass of the laboratory desperately, shouting, “Please, let me out!” ”

However, no one paid attention to him, and the researcher held the tablet with an indifferent expression, and chanted in his mouth: “The temperature in the body is 37 degrees Celsius, and the body values are up to standard, and there is no problem.” ”

After a while, the young man began to pull painfully on his clothes, looking very hot.

“The temperature in the body is 42 degrees Celsius, and the values of the body are low.” The researcher continued to report.

At this time, the young man was obviously a little angry, and the original plea for mercy turned into a scolding: “FUCK! You beasts, what have you done to me? Let me out! ”

Still no one responded.

The researcher just looked at the tablet in his hand and kept saying:

“Internal temperature, 45 degrees Celsius…”

“Internal temperature, 100 degrees Celsius…”

“Internal temperature, 1000 degrees Celsius…”

“Body temperature, 2,000 degrees Celsius…”

“Internal temperature, 3000 degrees Celsius…”

A red color lit up in the young man’s body

This red light quickly wrapped his entire body in about a few seconds, causing the young man’s eyes to turn red.

The whole person looked like a glowing flame.

This made Killian’s gaze very hot, even a little excited.


With the sound of a huge explosion, the whole building shook violently.

But in the blink of an eye, the young man was blown up into a ball of mashed meat.

Killian looked at this scene as if he was not surprised.

Just turned the excitement on his face into loss, and said indifferently: “Failed.” ”

When the words fell, he looked at Luo Bing, who had no expression on his face and did not say a word from beginning to end: “Mr. Clown, what do you think?” ”

Killian looked at Luo Bing with some smugness.

This pride stems from thinking that he has given Luo Bing a warning.

Although he had seen the video of Luo Bing’s live broadcast.

But he did not think that a person would not be afraid of death, especially such a horrible death.

Just as Killian was proudly ordering someone to bring up the cigar and prepare to light it, Luo Bing suddenly burst out laughing.

Maniacal laughter rang out throughout the lab, and louder than the next.

I couldn’t tell that the man in clown makeup was smirking, but I couldn’t feel that he was happy.

Killian looked at Luo Bing inexplicably, and his reaction made Killian a little unable to react for a while.

“If only it was this warehouse that was just blown up, such a good art will be appreciated by you in a cage.” After laughing for a while, Luo Bing slowed down and said in an almost hoarse voice of laughter.

When the words fell, he coughed sharply twice, looked at everyone present with a strange expression and asked: “The joke I just said, isn’t it funny?” ”

Killian rubbed his temples with his hands and said in his heart: “… What a madman. ”

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