Time passed minute by minute.

In addition to the now nervous Benson and Harley Quinn, the American team hiding under the S.H.I.E.L.D. building is not particularly comfortable.

“Captain, are you still nervous?” The falcon on the side looked at him and teased.

Because of the lack of manpower, the US team invited the Falcon to participate in this operation.

Falcon’s real name is Sam Wilson.

It was someone the American team accidentally met during their morning run.

The Falcon has a uniform.

It was a detachable wing and a pair of red glasses that he had used when he was in the Air Force of Country M.

Of course, these are all things that Falcon himself told the American team.

Whether it is true or not, the American team has not explored.

Just because of frequent morning jogging.

Team America and the Falcon are getting along quite well now.

“Is it obvious?” Hearing Falcon say this, Team America asked a little stunned.

Falcon nodded and put his red glasses on.

“I don’t know if I can be cruel to him if I meet him.” Team America said to the Falcon with a serious expression.

“Have you ever thought that maybe he will cornered you?” Falcon looked at Team America and asked, he knew very well that Team America was referring to Bucky. Because along the way, the American team has been annoying this matter.

The falcon said this in a serious tone.

But because he always had a smile on his face, it was not clear for a moment whether he was mocking himself or persuading himself.

“He’s not conscious now. He can’t be blamed for all this. Team America looked at the Falcon and said seriously.

“So, he will definitely push you into a corner.” Falcon looked at Team America and said seriously.

“Yes, he will.” The American team nodded, brought the hood on his hand to his face, and said lightly: “Let’s go, start the war.” ”


At this time, in the control room of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Benson looked at the clock on his computer, his forehead sweating all the time.

Ten minutes left.

Benson clenched his fists.

Now for him, almost every second is an ordeal.

“Take it easy, hey.” The girl sitting next to Benson saw him like this, saw that no one paid attention to them, and patted Benson’s shoulder.

“Of course, I’m relaxed now… But I still don’t like clowns at all. Benson tugged at the corners of his mouth, revealing an awkward smile and half-joking at the girl.

At this moment, Rumlow suddenly hurried over with three or four men in black.

“Now, start the device immediately!” Rumlow shouted at Benson.

With this sound, Benson fell directly from the chair in fright.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Benson quickly stood up from the ground, he glanced at the time on the computer, and asked in a trembling voice: “No, is there nine minutes left?” ”

“No, change the time now, immediately, immediately, give me the device!” Rumlow yelled at Benson.

Benson looked a little panicked.

Slowly sat down in front of the computer and swallowed his saliva.

He stretched out his hand and hesitated for a long time, but did not fall.

“Hurry up!” Rumlow urged loudly, and from his voice, you could hear that he had no patience at all now.

Benson looked at the computer screen, gritted his teeth, and after about two seconds, as if he had made up his mind, he put his hand down and lowered his head and said, “The captain doesn’t allow us to start!” ”

As soon as Benson’s words fell, Rumlow immediately took out a pistol from his waist and pressed it against Benson’s head.

At the same time, everyone around suddenly stood up and pointed their guns at Rumlow.

The girl sitting next to Benson pointed the gun directly at Rumlow’s head.

For a time, the monitoring room showed a situation of opposing sides.

They are Rumlow leading the Hydra agent dressed in black, and the original S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Rumlow didn’t care about the gun on his head, just looked at Benson and said, “Give me down from your place!” Immediately! ”

Benson didn’t move, just bowed his head, still tense all over.

“The captain said, don’t let it start.” The girl who was staring at Rumlow with a gun said to Rumlo word by word.

After saying that, she also moved the gun in her hand and signaled to Rumlow.

Rumlow glanced at her and didn’t say anything.

“You’d better understand where you stand now! Put the gun down! The girl scolded angrily.

Rumlow took a deep breath, his face a little angry.

After hesitating for two seconds, he slowly removed the gun from Benson’s head.

At this time, the atmosphere in the monitoring room was a little tense, and it seemed that everyone did not realize that at the back of the crowd, there was a man wearing a black agent suit with a hydra and a man with his head bowed and clown makeup painted on his face showing a smile.

“It’s really boring.” Luo Bing muttered softly, “Then let me add a little fun.” ”

When the words fell, Luo Bing raised his head and patted the Hydra agent standing next to him who was nervously looking straight ahead, and said lightly: “Hey, buddy.” ”

The agent immediately turned his head to look at him, slowly opened his eyes, and opened his mouth: “Xiao…”

Before the latter word could be spoken, he was directly shot in the head by Luo Bing.


Gunshots rang out in the surveillance room.

This shot broke the tension.

In an instant, the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. had a gun battle with Hydra.

For a time, the fire in the monitoring room was surrounded by gunsmoke.

“Can’t you say small to men, didn’t your mother teach you?” Luo Bing made a strange expression and said to the Hydra agent who fell to the ground with wide eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the gun to the ground, looked at the two gangs of people who were inseparable, and said lightly: “Neuropathy.” ”

Then he picked up a black clicking stick from Agent Hydra, put it on his shoulder, and turned and ran towards the door.

Because the fighting in the monitoring room triggered the S.H.I.E.L.D. alarm.

At this time, there was chaos in S.H.I.E.L.D.

A large number of Hydra agents and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents rushed towards the monitoring room.

They fired at each other.

Luo Bing shuttled among them, laughing and dodging at the same time.

Looking at the chaotic S.H.I.E.L.D., he ran to the safe passage with some satisfaction.

He is very busy now and does not want to participate in the battle between the two gangs.

I don’t know how long I ran, Luo Bing crossed a passage and ran outside a safety door.

Before Luo Bing could open the security door, he was surrounded by the four agents who rushed out.

“I’ll wait a minute.” Just as they were about to shoot, Luo Bing immediately said, he threw the black electric batons to the ground, wiped the palms of his hands on his clothes, raised them above his head, glanced at the agents who surrounded him and pointed to the security door and asked: “Do you know how to open this door?” ”

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