“Aren’t you going to tell him the truth?”

Team America and Black Widow got out of Tony Stark’s house and got straight into their car.

Black Widow sat in the driver’s seat and did not drive the car directly, but directly asked the American team a word that was enough to make the American team tremble.

Before that.

The American team and Black Widow broke into the Caspian Sea camp.

That is, when S.H.I.E.L.D. was the founding base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Both of them clearly saw the secret information of Hydra floating out of the pile of old computers that recorded Zola’s thoughts.

Winter Warrior – Bucky.

Assassination of Howard Stark.


Black Widow thought that Team America would tell Tony Stark about this.

However, from start to finish.

None of the U.S. team mentioned it to Tony Stark.

“Natasha, I mean if, seventy years ago, who experienced life and death with you and saved your comrades, suddenly appeared in front of you. What would you do when faced with this situation? Captain America took a deep breath, looked at Black Widow, and asked with a frown.

It’s not that Team America didn’t want to tell Tony Stark the truth.

It’s just that Team America knows that if Tony Stark knows the truth, he will definitely kill Bucky.

But this is the last thing the American team can see.

Seventy years ago.

When the American team is not injected with super soldier serum.

He was still a thin little man.

In the troops, everyone mocked him and looked down on him.

Only Bucky, who has always been with him, protecting, even, saving him.

Bucky said to him, “I’ll stay with you until the end, buddy.” ”

Seventy years ago, when Team America was knocked down, it was Bucky who took up his shield to protect himself, only to be knocked off a cliff.

That shield, for Bucky, who didn’t have any superpowers at that time, was still an ordinary person.

How heavy it is, the American team knows very well.

But for him, he still picked it up without hesitation, and finally fell off the cliff himself.

It was because he fell off a cliff.

Only then will he be rescued by Hydra and turn him into a killing tool.

If Bucky killed Tony Stark’s father, then half of the reason was caused by him.

“At least, I won’t let Tony Stark go to Bucky’s rescue.” Black Widow looked at Team America.

She didn’t understand how deep the relationship between Team America and Bucky was.

But she thinks Team America has gone too far for Bucky.

Of course, Black Widow couldn’t have told Tony Stark about this.

In one way, it’s not her thing.

On the other hand, there are too many people involved in this matter.

It’s Captain America and Tony Stark, and she’s not willing to be the bad guy.

It’s just that I don’t agree with the US team’s approach in my heart.

You know, at all times, the US team is on the side of justice.

But for Bucky’s sake, Team America is a little irrational now.

“Natasha, I can’t help it.” Team America frowned slightly, and said to Black Widow: “Only Tony Stark can save Bucky, we have a special status now, and I can’t find anyone else.” And if Bucky is not rescued, he will continue to kill. ”

“The appearance of Pierce made us realize that Hydra has not yet been eradicated.”

“Are you sure that after Pierce dies, there will be no Hydra people in this world?”

“If anything, they’ll still take advantage of Bucky.”

Team America looked at Black Widow and said seriously.

“You just want to protect him, don’t make such a big statement.” Black Widow looked straight ahead and said lightly.

“I don’t want him to be tied down again. Seventy years ago, because of me, he had already died once. I just want him to be free now, even if I have nothing, I still have Bucky. Team America sighed and said seriously.

“No, you still have the Avengers!” Black Widow snapped, she glared at Team America, then slammed the brakes and left Tony Stark’s villa.

Neither of them was talking, everyone had something on their minds, as for what they were thinking.

Everyone knew it, and no one poked it.

At this time, it was located in Tony Stark’s villa.

Tony Stark was staring at the Joker card he was holding in his hand in a daze.

For a moment, he wanted to go to Luo Bing.

He thought he was on the verge of not understanding all this mess.

It has been twenty or thirty years since his father died, and at this time, it is even more difficult to re-check the information than to find Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D.

But what Luo Bing told him, he remembers now.

If he went to him now, Tony Stark was unwilling, at least, he didn’t want to admit that he had lost.

I don’t want Luo Bing to think that I believe him.

But Nick Fury couldn’t ask anything, and Team America couldn’t ask anything after seventy years of ice.

Who can he ask now?

Who knows twenty or thirty years old…

Tony Stark had a bit of a headache.

And now the matter of Pepper has not yet been solved.

But fortunately, Tony Stark knew that Maya Hansen was hated because she hated herself, and she just wanted to drag herself with Pepper.

So for the time being, as long as he doesn’t take tough measures, Maya Hansen won’t do anything to Pepper.

Pepper is always a little safer in Maya Hansen’s hands than in Luo Bing’s.

Moreover, Tony Stark has no way to take tough measures now.

Maya Hansen was injected with the menopausal virus.

Tony Stark’s suit barely got close to her.

So recently Tony Stark was working on menopausal virus suits.

If you can study the desperate virus suit, then the matter of saving Little Pepper will be very stable.

“Fak!” Tony Stark cursed in a low voice, and he crumpled the clown card in his hand and threw it on the ground.

God knows, he’s so annoyed now that his whole brain is almost bursting.

Moreover, the American team also left Bucky in his laboratory.

Because Bucky’s current situation is very unstable and needs to be observed.

Team America is again a wanted criminal, and there is no place for Bucky to recuperate, so he leaves Bucky with him.

He also went to see how Bucky was doing when he was okay.

He was willing to divide three or four doppelgangers at this time.

“Bucky?!” At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly remembered something, and his eyes lit up.

Wasn’t Bucky controlled by Hydra all the time?

Maybe he’ll know something!

Thinking of this, Tony Stark hurriedly walked towards his underground laboratory.

He had to wake Bucky up first, and then ask Bucky if he knew about it.

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