“Mr. Joker. If you don’t like me asking you this, I can not ask. Halle Quinn looked at Luo Bing, who was looking directly at her, and changed the topic with some panic.


Luo Bing’s laughter came out of his mouth.

Without any reason, inexplicable laughter.

This burst of laughter made Harley Quinn’s panic in her heart more and more serious.

She didn’t know why there was this panic.

The more she tried to calm down, Harley Quinn found herself panicking more and more.

“Are you afraid of me?” Luo Bing kept his eyes on Harley Quinn.

This made Harley Quinn more and more panicked.

Indeed, Halle Quinn is afraid of Luo Bing.

But what she was afraid of was not Luo Bing’s identity as a criminal.

It was just fear that Luo Bing would stare at him with his eyes.

Such a gaze seemed to be able to see through her.

“No, no, Mr. Joker.” Harley Quinn said in a panic, apparently not realizing that her voice stuttered a little.

“It doesn’t matter, everyone who sees me will be afraid.” Luo Bing sat on the chair and looked at Harley Quinn and said, “From fear of resistance, to acceptance to assimilation.” Isn’t it such a process for people to get along with others? ”

“No, I won’t be assimilated by you…” Because of the panic, plus the surrounding area is too dark and depressing. Harley Quinn subconsciously said the words in her heart.

It was as if Luo Bing had pierced the secret in his heart and was eager to explain.

While Harley Quinn was studying Luo Bing and watching his video.

Harley Quinn found that she had a different kind of affection for this man in makeup.

It’s like being attracted to something mysterious.

The more I looked, the more I wondered about this paint painted with clown makeup.

What kind of face is hidden.

Such emotions took Harley Quinn a long time to ease.

She is also a relatively famous psychiatrist.

If it is really assimilated by Luo Bing.

She didn’t know what kind of criticism she would face.

“Mr. Joker, I didn’t mean that, and I didn’t think your point was wrong.” Harley Quinn seemed to realize that she shouldn’t be saying such a thing now.

After all, her main purpose was not to quarrel with Luo Bing.

Just why did you suddenly say these words just now?

Halle Quinn herself is a bit woody.

However, Luo Bing did not take care of Harley Quinn.

He just looked at Harley Quinn.

That look is more like looking at a prey.

“Do you know Lorna Dane?” Halle Quinn was flustered by his stare, and at this moment, Harley Quinn changed the subject.

She thinks she can’t suppress it in such a situation.

She had to change the subject.

However, Harley Quinn thought for a long time before she found out.

Except for North Star, there is no common topic between her and Luo Bing.

So Halle Quinn is ready to start with the North Star.

“I am her psychotherapist. Lorna Dane suffered a lot because you didn’t speak for days. Halle Quinn took a deep breath.

She thought that using the North Star thing could stimulate Luo Bing.

“Me? No, no, no. That’s because she sees the world clearly. Luo Bing said nonchalantly.

He spoke in a calm tone.

This surprised Harley Quinn.

Harley Quinn believes that at this point, it is necessary to change the way of talking.

The way of talking just now would only allow Luo Bing to take all the initiative into his hands.

“Mr. Joker, have you ever thought about it, these are because of your business. She could have had a perfect life…”

“A perfect life?”

Before Harley Quinn finished speaking, Luo Bing interrupted.

Not only interrupted.

He also let out a wanton laugh.

He laughed wildly and hard.

This reminded Harley Quinn of a psychological disorder called laughing mania.

“Is this what you call a perfect life?” Just as Halle Quinn was about to say something to Luo Bing, Luo Bing suddenly spoke.

He looked at Harley Quinn and shook his head, “Listen, I don’t want to spend so much time giving you any psychological counseling classes in this cage.” You have disappointed me so much. ”

“If you think Lorna Dane’s life is perfect.”

“Her parents were caught doing experiments, because it was a mutant who was bullied and couldn’t raise her head, and she was likely to be hunted down after everyone knew her identity. And also forbearance. Then I don’t think you’re a qualified psychiatrist. ”

Luo Bing said with a smile.

Such a laugh stung Harley Quinn’s self-esteem.

Would he even say that he was not a qualified psychiatrist?

“But she’s like this now, do you think she’s perfect?” She had to endure the condemnation of her heart! Harley Quinn spoke in a heavier tone.

“Condemnation? What condemnation? Condemned for killing murderers who are going to kill millions of people? Luo Bing grinned at Halle Quinn and said:

“She won’t feel guilty. Because madness is like gravity, it only takes a gentle push. ”

“You take care of the rules of this world, you take care of too much. This will destroy your primitive wildness. ”

“I don’t think you should let your own thinking be imposed on anyone, Mr. Joker.” Harley Quinn shook her head and said to Luo Bing.

“No, no, no, no. I never imposed my thinking on anyone, I just told some truth, but people went crazy. Why is that? This is because the world has become crazy. Luo Bing looked at Harley Quinn, stood up, and approached her step by step:

“The worst thing about having a mental illness is that everyone expects you to pretend you’re not sick.”

“Mr. Joker, how do you think so?” Harley Quinn said with some surprise, looking at Luo Bing who was approaching, and stepped back step by step.

“Because the world is like this. Do you think I’m crazy, am I violent? Luo Bing said, suddenly laughing.

That bright red mouth split in front of Harley Quinn.

It’s like a gateway to an endless abyss.

“Just as scary as the violence is the group of people who pretend to be okay.” Luo Bing stopped his laughter and continued to Harley Quinn: “The world wants you to die. And you think there’s nothing good left of the world. ”

“Because your mind, your body, is trapped in the rules.”

“Those rules hold you firm.”

“But in fact, as long as you try to break these rules, you will find that you have never experienced the real interesting things.”

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