"Chen Xi's ability should be used in more useful places, this doctor, if just being a doctor, is a very good thing for some ordinary people, but for Chen Xi, it is a big deal, no one will expect Chen Xi to just be a doctor."

Wanda felt incomprehensible to the person in front of him who found Chen Xi.

The doctor sighed, he ignored Wanda in front of him, but returned his gaze to Chen Xi's body.

"I have inquired about you, Chen Xi, you have indeed done a lot of things, but I also know clearly that you have only stayed in this city where you live, but rarely went to other places."

"Your city is great because of your protection, but have you ever seen a place you've never set foot in? There was a lot of fighting there, it wasn't even reported on TV, I walked through many, many places with my medical kit, I saw blood, I saw corpses, I saw artillery fire, I saw despair, no one is a savior, I know what you're talking about, you know what other people think, but I just have a small expectation, I hope you can go and see it.

After saying this, the doctor was silent for a while, and then continued: "If you think this is not necessary, then it is just an accident that we often meet."

After the doctor said this, he nodded at Chen Xi, and then turned to leave.

Looking at the doctor's slightly faltering figure, neither Chen Xi nor Wanda spoke.

Wanda hates war, and every time she talks about war, her mind can't help but think of her own experience.

When the doctor disappeared in front of him, Wanda gave way from Chen Xi's face.

“...... What the doctor said, you don't take seriously.

Wanda clearly felt that what the doctor said made sense, but she also knew that what she had just said also made sense.

In cases where both statements make sense, some simply do not need to be said too explicitly.

Because even she had no way to make a decision, she could only use Yuguang to secretly look at Chen Xi on the side, and she didn't know if Chen Xi would be affected by the doctor's words.

"What the doctor said is not wrong, it is true that I only see some relatively large cases, and some small cases are completely ununderstood."

Although Wanda thought that he was hiding it well, Chen Xi saw it all.

After he saw it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"But even if that's the case, so what?"

Chen Xi didn't take this matter to heart at all.

He has arranged for people to deal with the situation everywhere.

If everything in the world, big or small, had to be seen by him, even if he had a doppelganger, it would be of no use.

The war never stops, as long as there is a dark place where there are people, it will happen.

The war has never disappeared without him, can it be that with him and suppressed by him, it will not change?

What the doctor said was really good, but it seemed a little idealistic.

Chen Xi did not agree with this.

"So you're not bothering?"

Wanda didn't know how, and suddenly felt a little lost in her heart.

"It's not that they don't manage it, but some things don't have any effect when they are managed, and instead of relying on outsiders to control, things like civil strife can only be solved by themselves."

When Chen Xi said this, his tone was always light.

Wanda secretly glanced at Chen Xi again, and found that he really didn't want to deal with this matter, so he pursed his lips and stopped talking.

I don't know how what Chen Xi and the doctor said and what Wanda said were spread, and suddenly a lot of teams appeared, which were rebelling against Chen Xi.

They distorted the facts, distorted what Chen Xi said, and only claimed that Chen Xi was simply sanctimonious.

It is said that it is to liberate mutants, and it is said that he wants to let mutants and humans coexist peacefully, but in fact, Chen Xi is doing nothing.

This matter gave Chen Xi and his group a slight headache.

But in fact, it's just that Wanda has a headache for a few women, and Chen Xi still looks calm.

He thought thoughtfully, as if he was seriously thinking about something.

Wanda and the others looked at Chen Xi's expression, and they didn't know what he was thinking, but they were still discussing, but at this time, they suddenly stopped speaking.

They don't want their voices to affect each other.

Maybe Chen Xi had already had some new ideas about this, maybe he had already thought about what to do next.

And Chen Xi was greatly affected by such a scene, which also made politicians very happy.

They just hope that Chen Xi's influence can be reduced and less, and they don't have to worry that one day their position will be directly replaced by someone, and even because of this influence, they have adopted a method of fishing in troubled waters, and they can't wait to let Chen Xi completely lose the hearts of the people this time.

Several forces came down, and Chen Xi's reputation was hacked more and more seriously.

People came soon from Asgard.

Amora's beautiful face showed a trace of anger: "I didn't expect you to do so many things, but they wiped out all your credit, if it weren't for you, they would still be able to live well in this world?"

After some contact, Amora had a good impression of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was still satisfied with the fact that there were girls speaking for themselves.

And for what Amola said, he also had his own understanding: "If you are only infected by these rumors, do not have your own way of judgment, do not have your own understanding, then these people are not qualified to be blessed by me at all, let the storm come more violently." "

Chen Xi is not an ordinary person, and those rumors can't do him any harm.

From this long-term practice, it can be seen that he has not been affected in any way, and even when he heard some statements on the Internet, he even felt ridiculous, and directly read it out and shared it with several women.

Wanda and the others were originally worried about Chen Xi, but when they saw Chen Xi's appearance, their hearts calmed down.

Questions that they hadn't thought about before, this time they had to think.

"Actually, I've always been very curious about where these messages came from in the first place? Is that the doctor? "

Such a detailed content, it is absolutely impossible to say it without someone around, this matter is definitely related to the doctor."

"It shouldn't have anything to do with it."

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